She’s currently seen as wife of both Richard Baker, of Ashford & Richard Baker, of Hoxton in Shropshire
She was the wife of Richard Baker in Shropshire.
The Ashford family had notes here: https://johnsonfamily.talldude.net/richard-baker-3231/genstory/304/...
It seems probable that Richard Baker of Shropshire who married Margaret Elkes in 1603 has no connection to Joice Baker who was married 240 miles away in Ashford in 1624.
Elkes is a familiar mistake. There are two Martha's Vineyard families with Baker ancestry.
Nicholas Butler married Joyce Baker. She was daughter of Richard Baker and Margaret, of Ashford, Kent.
Ruth (Bayes) Norton was wife of Isaac Norton. She was a daughter of Thomas Bayes and Anne Baker. Anne Baker was daughter of Richard Baker and Margaret Elkes, of Hopton, Great Ness, Shropshire.
Online genealogies, including Wikitree, Geni, and FamilySearch have conflated the two Richard Bakers.
posted Dec 13, 2021 by Justin (Howery) Durand
Hi Justin, it would probably be best to comment on and add sources to the profiles of Ann (Baker) Bayes (abt.1618-aft.1681) and Joice (Baker) Butler (1602-aft.1680) so Puritan Great Migration project members can make the changes needed.
posted Dec 14, 2021 by H Husted
thanks for the pointer to www.kentarchaeology.org.uk
posted Nov 11, 2021 by Alfred Butler Jr
David Boulding
Margaret was NOT Margaret Elkes as she was the daughter of Christopher & ___ Merry of Ashford which is confirmed in his 1610 Will from Ashford Kent. Her baptism has not been found. Firstly married to Richard Baker after his death in 1604 she married John Harker a miller in 1605.
Will of Christopher Merry of Ashford who died 1610
Christopher Merry of Ashford [ ? ] PRC17 - 97/334 8 February 1610[11] to son Robert - £20 to daughter Margaret Hawker (sic) - £10 [Note: Hawker was a misspelling of Harker.] Joane, Joyce, Mary & Thomas Baker and John & Elizabeth Hawker, children of my daughter Margaret Hawker - 20sh each Executor : wife [ ] and to have residue Christopher Merry x Witnesses : Jeremie Osbourne & Dennis Evans x Probate : 4 April 1611 [bur.10 February 1610[11]