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Great Migration: Passengers of the Griffin, 1634

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  • John Lothrop (bef.1618 - 1638)
    Origins Children of Rev. John Lothrop and Hannah Howse: Jane, bp. 29 Sep 1614 ; m. Samuel Fuller. Anne, bp. 12 May 1616 ; d. 30 Apr 1617. John, bp. 22 Feb 1617/8 ; d.y. Barbara, bp. 321 Oct 1...
  • Samuel Hutchinson (bef.1624 - 1643)
    William and Anne (Marbury) Hutchinson had 15 children, all but the last born in England. Hutchinson died in Portsmouth shortly after June 1641, after which his widow left Rhode Island to live in New Ne...
  • Hannah Symmes (1632 - aft.1634)
    Source notes Passengers on the Griffin: Arrived at Boston September 18, 1634 Rev. Zachariah Symmes of Canterbury, Co. Kent Mrs. Sarah Symmes William Symmes Mary Symmes Elizabeth Symmes Huldah Symmes H...
  • Rebecca Symmes (1634 - d.)
    Source notes Passengers on the Griffin: Arrived at Boston September 18, 1634 Rev. Zachariah Symmes of Canterbury, Co. Kent Mrs. Sarah Symmes William Symmes Mary Symmes Elizabeth Symmes Huldah Symmes H...
  • Elizabeth Usher (bef.1630 - bef.1675)
    Usher's second wife was Elizabeth Symmes (daughter of Rev. Zechariah Symmes[21]); married September 2, 1652.[1] Their children in this family were Hannah, born December 29, 1653; died July 24, 165...

Griffin left England Aug 1, 1634 with her master, ?, arriving in September 18, 1634, at Boston with about one hundred passengers and cattle for the plantations.

Alphabetical roll:

  1. William Bartholomew (From London, bound for Ipswich and Boston. Ref: Banks Mss. 36 pg 109)
  2. Mrs. Mary Bartholomew
  3. William Haynes, of Salem of Dunstable, Bedford, bound for Salem. Ref: Aspinwall 36 pg 1
  4. Richard Haynes, of Beverly of Dunstable, Bedford, bound for Salem. Ref: Aspinwall 36 pg 1
  5. Nathaniel Heaton of Alford, county Lincoln & Family, link for WikiTree profile.
  6. Heaton Mrs. Elizabeth
  7. Heaton Samuel
  8. Heaton Jabez
  9. Heaton Leah
  10. Heaton Mary
  11. William Hutchinson of Alford, county Lincoln (From Alford, Lincoln, bound for Boston. Ref: Pope. 36 pg 93)
  12. Mrs Anne Hutchinson, wife
  13. Edward Hutchinson (From Alford, Lincoln, bound for Boston. Ref: Pope. 36 pg 93)
  14. Faith Hutchinson
  15. Bridget Hutchinson
  16. William Hutchinson
  17. Samuel Hutchinson (From Alford, Lincoln, bound for Boston. Ref: Pope. 36 pg 93)
  18. Anne Hutchinson
  19. Mary Hutchinson
  20. Susanna Hutchinson
  21. Lothrope John Reverand
  22. Mrs Ann Lothrop
  23. Thomas Lothrop, son
  24. Samuel Lothrop, son
  25. Joseph Lothrop, son
  26. John Lothrop, son
  27. Benjamin Lothrop, son
  28. Jane Lothrop, daughter
  29. Barbara Lothrop, daughter
  30. Thomas Lynde of Dunstable, county Bedford, bound for Charlestown Ref: Aspinwall 36 pg 1
  31. Mrs Margaret Lynde
  32. Thomas Lynde
  33. Henry Lynde
  34. Rev Zachariah Symmes (From Canterbury, Kent or Dunstable, bound for Charlestown. Ref: Savage Gen Dict. 36 pg 1 & 77)
  35. Mrs. Sarah Symmes
  36. William Symmes
  37. Mary Symmes
  38. Elizabeth Symmes
  39. Huldah Symmes
  40. Hannah Symmes
  41. Rebecca Symmes

Charles Banks Topographical also lists:

  1. Rev John Cotton from Derby aboard the Griffin, bound for Boston. Ref Savage. Banks. 36 pg 17
  2. John Haynes from Copford Essex and Codicote, Hertfordshire, bound for Cambridge MA and Harford, CT. Ref: Farmer. 36 pg 44 & 67
  3. Joseph Mygatt, from Essex, bound for Cambridge MA and Harford, CT. Ref: Bansk Mss. 36 pg 54
  4. Mrs Elizabeth Hammond, widow and children From London, bound for Boston. Ref: Hamond Gen pg 565. 36 pg 109)
  5. Elisabeth Hammond
  6. Martha Hammond
  7. Rachel Hammond
  8. Benjamin Hammond



Griffin was the name of a 17th-century ship known to have sailed between England and English settlements in Massachusetts. Several historical and genealogical references show the Griffin making such journeys in 1633 and 1634. The 1633 journey left at Downs, England and landed at Plymouth, Massachusetts on September 3. This 1633 journey carried religious dissidents, including Thomas Hooker,[1] John Cotton, and others totaling 200 people. The ship Griffin weighed in at 300 tons and she saw the birth of at least one child, Seaborn Cotton, during the 1633 voyage.[2] In 1634 the Griffin carried Anne Hutchinson to the Massachusetts colony. Huthcinson's oldest son had preceded her the previous year, also on the Griffin.

Griffin sources: