Holocaust "victims" died 1946+

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Сегодня в 4:26 до полудня

The list of victins here include above 1000 profiles which D year for them is above 1946.
They probably belong to https://www.geni.com/projects/Holocaust-Survivors/2509 project and not to this project.

Please check these profiles and make the necessary changes

Сегодня в 4:29 до полудня

How do you find them? Is there a way to search by D date?

Сегодня в 6:07 до полудня

Hi Dovid, There may be an easier way but here is now I just did it.
Click on "Project Profiles", then on "show advanced controls", expand "Events", scroll down to death, change circa to "after", and enter 1946. Click Update List.
This will list all those with a death year of 1946 or later. I see 1019, latest death is 2022...
No doubt some folks did not understand what this project is.
On the other hand, 1000 is 0.5% of the profiles, so 99.5% are accurate...

Сегодня в 6:11 до полудня

…and 16 victims are still alive (as my search found)

Сегодня в 6:44 до полудня

Looking at some of those who died after 1946, I see that a good number of them were added in the last week.
So, it seems that if this not stopped now, we will be looking at 2000 soon.
One way is to write to those who added profiles wrongly. But that is hard work.
Maybe as a first step the project name can be changed from "Victims of the Nazi Holocaust" to "Victims of the Nazi Holocaust (1939-1945)".
Maybe that will stop people from adding folks who died later.

Сегодня в 7:27 до полудня

Don't those who survived the Holocaust (for example, residents of besieged Leningrad) belong to the victims of the Holocaust?

Сегодня в 7:30 до полудня

The Holocaust: The persecution and mass extermination of Jews who lived in Germany, on the territory of its allies and in the territories occupied by them during World War II (Wikipedia)

Сегодня в 7:37 до полудня

And the survivors of being in a Nazi concentration camp are not victims of the Holocaust?

Сегодня в 7:39 до полудня

Currently doing deeper historical dive and we don't know how many persons perished during this terrible period. Blacks lived in Europe during the turn of the century and many persons described as gypsies were killed in the 1940s. Really sad that many persons of color perished and my take that number was in the millions and is undocumented

Сегодня в 7:46 до полудня

Hi. As you gather your thoughts on this discussion please realize and visualize that if you left Rhodes on a boat full of your neighbors you were a Victim of the Holocaust from that very moment. Either you survived or you were murdered, you were still a Victim.

If you were liberated from a Concentration Camp you were a Victim.

I have already debated this point many times. My additions to the Jews of Rhodes reflect the most inclusive view.


Сегодня в 8:44 до полудня

Dan, this is a modern interpretation to being a victim.
My grandparents did not consider themselves with the same degree of 'victim' as the ones who lost their lives.
This project is about the ones who perished in the Holocaust during WWII.

Частный профиль
Сегодня в 9:22 до полудня

Because the exact date or year of many Holocaust era deaths is not known, many deaths were not recorded until after the war when confirmed by relatives and acquaintances. The introduction shoould be revised as necessary to clarify this issue

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