Edward Finch - DNA Evidence

Started by Debbie Gambrell on yesterday
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yesterday at 10:13 AM

Erica Howton

I can't copy and paste from Ancestry ThruLines into the Discussion here, but I can direct you to Wiki DNA evidence. Of course, the farther you go back up the line, the less shared DNA there is, so by the time we reach the grandparents of this Edward on Wiki - also Edward Finch and his wife Agnes Brothers, a lot of the DNA validated relatives on subsquent generations have fallen off, but look...the Tillotson descendants of Leonard Finch and I are still showing up as atDNA matches to thees lines:


~0.78% Gwen (Stephens) Tillotson Find Relationship : AncestryDNA, GEDmatch LG7023918 [compare], Ancestry member Gwen_tillotson [test details]

~0.39% Don Tillotson Find Relationship : AncestryDNA, GEDmatch FT2436647 [compare], Ancestry member dontillotson1 [test details]

~0.39% Debbie Gambrell Find Relationship : AncestryDNA, GEDmatch RL048381C1 [compare], yourDNAportal DEB61504fc4 [test details] + MyHeritage DNA, GEDmatch MG870593C1 [compare], yourDNAportal DEB61504fc4, FTDNA kit #B344317 [test details]

And in addition to what is on Wiki, I have a lot more DNA evidence on Ancestry due to my many ThruLines connections to descendants not only of Edward Finch and Martha Ballard but back to this Edward and wife Agnes, to descendants of Edward's brother Brothers Finch, and more.

So, how do you reconcile the cutting of our lines with the DNA evidence that we're DNA-validated descendants on multiple sites that use DNA matching and validation of lines - Gedmatch, Ancestry, 23andme, My Heritage, and even Wiki? I have loads of cousins who have worked on these lines for decades before DNA and now we all do DNA genealogy to further validate our years of tree work. I guess Genii will now be the only site where all that is dismissed, the line is cut and all our work and DNA evidence is disregarded. I don't know why people spend money to DNA test and rely on all the DNA evidence if it is so worthless and so easily dismissed. Oh well...thrown out because someone wasn't mentioned in a will and had a same-name sister. As I've said before, lack of documentation isn't proof of anything - it's just lack of documentation. In such cases, DNA has solved crimes, identified biological parents, and such much more but is useless on Geni. sigh

yesterday at 1:50 PM

We have a daughter with a confirmed paper trail who is not Sarah Ainsworth and who is Sarah Ballard Eppes How would it be responsible to those descendants to do other than separate the Sarah’s, and send the research needed back to you and others?

Sarah Ainsworth shows as your 6th generation ancestor. That’s a lot of people to account for the DNA matching.

Geni’s family tree DNA based matching goes to the 4th generation. But that’s not good enough to use alone in the geni tree. As an example of how that works out in reality, Geni says, “There are 1646 profiles on Geni with autosomal DNA that matches your own.” For most of them, we have no real idea of how and why we match.

There is no doubt genetic genealogy is assisting enormously. But it’s a clue, not a conclusion, particularly at this distance.

Jarrett Ross (112-1701-241-22) can you assist in discussing Debbie’s points?

Debbie, you might want to look at curator Jarrett Ross’s profession work:


yesterday at 2:39 PM

Actually, I Geni confirms to the 7th generation. I show under many DNA tabs up to 7th grandparents. Ancestry only confirms to 5th.

Geni DNA matches are challenging to connect, in my experience, because we can't find our pathway to the cousin match due to their lack of enough profiles connected, etc. It's not even in the same category as what is on Ancesty or even Wiki. Wiki shows the closest relative matches and has the option to see the Connection to Me pathway and I find that works better for me than I've ever been able to find how I connect to my matches on Geni. I usually have to try to see if the Geni match is also on Ancestry so I can see their tree there. But that's due to lack of tree building on Geni, nothing else.

Erica, it's no disservice to the descendants of Sarah (Finch) Eppes to leave the lines others of us believe are correctly connnected while people continue over time to work on their lines, following the DNA evidence, etc. The disservice is in dismissing our connections even with the DNA evidence, personal family history and experience like I shared about Gov. Cliff Finch being our known cousin and yet you've disconnected us on Geni, etc.

I don't care to continue this discussion with anyone at all on Geni. I have my own network of cousin collaborators and we aren't novices to research. I'm not going to have my blood pressure through the roof and have a stroke over all this either, which is why I've tried to refrain from engaging in these types of discussions. It gets too stressful because I'm too emotionally involved with years of work on some of my lines and having someone debunk everything I've come to believe and just tossing off everything I try to add to the 'discussion' being just blown off - it's very upsetting.

I guess you and Mandy are gonna tell me my dad and Gov. Finch weren't really cousins. They just always believed they were, DNA supports that they were, but heck - what does anyone else know about their own families! The 'discussions' here can just settle any remaining unanswered questions on our line for us with a quick snip of a line.

And I asked Mandy, why doesn't her DNA show as a close relative on those WIki profiles if she's the one related to us and Wiki has it all wrong and none of the rest of us are. And Ancestry has it all wrong. Everyone is wrong except those on here who have made the decisions for all the rest of us in this case.

I'm done. I know what I know. I don't pretend to have all the answers but the answers I do
have add up to more than what y'all are saying we don't have. There are SO many family connections on Geni that are flat out wrong. We see them ALL the time - people with conflicting parents, people with unproven children, and on and on. And for the most part, they all pass with flying colors. They don't get lines cut nearly as much, or so it certainly seems, than those of some of us serious researchers who work hard to 'get it right'.

You have worked with me long enough to know I'm not a copy-and-paste treebuilder. You and I have successfully collaborated on a number of lines. And I've always been grateful for your assistance on those. But you're the very person who told me once that you like the DNA results on Wiki and now you're dismissing my DNA on those profiles. You're the very one who has told me that parents sometimes named more than one child the same thing, but now you're saying that can't be the case with this family. And we all know not every child is always listed in a will. I even gave two known examples from my own lines. Ignored. So, fine. I have other things I can do with my time and energy than to beat my head against a wall and get upset because someone on Geni cut my lines and it affects all my Ainsworth decendant cousins who also believe they're from these lines. Our opinions, input, etc. doesn't matter.

I won't waste my time trying to contribute to the research and tree building, etc. on Geni any further. I won't join any more 'discussions' where the conclusion has already been drawn and everything else is disregarded. I was in tears, Erica. I mean, people I know are my kinfolk on these lines have now been disconnected from me. This affects many pathways that existed for me and future ones I might have otherwise been able to see. And that's just me - not all my cousins it affects as well.

It's one thing in a 'discussion' to reach a point of where each side has had their say and agree to disagree, neither changing their mind about what they believe. It's something else when one side then makes a decision that affects so many others. I mean, the fact that our Sarah wasn't in Edwards will just 'proves' - she wasn't in the will. Ok, that is not carved-in-stone proof that she wasn't his daughter. It's a lot more flimsy as 'proof' than all the DNA evidence, actually known kinsihp relationsihp going back to my dad even, etc. and being told all that is wrong.


yesterday at 3:33 PM

Debbie Gambrell - I’m so sorry you’re this upset. You are indeed a valuable contributor to genealogy and to geni.

AT DNA is to the 4th Gen on Geni (unless something has changed, and I’ll check); mtDNA & Y DNA propagates to the 10th Gen.

I don’t think anyone has said Sarah Ainsworth isn’t related, have they? You (and your collaborators) were challenged to present evidence of parentage, and you presented an AT DNA case.

Curators have discussed our “best practice” in these situations. We “like” the Wikitree approach, it’s more transparent than Ancestry. But in the face of conflicting data, which is what’s happened here, we need more.

From what I understand, the matches were to descendants of ancestors of Edward Finch, and to unproven son Leonard Finch. Is there a match to any of his children named in his will?

yesterday at 4:17 PM

I have saved screenshots on multiple 7th grandparents of mine on Geni where I'm under their DNA tab - I attach the screenshots to their profile sin my Ancestry tree. Geni only shows 'up to' six profiles under the DNA tab, so not everyone who has their DNA linked to their profile always shows up, but my son and I and some of my close cousins show up individually or collectively under the DNA tab up to 7th grandparents. I'm not surprised that you disbelieve me about that as well, but it has been to the 7th generation as far as I have ever been using Geni. I was told that way back then and it has proven to be the case. As you said, check it yourself.

If you'd read the info I shared, I have matches to descendants of multiple children of Judith (FInch) Adams / Atwood who is in the will. I may have matches to descendants of his other children yet to be worked on, as there is no way I'll finish working through all my DNA matches in this lifetime. But I add the ones I come across to my Ancestry tree on lines like this where DNA is our best evidence.

Mandy has given no DNA proof she's related to these folks. Her atDNA isn't on the Wiki profiles. So why is her case stronger than that of those who have the DNA evidence? Can you or she explain otherwise how I have DNA matches to the ancestors of Edward Finch and his line and the wives? They no longer show on Geni, since you cut the lines, but I stil have my screenshots. I just pulled up Agnes (Brothers) Finch in my tree, for example. Before you cut the lines she showed as my 6th ggm. I showed under her DNA tab as her her 6th granddaughter. My son, my close cousins John Hester, William (Gore) Ishee, and Mary Helen Jernigan also showed as her close atDNA relatives. Now none of us do because we've been cut. Interestingly, I often see the same cousins like Mary Helen, John, my son, etc. under the DNA tab of our shared ancestors but I've never seen Mandy Goodwin on any of the Finch and related spousal lines along with us. And that tells neither of you anything? Agnes is just one example. I'll temporarily attach the saved screenshot so you can see I'm right about Geni confirming matches beyond the 4th generation. In fact, I'll even pull up one farther back on these lines and add it too. Going to go add Agnes now so you can view it and then delete it since you don't give it any credibility.

yesterday at 4:27 PM

So here is Edward Finch I's profile

Edward Finch I

He's the father-inlaw of the aforementioned Agnes (Brothers) FInch, father of Edward Finch II. He's my 7th ggf. I'm attaching the screenshot previously on Geni. Since Mary Helen Jernigan and I are the same generation (went to school together) and are older, everyone else has fallen off under his DNA tab but us back before the cut. Notice that no one but my known Smith County cousins from the Ainsworth-Finch lines seem to consistently have shown up under these DNA tabs. Funny about that. Right?

yesterday at 4:30 PM

And notice - it shows me as Edward Finch I's 7th great-granddaughter

All these folks up to the 5th generation, the connection from Sarah Finch are validated by ThruLines DNA connections as well as on Wiki and were here on Geni until you cut the line. But who cares except all of us who that cut pathways for, right?

yesterday at 4:36 PM

You know, I'd have been fine with a note being added to Sarah (Finch) Ainsworth profile saying something to the effect that DNA evidence indicates this is her family line but descendants continue to search for any additional validation of her parental connections. That and leaving the lines connected is something I've seen on other profiles - not even about DNA - just a note sometimes stating that proof is needed for the parental connections, but yet the lines didn't get cut. I was following a pathway today and hit a road block the key guy has two sets of conflicting parents, probably from the Gedoms uploaded. Nothing in his profile but where the Gedcom was uploaded, so no proof he's the son of either set of parents (a very common thing on Geni) and yet that's left intact. At least the Ainsworth researchers have DNA evidence that shows on every single DNA site and did also here on Geni (per the shared screenshots) until our line was cut. Yeah, I'm upset. When I went to pull up those screenshots to share with you, got tears again because all that is gone from Geni now. Glad I saved it, but we still show up on Ancestry and Wiki too, which still counts for many people, thankfully.

yesterday at 4:49 PM

I leave it to DNA experts to study your claims in detail. You are welcome to present them with analysis via an objective 3rd party person. Hopefully Jarrett Ross will be along to assist: you may want to geni mail him directly: Jarrett Ross (112-1701-241-22)

I work with Y DNA and mt DNA from FamilyTree DNA on Geni and from their public spreadsheets, and on historic profiles.

Most profiles on Geni are not DNA connected. That’s not an argument against Sarah (Finch) Epps, whose paper trail is easily seen.

yesterday at 4:51 PM

I said I was done and I only responded because it's you, Erica. I can't do this any more. I don't need the stress of it. I can do my own research and work on my tree without all this. Many people do. And with the Connect to Me option and DNA connections on Wiki having come such a long way, maybe that's where I should concentrate more than on here. People have their Gedmatch kit #s on there, their Ancestry ID, etc. that makes it so easy to cross-check our connections beyond just Wiki sa well. I haven't utilized the site as much as maybe I should and I may find more 'in the will' descendant lines I have DNA matches with on there and I can add them to my Ancestry tree. The only thing Geni has going for it that no other site has is the ability to see multiple pathways to a person, but with lines being cut - that's not the benefit it once was for some of us.

As for your question:

"I don’t think anyone has said Sarah Ainsworth isn’t related, have they? You (and your collaborators) were challenged to present evidence of parentage, and you presented an AT DNA case."

Actually, in my opinion, when you tell me that our Sarah isn't the daughter of the family DNA indicates she is from and disconnect all her descendants from those relationships, that's a very strong way ot telling us we're not part of that family, in spite of all the DNA evidence on mulitple sites, family knowledge of the kindships, etc. atDNA is used to solve cold cases, in paternity lawsuits, etc. but counts for nothing here. I'm not going to keep rehashing all that. We disagree. I just took the time to show you the 6th and 7th generation DNA tab results I had screenshots of since you didn't even belief me about that. Moving on...

yesterday at 4:58 PM

I didn't start this and I never brought up Sarah (FInch) Eppes. She means nothing to me since she's not my direct ancestor. After things rocked along, I did ask Mandy if she has a Gedmatch kit. I wanted to see if she and I are a DNA match. She never responded to that. I'd love to see who our mutual matches on Gedmatch are. She just wanted our line cut, she got what she wanted out of this obviously and she has gone silent. TIme for me to do the same.

yesterday at 5:06 PM

Debbie Gambrell - you’re now being unfair to me.

I’ve given you avenues to appeal the disconnect decision.

I’ve indicated rather strongly that Sarah Ainsworth is not at all ruled out as a member of this Finch family - just not with that specific parentage, because there’s a conflict.

I’m saying it again. I am not disputing the match’s and thrulines. I am not capable of a detailed analysis and evaluation, that’s all.

I think you’ll find Geni’s strength as it’s always been: in collaboration and curating. As a researcher, you use all the sites. Good! So do I.

But geni needs to be conservative, and AT DNA cases, when there are conflicts, need more research.

That’s all. Reconnects are easily done.

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