Looking for my relatives and lngrian lineage - Mustonens

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I am writing in English as I can not speak neither Finnish or Russian (I am Estonian, living in Norway) and I hope other project members can come with suggestions.

My grandfather Viktor Mustonen/Viktor Tammur was born Viktor Mustonen in Pohi village in Ingria in 1931. His mother was Maria Mustonen, father Jaan/Juhan/Ivan Mustonen and sister Tüüne Mustonen.

Father died ca in 1945 in Vologoda, Viktor, Tüüne and mother Maria ended up in Estonia. First were Maria and Tüüne deported and later Viktor arrested for organizing an anti-government student organization (I have copies of some files in archive in Estonia, more in Victor's profile) and he got 8 years in prison, to Norilsk Gulag in 1949. I think Maria and Tüüne stayed in Russia, possibly emigrated to Finland after 1991, Viktor came back to Estonia, but I never met him.

I found a little announcement in the newspaper from 1942 where Katri Jakkimainen is looking for her sister Mari Mustonen, the father's name Viktor's birth certificate. Thus I assume Katri Jakkimainen is my great-grandaunt.

I appreciate any leads and suggestions on how to find documents and information on my relatives.

Hi Kadri

My Grandfaters fafter was married to Sofia Mustonen, daughter of Jakob Antinpoika Mustonen and Katri AntintyräsMustonen (Mustoin) In Ingria 1800-1850.
Not much more information I do not have on Mustonen family. Can it be the same Mustonen family My Grandfather was born in Toksova.

Kind regards

This came up when I clicked on the name: You are connected to Viktor Mustonen/Viktor Tammur.
No in-law relationship was found.
No blood relationship was found.

It is a bit confusing as there is no blood or in-law connection. When my father came to Canada in 1952, he wrote that the first Finish person he met was Pekka Mustonen, a friend from Finland. Pekka moved to Sudbury, Ontario in Canada & lived there for the rest of his life. You can private message me on Facebook or check my father's profile--Toivo Waske.

Hello Kadri! Greetings, Vladislav. I looked in the archives of St. Petersburg and there are 4 files on Ivan Mustonen. The surname Mustonen is common in Ingria. Best regards, Vladislav.

Thank you for fast replies!

Wladislaw: Mustonen is a common name, indeed. How can one look in the archives of St. petersburg? Is there a link to documents or database? (I might ask for proffesional help and if I can point to possible sources it can be useful).

Lea Marjatta: It looks like most profiles tell me I am connected to them. I'll let you know if a Pekka Mustonen shoudl show up in our searches!

Esa Juhani: Interesting, I will keep those names in mind.

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