Quatsy Wolf - Relationship path(s)

Начала Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 сегодня
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Quatsy Wolf is your fifth great uncle's second cousin twice removed's wife.
→ Viet Nam War Veteran, SFC Freddie Ralph Hicks, Sr
your father → Viola Isabelle Hicks (Webber)
his mother → Sarah Ida Webber (Honeycutt)
her mother → Jacob Honeycutt
her father → Dicie Honeycutt (Israel)
his mother → Isom Israel
her father → Sarah Ann Gilliam (Israel)
his sister → Rev Epaphroditus Gilliam
her husband → John Gilliam of Albemarle County
his father → Epaphroditus Gilliam
his father → Richard Gilliam of New Kent
his father → Margery Margaret Gillam (Henshaw)
his mother → Catherine Henshaw (Gower)
her mother → Margery Gilliam (Henshaw)
her daughter → Fortune McLemore (Gilliam)
her daughter → Charles MacLemore, Indian interpreter
her son → Quatsy Wolf
his wife

I've seen the name Quatsy many times and Wolf clan as well when doing online genealogy for Hicks but I am always amazed when a line goes to a marriage relationship path in Geni because of so many of the dead end profiles.
No action requested. Just saw a profile/name tagged in a discussion and thought i would look.

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