Eunice Ntombomahlaba, of Mpondoland, daughter of Poto - Ntombomhlaba Eunice Ndamase, aka Queen Nolizwe Sandile, mother of King Maxhob'ayakhawuleza Sandile, Ah! Zanesizwe

Started by Sharon Doubell on today
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From Sbu Jali Tsipa [April 2024]

Ntombomhlaba Eunice Ndamase, of Mpondoland

She was the eldest daughter (umafungwashe) of King Victor Poto Bhekizulu Ndamase of amaMpondo aseNyandeni (Western Mpondoland).

Her name was Ntombomhlaba Eunice Ndamase, and her name after getting married became Queen Nolizwe Sandile.

She was the mother of King Maxhob'ayakhawuleza Sandile, Ah! Zanesizwe who was born in 1955.

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