DNA Tribes, Haplogroups, Migrations

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In the project as you can see added a part where is title: DNA Tribes, Haplogroups, Migrations.

I have a general question, does anybody maybe know does exist somewhere complete DNA World map with database of DNA's of all tribes on one place, especially of the historical tribes of whole World, suchas Illyrians.

I noticed that at FTDNA exist some few groups of tribes, not too much, and other sources/sites what is separated.

I look for about DNA's of all Illyrian tribes, and where users can possible see and compare their DNA's with them. I already know that was noted as Balkans (such on the site of DNA Tribes, MH test, etc...) but that is not point for what I looking for, because the tribes back more in the history didn't had a same origin, and they today collected in DNA tests as one nation and named as Balkans, and region of this part of World, where they lived.

All Illyrian tribes had a family relationships and connections between each others in some few parts of historical time during their existed and Illyrian kingdom, so DNA of Illyrians tribes were mixed up between them, also with early with natives what they found it when they came to this area and part of World, with ancient Greeks and others tribes, and later when Illyrian kingdom colapsed and destroyed under Romans, they were mixed up with Romans. But separate Illyrian tribes do not have same origin.

You can see and join in the project: Illyrians and participate if you would like colloborate ont he project.

Also see a part in project below down: Genetsko porijeklo Hrvata / Haplogroups of Croatians where is linked: My True Ancestry (Fb profile), MyTrueAncestry users forum, MyTrueAncestry Users Ancient DNA Match Group, Ancient DNA Science and MyTrueAncestry Scrapbook.

Note: The spread of Indo-Europeans at the end of the Bronze Age - according to Gustaf Kossinna's theory.

upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/41/Espansione_indoeuropea_Kossinna.png/640px-Espansione_indoeuropea_Kossinna.png6) The spread of Indo-Europeans

I would like to heard your opinios, suggestions, etc... In advance thanks.

At above of Map based on according to [[Gustaf Hermann Kossinna Gustaf Hermann Kossinna] Gustaf's]' theory, is not correct that all Illyrian tribes had origin from Germans, only one part of them as german tribe who were migrated and came on the north part of Croatia and mixed up with the natives and with other Illyrian tribes in this area and part of World, so later they indetifiy as one of Illyrian tribe.

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