Started by Private User on today
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  • Private User
    Geni Pro
  • Private User
    Geni member
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Private User this guy, AGAIN, has gone to the Mennonite profiles and began deleting. He was reported and I believe, suspended, before, or left on his own, but he recently started vandalizing again. Can you guys please stop him. I don't know if he has multiple accounts, but this is not fair, nor right. I have Mennonite friends on here, and they are upset. I did report his profile, but just wanted to make sure you are aware.

Private User had his profiles deleted, immediate and close family.

Kurtis Richert відсторонив мене від керування профілями, які я створив.
Мова іде про тисячі профілів.
На мої звернення він не реагує. Кілька профілів повернув, потім перестав повертати.
Куратори нічого не вдіяли. Вимушений робити залишки профілів приватними, доки він і їх не поцупив.
Всі питання до Kurtis Richert.

Oleg, he can't remove you from management, unless they are close relatives of his. Some of them were close family of his, and you duplicated the profiles. When you were absent, he may have decided to take you off from co-managing his family. Why is that such a bother, because you and Kurtis aren't closely related.

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