Ferdinand Charles Meurant, Convict "Minerva" 1800 - Divers ...

Начал Samuel Austin - Le Maux сегодня


There are a few details that caught my attention after receiving a message from Lee Hill about this profile. (see message below)

- Birth place name: Frontignac have nothing to do with Frontignan (Herault), town called so since at least 1030
If Frontignac(or Frontenac) is also a grape variety name, it is not involved in the elaboration f the wine called Frontignan ...




- Birth place location: The only place called Frontignac in the XVIII in France which could correspond to his place of birth, supposed to be in Haute Vienne, is the one found on the so-called "Cassini" map, published between 1756 and 1815, and located at the location of the current commune of Saint Sulpice-Laurière (87370). And it is neither a hamlet nor a village, nor a parish.


- Huguenot: "Edit de Nantes"'s date 1598 ... long before Ferdinand was even born. In 1795, the supposed year of his birth, the persecution of the Huguenots was already ancient history...



- And received from Lee Hill

Hi Samuel,
My wife is a descendant of Ferdinand Meurant and I am a professional genealogist. The people that you show as his parents are not his parents. This couple had 2 children - a daughter who died young and a son who was born, married and died in 2 French villages within kilometres of each other in north western France. I have checked the relevant French archives and there is no record of Ferdinand's birth to this couple. These facts have also been confirmed to me by a French ancestor of the son.
Also, the archives do not show his birth in the town that you named as his birthplace.

Thank you for your attention,



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