Anne Constable (Wife of Richard Lee I)

Started by Jacqueli Charlene Finley on Tuesday, March 9, 2010
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Private User
3/10/2010 at 1:00 AM

As fas as I can see you should have access through me, but I will take a look on this when I get to my main PC with a big display. It looks like your parent profiles are cut loose, - could you try to locate them for me?

3/10/2010 at 12:08 PM

How? Give me specifics and I will do my best! Thanks as always cousin!

7/19/2011 at 7:35 PM

I wish I could help you, but instead I have a question. Do you have any information on the Ann Thomas who md Marmaduke ( some say he went by 'Thomas") Constable (1572-1632)? People say they had a dau Thomasine who md my ancestor Wm Lumpkin, but I am searching for some kind of documentation of the connection before I add the Constable line to my tree. For generations we have had no evidence of our family before Jacob Lumpkin in VA (1644-1708), and I would love to determine our English forebears. Thank you for any help on this question or anything else you may know relevant to our line. I would love an answer to if possible.

7/19/2011 at 7:53 PM

what is your evidence for the parents you have given her? can you name a single historical document which provides these facts?

7/20/2011 at 10:38 AM

Jason - here is a link to Anne's Ahnentafel which lists all the documentation and sources by generation/bibliography:

7/20/2011 at 12:40 PM

I must be missing something. I don't see a source at that link, Jacqueli.

It says, "She was not among those who presented her mother's will for probate but this may mean only that she was already out of the country. Gibbon stated that Anna Constable was the wife of (Col.) Richard Lee."

There is no entry for Gibbon in the table of sources at the end of the page.

Perhaps the source for her parents was accidentally left out, but could be provided?

7/20/2011 at 4:50 PM

Francis Constable died 1st. August 1647 of the plague and was buried the following day from St. Margaret, Westminster, while his widow was buried 4 August 1647. These registers are published and it should be noted that "Mr." is misread "Mrs." in his burial entry. Their only remaining son Robert was carried off by the plague the same month (buried 28 August) and it was after his death that the will of Alice Constable was filed for probate.

will of widow ALice Constable probate 22 sep 1647

Private User
7/20/2011 at 6:36 PM

I tried to reply to this earlier but it didn't go through.

The only citations I can find on-line for your correction go back to your website, Jacqueli. Can you point us to any neutral primary sources? Everything else I can find related to Ms. Constable has the information that's already on her Geni profile, so for us to change it would require irrefutable evidence we can see for certain. I'd like to help you if there is an error, so any documentation you can provide would be great.

7/21/2011 at 10:18 AM

Ashley - I think there is a mis-understanding - nothing needs to be changed - the first message was over a year ago - thank you though. I believe it was all worked on and sorted out a while ago.

7/21/2011 at 11:05 AM

This website questions the evidence for Anne's parents:

"An interesting claim is made in many genealogies that one of Francis's daughters, Anne Constable, married Richard I Lee, an important figure in the colony of Virginia[9], who was the ancestor of Confederate General, Robert E. Lee[10]. This claim, however, cannot be substantiated. All that is known from documents of the period is that Richard I Lee's wife's name was Anne. In trying to substantiate that Anne was the daughter of Francis Constable, evidence is given that a sister and a brother-in-law supposedly settled in Virginia after Francis Constable and his wife Alice died in 1647, and that both the sister and brother-in-law were associated with Richard I Lee. The evidence, however, does not stand up to investigation."

This is an excerpt. There is a longer discussion of the evidence at the site.

It appears that we need more work on this line to answer the objections raised there.

Specifically, is there evidence the author has missed? If so, we need to take that evidence and develop it into a narrative that explains the relevance and evaluates the quality of the sources. Not an easy project, but surely worthwhile for such an important line!

7/21/2011 at 12:53 PM

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Paul C. Nagal, in The Lees of Virginia, states that Anne Constable, the wife of the immigrant Richard Lee I, had been a ward of Adam Thoroughgood's brother, Sir John Thoroughgood. Quoting Nagal - Of incalculable importance to his progress was Richard's fortunate marriage. When the young man accompanied Governor Wyatt to Jamestown, the official household also included a young woman, Anne Constable, whose identity later became lost to the family record. Even her name was unknown for two hundred years. Now, thanks particularly to the work of David Halle, genealogist for the Society of the Lees of Virginia, we know that Anne was baptized in London during 1622 and that she was one of the many daughters born to Francis Constable.

Perhaps because of her father's connections, Anne became a ward of Sir John Thoroughgood, a personal attendant upon King Charles I. This affiliation would have made it easy for her to know the family of Sir Francis Wyatt and to accompany them to North America. She too sailed to America on the same ship as her husband to be. They were married in 1641 at Jamestown, Virginia. Anne's background and early associations meant that Richard Lee moved socially upward when she took him as husband.

The family settled in the very northern part of the state, very close to Maryland. Here they raised ten children from 1643 through 1656. He becomes Colonel Richard Lee I after he names his second boy Richard, who in turn becomes Richard Lee II. In 1664, Richard I dies at the age of 46 at his last home in Dividing Creek, Northumberland County, Virginia. Anne lives on to 1706 and dies at home where they are both buried. In 1656, the last child of Richard I and Anne is born, a boy they name Charles Lee. Charles is only eight years old when his father dies, but he still has his mother, and older brothers Richard Lee II and Hancock Lee to help raise him.

Source: Nagel, Paul C., The Lees of Virginia: Seven Generations of an American Family, Oxford University Press, New York, 1990.

"Lee Family of Shropshire, England 1100 AD to 1961 in America
- called the Lee Family of Virginia"

compiled by Emma Lee Bettis
Montgomery, Alabama.


An honorable ancestry is a gift of God, and should be regarded as such by those who possess it. Position and learning are desirable gifts. Possession of wealth cannot make an ancestry "honorable", unless the rights were gained honorably.

Among the "Virginia Lee" ancestors were men of learning and high position. They were bishops of the Church of England, the lords chief justices of England; the sheriffs of Shropshire and London.

The name Lee occurs very early in the list of the landed gentry of England, and of the Lord Mayors and Sheriffs of the counties.

The name often appears as "de Lee" before the reign of King Henry VI. In that reign the "de" before names began to be left off, and " Knight" and "Squire" took its place.

The Lees of England were men of large wealth, as well as distinction. Nowhere is it recorded that they ever wronged man or woman. They won their worldly goods honorably, used them beneficently, and laid them down cheerfully when duty demanded the sacrifice, and when it pleased God to call them out of this world.

Col. Richard Lee1, born at Nordley Regis, England in 1613, was the first of this Lee family to settle in Virginia in 1640.

Note: The numerals to the right or each name indicate the generations descended from Col. Richard Lee1, who came to Virginia in 1640.

Some of the notable descendants of Col. Richard Lee1 in Virginia were Richard Henry Lee, and his brother, Francis Lightfoot Lee, both Signers of the Declaration of Independence; President Zachary Taylor; Light Horse Harry Lee, of Revolutionary War fame, and Governor of Virginia; and his son, General Robert Edward Lee, of the Confederate States of
America. Down through the years there have been many doctors, lawyers, Judges and ministers; besides many substantial men and women.

General Robert Edward Lee descended from the eldest son, Richard Lee, II2. Col. Thomas Lee3, son of Richard Lee II2, built the fine brick house called "Stratford", which is restored today as it was originally, and a show place of Westmoreland County, Virginia. General Robert Edward Lee was born at "Stratford" in 1807. The house called "Ditchley", is a brick house containing twenty rooms, built by Hancock Lee2 and belongs to his descendants; it is also restored. "Cobb's Hall", also a brick house with twenty rooms, in Northumberland County, Virginia, belongs to some descendants of Charles Lee2, the youngest son.

Lilly (Quarles) Lee, mother of Emma Lee Bettis (compiler of this book), was twice of the Richard Lee, II2 family; and Dr. John Andrew Lee, the father of Emma Lee Bettis, was descended from Charles Lee2 , the youngest son of Col. Richard Lee1 and wife Anne (Constable) Lee.


1. Hugo de Lee, 1100 AD
2. Reginaldus de Lee, Sheriff or Shropshire, England, 1201. He was the first of record to use the coat of arms of the Shropshire Lee family.
3. Sir John de Lee.
4. Sir Thomas de la Lee, wife Petronella, daughter of Sir Thomas Corbet.
3. Reginaldus de la Lee.
6. John de la Lee, wife Matilda Erdington.
7. John de la Lee.
8. Roger de la Lee, wife Margaret Astley, daughter of Sir Thomas Astley.
9. John de Lee, wife Jacosa Packington.
10. Roger de Lee, wife Johanna Burnell, daughter of Sir Edward Burnell.
11. Robert de Lee, wife Petronella de Lee, daughter or Roger and Johanna de Lee.
12. Radulphus de Lee, wife Isabella Ridley.
13. Richardus de Lee, wife Margaret Spenchose, daughter of Fulke Spenchose.
14. Fulke de Lee, wife Elizabeth Leighton.
15. Thomas de Lee, wife Jane, daughter of Sir Robert de Corbet de Morton.
16. Sir Humphrey de Lee, wife Margaret de Corbet.
17. Sir John de Lee de Nordley, wife Elizabeth Corbin.
18. Sir Thomas de Lee de Nordley, wife Johanna Morton.
19. Sir Humphrey Lee of Coton Hall, wife Katherine Blount (Royal line).
20. Sir John Lee of Coton Hall, wife Joyce Romney, issue eight sons; the 6th son:
21. Richard Lee or Nordley Regis, Shropshire, England, wife Elizabeth Bendy.
22. Col. Richard Lee1, born 1613, came to Virginia 1640, wife Anne Constable.

This is the end of the Shropshire Lee pedigree, extracted from the College of Arms by Mr. Charles Townley, York; and John Pomfret, Rouge Croix, August 1850. This is one of the longest and most complete pedigrees in the world.

The basis for this Lee history, in detail, is found in "Lee of Virginia", by Edmund Jennings Lee (Philadelphia, 1894); also by (Mrs. M. P.) Emma Lee Bettis, genealogist and historian, who has done twenty years of Lee research. And the Virginia Magazine of History, January, 1954 says:

P-3, "Now it is possible to write with assurance, regarding Col. Richard Lee's1 parentage and to trace his career after 1640. (The earliest of the Lee's of Shropshire, known to us was Hugo de Lee in 1100.) Reginaldus de Lee, the Norman, flourished about the year 1201; he was Sheriff, and does not occur after 1210. He appears to have been the first to bear the generic Lee arms: gules, a fess chequy or and azure, between ten billets argent, four in chief and three, two, one in base.

The motto: "Ne Incautus Futuri".
Translated: "Not incautious of the future".

P-4. Through successive generations, the descendants of Reginaldus de Lee prospered, achieving knighthood's, marrying well, acquiring additional manors. Two sons of the house, both named Roger de Lee, marrying two notable heiresses: Roger de la Lee, son of Sir John Lee of Roden and Stanton, married Margaret Astley, daughter of Sir Thomas Astley of Coton and Nordley Regis. Roger de Lee, son of John de Lee of Lee and Pimhill, married Johanna Burnell; their only daughter,
Petronella Lee, married her cousin, Robert de Lee, the elder son of Roger de la Lee and Margaret Astley, This marriage united all the Lee estates in Shropshire, except Coton and Nordley Regis, which passed to Robert's younger brother, John Lee."

From John Lee are descended the Lee's of Coton.

"Coton Hall" is the Manor of Nordley Regis in the Parish of Alveley at the southeastern extremity of Shropshire; it is no ordinary English country house. The site is on a high hill overlooking the Severn Valley and has been of special importance since pre-Roman times.

P-6. Coton and Nordley Regis became the inheritance of Margaret Astley, who married Roger Lee.

In the time of Queen Elizabeth I, lived Sir Humphrey Lee of "Coton Hall" and wife Katherine Blount (of the Baronial Blount family).

Sir Humphrey Lee and Katherine's only son, Sir John Lee, born 1530; he succeeded to the Manor of Nordley Regis. He married Joyce Romney in 1553, issue eight sons: Thomas; William; Edward; Gilbert; Jasper; Richard; Ferdinand; and Josias Lee.
The sixth son, Richard Lee, born 1563, was the father of Richard Lee1, the emigrant to Virginia in 1640.
Richard Lee1, the emigrant to Virginia, was unquestionably descended from the ancient Shropshire family of Lee's; for he used the generic arms of the Lees of Shropshire; and a contemporary officer of the College of Arms attested his right to do so; as quoted in "Lee of Virginia", page 40.

P-7. One certain example of Richard Lee's1 use of the armorial bearings was the inscription and generic arms on a silver tankard, which his son, John Lee2 presented to Queen's College, Oxford, England; then the well known wood carving of "Cobb's Hall", which once adorned the emigrant's home on Dividing Creek, Northumberland County, Virginia; also the Lee
arms on a communion cup presented to Lee Parish, Wicommico, Virginia by Hancock Lee2.

P-10. The parents of Richard Lee1, the emigrant, were Richard Lee, born at "Coton Hall" in 1563 and was a resident of Alveley Parish in 1599, when he married there to Elizabeth Bendy; was still living in 1621. In 1599 he acquired the estates of Stratford Langton in Essex, near London, which Richard Lee1, the emigrant, later possessed.

It has been supposed that the emigrant, Richard Lee1 was born in 1600, because of the date of his parent's marriage in 1599; a more likely date is 1613. This is the proven birth date of a Richard Lee, which may have been the emigrant. The date 1613 is more consistent with his appearance in a portrait painted in 1661, which is of a man forty-eight, rather than of a man sixty-one. We conclude that Richard Lee1, the emigrant, was born at Nordley Regis in 1613.

P-12. Richard Lee's1 education must have included legal studies. It is notable that Richard Lee went to Virginia to be Clerk of the Quarter Court, and three years later he was appointed Attorney General of Virginia.

P-14. Sir Francis Wyatt, the first Royal Governor of Virginia; on his second term, he brought with him, as a member of his household a young lady named Anne Constable. She and Richard Lee1 may have become inter-ested in each other during the long voyage to Virginia; certainly they met frequently in the society at Jamestown. In 1640/41 they were married; presumably in the new brick church at Jamestown, with the Governor giving the bride away. Note: It is possible that Ann's mother was a Hancock, since she named her seventh son, Hancock Lee2.

P-22. Richard Lee1 served as Sheriff of York County, Virginia in 1646, as Burgess for York County in 1647. Richard Kemp died in 1649, so Richard Lee1 succeeded him as Secretary of State; thus at the age of thirty-six he became Sir William Berkley's principal lieutenant on the eve of a new crisis in the affairs or Virginia.

P-25. It was during this crisis that Richard Lee1 was admitted to the "Council" by Sir William Berkley's appointment. He was granted the title of Colonel at this time.

P-23. Richard Lee1 was sent by Sir William Berkley to perform an official duty with King Charles II. Richard Lee1 found the King at Breda in the Netherlands. This was a profitable voyage for Richard Lee1; he freighted a Dutch ship on his own account, and brought back a return cargo to Vir-ginia, including a number of immigrants; thirty-eight of whom were unable to pay their own passage. Their services were his for a term of years, and their headrights were the basis for three new land grants, which he obtained in 1651: these grants were for 500 acres adjoining War Captain's Neck; 500 acres on
Poropotank Creek in Northumberland County, Virginia. See: Land Patent Book #2, pp. 314-338, and Book #4. pp. 211, 375.

P-26. By 1650 Richard Lee1 had 2400 acres in the new County of Gloucester. During 1653 Richard Lee1 patented 300 acres on the York River side of Tendall's Neck and another 300 acres on the south side of the Rappahannock at the head of the south branch of Matchepungo.

Of more interest than Richard's land transactions in 1653 was the "store", a commercial warehouse; the site of considerable export/import business.

P-28. From 1652 Richard Lee1 was owner of a ship, trading between England and Virginia.

P-27. In the Spring of 1653 Richard Lee and Anne (Constable) Lee's family included six sons: John2, now aged eleven; Richard II2 was six Francis2, four; Willlam2, two; and a twin's name unknown to us was drowned; and the infant Hancock Lee2. During the year twin daughters were born at their home, Paradise; their names were Elizabeth2 and Ann2, born between Han-cock's2 birth, September 1652, and their mother's departure for England in February 1654. Charles Lee2, the youngest child of Richard Lee1 and Anne (Constable) Lee, was born May 21, 1656 at Dividing Creek, Northumber-land County, Virginia. Richard Lee1 took out a patent for 4000 acres in November 1661. One tract of 1000 acres was the site of Mount Vernon; another 2000 acres was on the south shore of Hunting Creek, opposite to the site of Alexandria.
P-44. The complete text of Richard Lee's1 will is in "Lee of Virginia", by E. J. Lee, pp. 61-64, "I, Colonel Richard Lee1 of Virginia and lately of Stratford Langton in the County of Essex, England." So began the last will of Richard Lee1, signed in England, February 6, 1664 on the eve of a new voyage to Virginia. He left strict instructions, that if he did not survive the voyage, his executors were to sell the property at Stratford send his family to Virginia with all convenient speed."

P-45. Col. Richard Lee1, accompanied by his son, John Lee2, probably sailed from England immediately after signing his will. He arrived at Dividing Creek a dying man. At the April Session of Northumberland County, Virginia Court 1664 John Lee2 obtained an order for headrights due his deceased father.

Col. Richard Lee1 was only fifty-one, and was at the height of his career when death overtook him. Richard Lee's1 will was probated in London in January 1665. His executors were: Thomas Griffith and John Lockey, London merchants, and his eldest sons, John Lee2 and Richard Lee II2.

P-45. John Lee2 was twenty-two when his father died; he was left the Macho-doc plantation of 2000 acres, with ten English servants, and ten negroes; also three islands in Chesapeake Bay. As heir-at-law he also inherited 4700 additional acres. John Lee2 served as Militia Captain, Justice, Sheriff, and Burgess for Westmoreland County, Virginia. John Lee2 died unmarried 1673 at the age of thirty-one.

Richard Lee II2 was eighteen when his father died 1664; he inherited Paradise plantation of 1350 acres. After his graduation from Oxford he went there to live, but at John Lee's2 death, Richard Lee II2 inherited John's2 lands, and moved to Machodoc; there he married Letitia Corbin, the daughter of his neighbor, the Councilor, Henry Corbin,
Francis Lee2 was sixteen in 1664; the 750 acre plantation on York River was left to him. Francis Lee2 became a London merchant.

P-47. The younger children: William Lee2 was fourteen years of age when his father, Col. Richard Lee1 died in 1664; Hancock Lee2 was twelve; Betsey2 (who later married Leonard Howison) and Ann2 (who became the wife of Thomas Youell) were eleven in 1664; Charles Lee2, the youngest child, was eight in 1664 when his father died.
These five children lived with their mother, Anne (Constable) Lee, who was left their home on Dividing Creek with all of its lands, also five negroes "during her widowhood and no longer", by her husband's will. He well knew that she would soon be remarried.

In September 1666 her new husband, Edmund Lister, brought suit against John Lee2 regarding the execution of Col. Richard Lee's1 will.

The Dividing Creek lands were eventually divided among the three younger sons. William Lee2 was the first to leave his mother's home: he received 500 acres the Bishop's Neck tract, and the purchased land in Maryland.

Hancock Lee2 received 800 acres, which became the "Ditchley" estate. Charles Lee2, the youngest, inherited the old homestead of 600 acres, which became the "Cobb's Hall" estate. The Stratford estate in Essex County, England was sold and the proceeds were divided between the two daughters, Betsey Lee2, and Ann Lee2.

"Lee of Virginia." Second Generation, "Cobb's Hall" Line.

P-558. Charles Lee2, born on May 21, 1656 at Dividing Creek, Northumberland County, Virginia; son of Col. Richard Lee and Anne (Constable) Lee. Charles Lee2 was a Captain in the Colonial Militia, Northumberland County, Virginia; Justice 1687 - 1699. He died December 17, 170l. Charles Lee2 married Elizabeth Medstand in 1676 (daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth(Lawson) Medstand of Lancaster County, Virginia.)
Issue: 2 sons and 2 daughters:

l. Thomas Lee3, eldest son, born 1679 at "Cobbs Hall", Northumberland County, Virginia; married Elizabeth Keene of Maryland.
2. Elizabeth Lee3, born 1682, married her cousin, John Howison.
3. Major Charles Lee II3, born 1684, married Elizabeth Pinckard.
4. Leeanna Lee3, born 1689, married William Jones.

P-561. "The will of the first Charles Lee2 (son of Col. Richard1 and Anne Lee), written July 13, 1700; after giving his soul to God and a Christian burial, and all debts are paid. First, I give to my son, Thomas Lee3, all my land on Rappahannock River
side, had by my wife, also 500 acres left to me by Walter Jenkins, one feather bed and a child's part of my negroes, cattle and household stuff, unto Thomas Lee3 and his heirs forever.

Next, to my daughter Leeanna Lee3, 200 acres and a child's part.

Next, to my son Charles Lee3, the 600 acres whereon I live, and a child's part of my negroes, cattle and household stuff.

Next, to my daughter Elizabeth Lee3, a child's part of my negroes, cattle, etc.

Lastly, I give to my loving wife all my bedding not set down, and a child's part of my negroes, and household stuff, and half of my white hands; my part of the mill and all my sheep and hogs, I make her my Executrix of this my last will and testament. Witness my hand & seal.
This will probated in Dec. 170l.
Charles Lee2 (seal)
Test Richard Lee II2, Clerk of Court"

Ref: "Lee of Virginia"

P-561. Thomas Lee3 (eldest child of Captain Charles Lee2 and Elizabeth (Medstand) Lee); born 1679 at "Cobb's Hall", Northumberland County, Virginia; married Elizabeth Keene of Maryland.

Va. Mag. Vol. 2 pp. 7-8. Thomas Lee3 was Sheriff of Lancaster County,
Virginia 1702-1714. Justice 1716.

Will Book #2. page 342 Lancaster County, Virginia: "Last will of Thomas Lee3, 16, June 1733. To son John Lee4 all that tract of land on ye head of Corrotomon River, which I had by my wife, where Harvy now lives, to him and his heirs forever. Unto sons, Thomas Lee4, Richard Lee4 and Charles Lee4 land I now live on. Executors: my loving wife, my loving brother Major Charles Lee and William Nicholas Martin. Thomas Lee3 (seal)"
Witness Ezekiel Gilbert, Isaac Correll. Proved 1735.

"Deed Book 13. p 35 Lancaster County, Virginia.
Consideration of a marriage shortly to be solemnized between James Scrosby of Middlesex County, Virginia and Elizabeth Lee, widow of Thomas Lee, deceased late of Lancaster County, Virginia. James Scrosby doth hereby covenant agree to pay unto Leeanna Lee4 and Elizabeth Lee4, daughters of said widow Elizabeth Lee, $10 yearly when Leeanna and Elizabeth arrive at age 21, also to Lucy4 and Ann4 two other daughters of said Elizabeth, to each of them a negro not under ten years of age.
April 15, 1737

Witness Thomas Edwards, Alex. Campbell. James Scrosby (seal)"

"Deed Book 13. p35 Lancaster County, Virginia. 1735-1743
Division of Lee Lands. James Scrosby & wife Elizabeth, late widow of Thomas Lee3, deceased. William Jones appointed guardian of son, Thomas Lee4; Ezekiel Gilbert guardian of sons Richard Lee4 and Charles Lee4, orphans. Witness Wm. Steptoe, Abraham Correll and Nicholas Martin.

P-91. John Fearn guardian of Richard Lee4 1744, paid by Ezekiel Gilbert, former guardian of Richard Lee4, orphan."

Will Book #4, Lancaster County, Virginia.
P-147. "Last will of Lucy Lee4, daughter of Thomas Lee3, deceased. Dated 1746. Legatees her brothers: John Lee4, Richard Lee4, Thomas Lee4 and Charles Lee4; sisters: Leeana Fearn4 and Elizabeth Lee4."

There was no guardian appointed for John Lee4; it appears that John Lee4 was the eldest child of Thomas Lee3 and Elizabeth (Keene) Lee. No doubt that John Lee4 had married by the time of his father's decrease.

When Thomas Lee4 died in 1759 he requested that his brother John Lee4 administer his estate. John Lee4 was living in South Carolina at that date so Rev. John Leland administered the estate of Thomas Lee4 and appointed guardian of Mary Lee5, daughter of Thomas Lee4.

Other references found:
"Lancaster County, Virginia, Deeds & wills book #16. p231. 1758 to 1763.
Court 20-Aug-1762. Mary Lee, orphan of Mr. Thomas Lee, Gentleman to John Leland, Dr. Tobacco paid George Brown for his share of last years crop £167
To Mr. John Lee for his share of slave, Cate £74
Balance due John Leland £51
Proved at court held in Lancaster County, Virginia, 1-Sept-1762
Thomas Edwards, Clerk"

The Book, "Expansion of South Carolina", by Dr. Robert L. Meriwether, Professor of History, University of South Carolina, Columbus, South Carolina.

(I went to see Dr. Meriwether and asked about this reference.)

Dr. Meriwether told me, "John Lee4 appeared before the Governor and Council of South Carolina and made the statement that he had come from Maryland to South Carolina in 1751 and settled on Wateree Creek, where he cleared nine acres of land, and on it build proper conveniences for his family."

P-149. "Easy access to the west side of Enoree River was the ford over Broad River, above the mouth of the Enoree, called John Lee's4 ford."

P-235. "Lee's ford was at the head of the east fork of Little River in 1769."

In 1759 there was no church in Chester County, South Carolina. Four men with their wives organized Catholic Presbyterian Church (a Protestant church) and John Lee, Sr.4 was one of the founders.

I drove out eight miles east of the town Chester, South Carolina in 1959 and found this old church in splendid preservation. A large memorial stone has been placed in front of the church, where John Lee's name is listed.

Secretary of State's Office - Columbia, South Carolina

Index to Land Grants 1695 - 1776 A. K.
Vol.5.p.379 John Lee gr. 200 acres on Wateree Creek January 19, 1752.
Vol.5.p.414 John Lee gr. 200 acres on branch of Wateree River May 11, 1754.
Vol.8.p.331 John Lee gr. 100 acres on Cedar Creek August 1, 1758.
Vol.10.p.307 John Lee gr. 50 acres Rockey Creek Cravens Co. August 30, 1762.
Vol.11.p.210 John Lee gr. 50 acres on Rockey Creek June 10, 1763.
Vol.8.p.493 John Lee gr. 100 acres in Granville County July 8, 1763.
Vol.11.p.352 John Lee gr. 100 acres East of Savannah River March 2, 1764.
Vol.9.p.90 John Lee gr. 150 acres on Little River June 23, 1768.
Vol.1.p.297 John Lee gr. 100 acres on Little River June 23, 1768.
Vol.16.p.301 John Lee gr. 200 acres Cravens County December 30, 1771.
Vol.20.p.113 John Lee gr. 200 acres Mackey branch Wateree February 21, 1772.

Besides these South Carolina grants John Lee, Sr.4 bought much land, which he gave to his children before making his will in 1771:

"Richmond County, Georgia, Deed Book A.2:
Page 321. John Lee, Sr.4 was granted 500 acres on October 1, 1771 in Richmond County, Georgia on Upper Richland Creek."

(Col. Greenberry Lee5 died 1784, three years before the death of his father, John Lee, Sr.4, in 1787.)

"Historical Collections, Georgia Chapters D.A.R. Vol.2.p.229 (p.321)
John Lee, Sr.4 deeds to Elizabeth Lee, widow of Greenberry Lee5, 500 acres for $5 on November 1, 1784; this land had
been granted to John Lee, Sr.4 on October 1, 1771.

Witness Fritz M. Hunt
Mary Few Ignatius Few J.P."

"Georgia Roster of the Revolution, by Knight:
P-420 Greenberry Lee, Colonel."

Found in the Court House in Camden, South Carolina. Apartment #39, Package 1436.
Last will of John Lee4.

To be buried in a Christian manner. After all my debts are paid out of my estate, I give to Mary my dearly beloved wife the plantation whereon I dwell, containing 200 acres, also the mill thereon, the same during her widowhood and then to fall to my son Stephen5 and 100 acres more joining the 200 whereon I dwell, also 75 acres; the whole containing 375 acres at his mother's death, also negroes.

Next I give to my daughter Elizabeth5 land on north side of Mill Creek, extending as high as the wagon road, also a negro Hannah. Also unto my daughter Elizabeth's husband, William Marshall, 100 acres joining Robert Coulton on a branch of Rockey Creek.

Next I give to my daughter Sarah5 our old place of 250 acres on the Great Wagon road run by Pinson, also negro Phillis.

Next I give to my daughter Agnes5 350 acres where she and her husband now dwell; also negro Jen.

Next I give to my son John Lee5 300 acres and negro Sam.

Next I give to my daughter Rachael5 200 acres joining my daughter Sarah and negro Dise.

Next I give to my son Francis Lee5 100 acres run by Jacob Castels and 50 acres adjoining, and negro Prince.

Next I give to my daughter Rosanna5 300 acres on Mill Creek and negro Maria.

Next I give to my daughter Rebecca5 part of tract run by Jacob Bowers and negro Ceily.

Executors: my son John Lee5 and my son-in-law Alexander Gordon.
All my stock of every kind and household furniture to be disposed of by my beloved wife and executors. This my Last Will and testament. I set my hand and seal this November 16, 1786.
Witness: Stafford Curry signed John Lee, Sr.4 (seal)
James Turner, Benj. Halsell, Proved April 20, 1787, James Turner J.P."

Deed Book F. Chester County, South Carolina.

PP 46-47. Indenture dates 1775 between John Lee4, Providence of Camden District, South Carolina and John McClerkin of said place. Consideration 150 acres of land on Wateree Creek unto John McClerkin for $100.
Witness: William Thompson John Lee (seal)
John McClerkin Mary Lee (seal)

Mary Lee was the third wife of John Lee, Sr.4 His first wife's name is unknown to us; she was the mother of sons: Francis Lee and John Lee, Jr., who were old enough to sign deeds in 1755 in South Carolina.

The marriage of John Lee4 to Margaret Howard on November 23, 1746 is recorded in St. John's Parish Register, Harford County, Maryland. Margaret Howard was the second wife of John Lee, Sr.4, and the mother of Col Greenberry Lee5, born 1750 in Harford County, Maryland. Col. Nicholas Greenberry was acting Governor of Maryland when he died in 1697. His and his wife, Ann's fine tombs are in St. Ann's Parish church yard in Annapolis, Maryland. Their four daughters married into the following families in Maryland:
Howard, Ridgley, Hammond and Goldsborough.

"Mss. Georgia Journal of Augusta Land Court:

0n October 15, 1773 John Lee, Jr.5 came from South Carolina bringing a wife and six children, ages 1-12 years. He was granted 200 acres on Bryer Creek, called Rockey Ford in Richmond County, Georgia."

"Vol. 3, Wilkes County, Georgia Records:
P-11. On October 15, 1773 Greenberry Lee5, a single man from South Carolina was granted 100 acres at the head of a branch or Bryer Creek, called Beaver Dam, half mile above Upper Trading Path at a tree marked J. L. in Richmond County, Georgia."

"P-l4. On November 9, 1773 Francis Lee5, from North Carolina was granted 200 acres on Bryer Creek, Richmond County, Georgia; he soon resigned his grant, and returned to his home on Beaver Dam, a branch of Rockey Creek, South Carolina. This was in North Carolina at that time."

Many South Carolina deeds show that John Lee, Sr's daughters were:
1. Elizabeth Lee5 married William Marshall; they sold the land given to them by Elizabeth's father, John Lee, Sr.4, then removed to Richland County, South Carolina; their son Greenberry Marshall lived in Richmond County, Georgia in 1818.
2. Sarah Lee5 married Alexander Gordon.
3. Agnes Lee5 married John Young.
4. Rachel Lee5 married John Cameron.
5. Rosanna Lee5 married ______ Halsell.
6. Rebecca Lee5 married (1st) a John Lee; (2nd) to Francis Winn.

McCall's Roster of Revolutionary Solders in Georgia:
P-67. Greenberry Lee5 married Elizabeth Few (in 1774, in old Bible); she was born 1752 in Harford County, Maryland, daughter of Col. William Few, Sr., who was born in 1714 at Kennet Square, Chester County, Pennsylvania; he married Mary Wheeler, a Roman Catholic, in 1743 at Hickory, Harford County, Maryland." They removed with their young
children to Hillsboro, Orange County, North Carolina in 1758, where his home was destroyed by the English, during the "Battle of Alamance" on May 17, 1771; they soon removed to Richmond County, Georgia. His son, James Few, was hanged without a trial by the English on May 17, 1771.

Three Revolutionary soldiers: Col. Greenberry Lee, William Few, Sr., and Lieut. Col. Thomas Short. Their female descendants are accepted for membership in the Daughters of the American Revolution by furnishing following proof:
lst: The signature of Greenberry Lee, Col. He gives proof of
2nd: William Few, Sr's Revolutionary service.


This is to certify, That William Few hath steadfastly done his duty, from the time of passing an Act at Augusta, to wit, on the 20th of August, 1781, until the total Expulsion of the British from this state; and the said William Few cannot, to my knowledge or belief, be convicted of plundering or distressing the country; and is therefore, under the said Act, entitled to a Bounty of Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of good Land, free from taxes for ten years, Given under my hand, at the 29th
day of Feb. [note: handwritten by Col. Lee over crossed out 'March' which is also hand written] 1784.
Greenberry Lee, Col"

3rd: Ref. Amelia County, Virginia Order Book 1776-80 p. 424:
Dorothy (Jones) Short, born in Bristol Parish, Virginia 1744; married on September 23, 1762 to Thomas Short. In the October Court of Amelia County, Virginia Thomas Short was qualified as Lieutenant Colonel of Amelia County, Virginia Militia.

In 1784 he with his wife, Dorothy, sold their plantation of 1000 acres in Amelia County, Virginia to John Royal and moved to Wrightsboro, Richmond County, Georgia. Their daughter, Susanna Edmonds Short, married on October 2, 1804 to John Lee, son of Col. Greenberry Lee.

John Lee and wife Susanna removed to Giles County, Tennessee in 1815 where he died 1825. Susanna died in Giles County, Tennessee in 1844.

"Vol. 3 - Revolutionary Records of Georgia, by Candler:
P-572. Co. Greenberry Lee, Col. William Few, Jr. and Col. Benjamin Few were members of the House of Representatives of Georgia 1783 - Feb 4, 1784.

P-191. Greenberry Lee5 was Justice for Richmond County, Georgia, Jan. 12, 1782 - February 4, 1784. He was a Revolutionary soldier, Colonel of 2nd Battalion, Richmond County, Georgia. Road Commissioner July 29, 1783. Col. Greenberry Lee5 signed certificates for many Revolutionary soldiers to receive bounty land in Georgia. He received 287-1/2 acres in Washington County, Georgia."

"World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1959:
Col. William Few, Jr. signed the US Constitution for the State of Georgia, September 17, 1787."

After the death of Col. Greenberry Lee5 in 1784, his widow Elizabeth (Few) Lee married 2nd to Benjamin Andrew in 1788; he was a Member of the Continental Congress from Liberty County, Georgia. He died in 1790 in Columbia County, Georgia. Issue: Hannah Andrew and Dr. Moses Andrew, who was a Physician and a Methodist Minister and removed to Montgomery, Alabama, where he built a fine house and was pastor of the first Methodist church built in Montgomery. He willed his home to his granddaughter, who requested President Jefferson Davis to live then when he was inaugurated President of the Confederate States of America. Today this house is called "The First White House of the Confederacy". it is restored as it was in 1861 and a hostess is there five days a week to show people though the building; a confederate flag is unfurled on the lawn each morning.

In 1802 Elizabeth (Few) Lee Andrew married as her third husband, Capt. Thomas Bush, a Revolutionary soldier; his will was probated in 1812 in Warren County, Georgia; he willed the home that Col. Greenberry Lee5 left to Elizabeth, to his daughters by his 1st wife. The law at that time gave to a husband the right to do what he pleased with his wife's property.

Captain Thomas Bush and Elizabeth (Few) Lee Andrew Bush had three daughters:
1. Elizabeth Bush married George W. Hardwick on September 4, 1815.
2. Martha Bush married on Dec. 17, 1815 to Dr. Robert L. Kennon, a noted Methodist Minister of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, where they are buried.
3. Ann Bush married Col. Joseph McDowell; they are the great grandparents of Justice Thomas C. Clark of the Supreme Court of the USA.

"Vol. 2 - Revolutionary Records of Georgia, by Candler.
P-591. Col. Greenberry Lee5 received a land grant of 400 acres in Wilkes County, Georgia on February 13, 1784."

"Vol. 3 - Wilkes County, Georgia Records:
P-235. Greenberry Lee5, on his death bed June 10, 1784, appointed Ignatius Few to act as executor in settling his estate.
Test John Roussau, and Elezer Carmins."

The heirs of Col. Greenberry Lee5 received 1150 acres, a Colonel's Bounty warrant in Franklin County, Georgia on May 7, 1787.
Witness: John Smithfield. Larkin Cleveland. C.F.C."
(We have the gun used by Col. Greenberry Lee5 during the Revolutionary War.)

Ref. Old Bible. Unto Col. Greenberry Lee5 and Elizabeth (Few) Lee were born 2 sons, 1 daughter:
1. John Lee6 the eldest child born July 24, 1775 in Richmond County, Georgia.
2. Dr. William Lee6 (he was also a General in the U. S. Army) 2nd born 1777, died 1815 at Montecello, Jasper County, Georgia; married Maria Lucas, (cousin to his brother John Lee's wife); no issue.
3. Mary Lee6 the only daughter, married Hugh Blair, January 14, 1805 in Warren County, Georgia. Their daughter, Ann Blair7, married Rev. T. H. Dawson. These two brothers, John Lee6 and William Lee6 were said to have been the best drilled Military men in Georgia in their day.

Jaster County, Georgia placed a fine memorial stone on the grave of Dr. and General William Lee6 in the Methodist Cemetery, Montecello, Georgia, commending him for his splendid services to the County.

John Lee6, the eldest child of Col. Greenberry Lee5 and Elizabeth (Few) Lee, born July 24, 1775 in Richmond County, Georgia at Wrightsboro, now a dead town. He married Susanna Edmonds Short on October 2, 1804; she was the daughter of Lieut. Col. Thomas Short, a Revolutionary soldier from Amelia County, Virginia, and his wife Dorothy Jones, daughter of
Peter Jones, for whom Petersburg, Virginia was named, and his wife Dorothy Chamberlayne. They lived at Petersburg, Virginia.

John Lee6 with his family removed to Giles County, Tennessee in 1815, where he died in 1825; his wife, Susanna, died there in 1844. Issue: 5 daughters, and 2 sons:
1. Harriet Lee7 married John Ralston, a tax collector of Giles County, Tennessee. Issue: Susan Ralston; Ester Ralston; James Ralston.
2. Mary Lee7 married David Ralston, a tax collector of Maury County, Tennessee. Issue: David Ralston; James Reid Ralston; Calfernia Susanna Estha Ralston.
3. Frances Dorothy Lee7 married Benjamin Franklin, as his 1st wife; she died 1841. Issue: Mary Jane; John Lee; Sarah Frances; Elizabeth Bush, and Arkansas Dorothy who married Newton Greene Eslick; their daughter, Mary Elizabeth Eslick, married Jerome Clayton Abernathy.
4. Martha Lee7 married William Nix, a Campbellite preacher.
5. Sarah Lee7 married Wesley Harwell.
6. Edward Greenberry B. Lee7, eldest son of John Lee and Susanna Edmonds (Short) Lee married (1st) Miss Elizabeth Abernathy, a son: John William Lee8; (2nd) Miss Ralston; (3rd) Lucy Farrar, a son: Robert Earl Lee8; his daughter Lucy9, and his son, Judge Robert E. Lee9 of Pulaski, Tennessee. (4th) Miss Lusk; his 5th marriage to Mrs. Matilda (Stanton) Hargrove.
7. Rev. John William Thomas Lee7, youngest child of John Lee6 and Susanna Edmonds (Short) Lee, born December 15, 1821 in Giles County, Tennessee, where he died June 14 1862; he was ordained a Methodist minister in 1840, by the Tennessee Methodist Conference. He joined the Alabama Conference in 1841, and was pastor of the Methodist Church at
Cahaba, Alabama, the first Capitol of Alabama. He returned to Giles County, Tennessee in 1845; married a widow, Mrs. Mary (Goodrum) Bridges in Maury County, Tennessee on February 5, 1898. Both buried near their home at Diana, Giles County, Tennessee. Issue: 2 sons who lived to maturity:
1. Dr. John Andrew Lee8 born June 23, 1853 at Diana, Giles County, Tennessee.
2. Rev. Theophilus Lee8 born 1860 at Diana, Giles County, Tennessee. he was a Methodist Presiding Elder in the South Texas Methodist Conference.

Dr. John Andrew Lee8 received degrees from Vanderbilt University, also from the University of Nashville, Tennessee. He married Lilly Quarles on May 7, 1878 at Warsaw, Sumter County, Alabama, where she was born on January 5, 1854. Lily Quarles attended Alabama Central College at Tuscaloosa, Alabama; after she finished there, she continued her music studies under a private German Professor, Pffenslager. She died June 22, 1911 at her home, Pine Hill, Alabama. Dr. John Andrew Lee died May 29, 1914. They are both buried in Shady Grove Cemetery, near Warsaw, Sumter County, Alabama. Issue:

1. Ida Mimms Lee9 born March 28, 1879, died March 13, 1941, Lenoir, North Carolina. She graduated from Alabama Central College, also taught there, and at Davenport College, Lenoir, North Carolina. She married at Pine Hill, Alabama, July 31, 1912 to Charles E. Corperning of Lenoir, North Carolina. Issue: one son, Charles Lee Corperning10 born July 21,
1914. He received B.S. degree in Chemistry from the University of North Carolina. Charles Lee Corpening10 married in 1941 to Catherine Harrison. They live at Canton, North Carolina, where he is a Chemist. They have 2 sons: Charles Lee Corpening, Jr.11, born December 8, 1947; his brother Bradford Corpening11, born in February, 1955.

2. Dr. Frank J. Lee9, 2nd child of Dr. John Andrew Lee and Lilly (Quarles) Lee, born October 24, 1880, married Clara Nichols November 29, 1919. Dr. Frank J. Lee9 is in "Who's Who in the South and the Southwest". He received a special award in May 1958 from the Alabama Medical Association for having practiced medicine for 50 years in Alabama. They lived at Luverne, Alabama, and had no children. Dr. Frank J. Lee died Jan. 4, 1961.

3. Mimms W. Lee9, 3rd child of Dr. John Andrew Lee8 and Lilly Quarles Lee, born September 17, 1886; received B.S. degree from Mississippi State University; also A.B., A.M., and B.D. degrees from Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. Mimms W. Lee is in "Men of Mark in Virginia, 1936". He is on the Board of Governors of the Jamestown
Society in Virginia; a member of the Society of the Cincinnati; also the Society of the Colonial Wars; and a member of the Society of the Lees of Virginia. Mimms W. Lee9 was a Captain in the First World War; he married Ruth Johnson, of Washington, DC in 1919. They live at 3802 Tomacee Road, Richmond, Virginia. They have two sons:
(1) William Bradford Lee10, born August 6, 1922. He received B.S. degree from Richmond University, Richmond, Virginia. He was in the Second World War. he married Elsie Brauer on April 24, 1948; one adopted son, William Bradford Lee, Jr.
(2) Dr. Richard Mimms Lee10, 2nd son, born February 7, 1931. His schools: B.S. degree from Hampden Sidney College, and the Medical College of Virginia. he spent two years as Captain in the U. S. Army, stationed at Fort Ord, California; is now a Pediatrician in Richmond, Virginia. Dr. Richard Mimms Lee10 married Cynthia (Smith) Kutcher on
May 5, 1956. Issue: 1 daughter and 1 son:
1. Anne Bradford Lee11 born Mary 11, 1958.
2. Richard Mimms Lee, Jr11 born May 3, 1959.
3. John Stanton Lee11 born November 11, 1961.

4. Emma Lee9, the 4th and youngest child of Dr. John Andrew Lee and wife, Lilly (Quarles) Lee. Born at Diana, Tennessee, while bar father was at Vanderbilt University. She was a graduate of Florence University for Women; degrees: History
and Music; she also taught music there, Emma Lee married Maiben Poole Bettis, on June 12, 1912 at Pine Hill, Alabama. They lived twenty years in St. Louis, Missouri, where Maiben Poole Bettis died on September 22, 1942.

Emma (Lee) Bettis was active in her church in St. Louis, taught young women in Sunday School for many years. She was active in St. Louis Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution; also the Daughters of the American Colonists in St. Louis.

She in now a member of Francis Marion Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution in Montgomery, Alabama. Her National # 111648.

She has been a Professional genealogist and Historian for many years. Is a member of the National Genealogical Society; also a member of the Society of the Lees of Virginia. She has done genealogical research in eighteen States, In Archives, State Libraries, and Court Houses. At the request of many of her family, she has consented to make bar findings accessible to others; hence this Virginia Lee family history.

Emma (Lee) Bettis lives at 300 Adams Avenue, Montgomery, Alabama.

Mrs. Jennie Lee (Scott) Birdsong10, who lives at 214 West Poplar Street Pulaski, Tennessee, contributed the following data of her great grandmother's line:

Mary Short Lee7, daughter of John Lee6 and wife, Susanna Edmonds (Short) Lee, who removed from Richmond County, Georgia to Giles County, Tennessee In 1815.

Short Lee7, born in Georgia, January 1, 1809; married David Ralston about 1829 In Giles County, Tennessee, She died June 12, 1840; is buried in the private Ralston Cemetery at Diana, Giles County, Tennessee. David Ralston, born July 22, 1810, a tax collector and farmer of Giles County, son of James Raid Ralston and wife, Esther (Shannon) Ralston.

In the winter of 1840 David Ralston sold his farm land to his wife's mother, Mrs. Susanna E. (Short) Lee, and moved to Maury County, Tennessee, where he died May 25, 1881. Buried in Matthews Cemetery, about two miles south of Hopewell Presbyterian Church, established in the early 1800's by the Scott family and others. There were two sons and one daughter born to David and wife, Mary Short (Lee) Ralston7:
1. John Ralston8, died about seventeen years of age.
2. James Reid Ralston8, a dentist, died at twenty-five years of age.
3. Calfernia Susanne Esther Ralston8, called Callie, born May 20, 1834; died March 24, 1888; married on July 21, 1859 in Maury County, Tennessee to Charles Strong Scott, born September 24, 1824; he died December 24,
1886; buried in Matthews Cemetery. Charles Strong Scott served four years in the Confederate Army.

Charles Strong Scott and Calfernia S. E. (Ralston) Scott8 had five children:

l. Strong Scott9, born August 22, 1860, died June 13, 1945; Married Rush Johnson; no children.

2. David Lee Scott9, born April 19. 1866, Maury County, Tennessee; died June 12, 1916. Married August 28, 1895 to Jennie Anderson, born November 4, 1865 in Giles County; died June 21, 1940. They are buried in lot #521 Maplewood Cemetery, Pulaski, Tennessee.

3. Harriett Reid Scott9, called Hattie, born June 9, 1869, in Maury County, Tennessee; died September 9, 1940; buried in Maplewood Cemetery, Pulaski, Tennessee. Married William Burr Harwell; called Dee. They had four daughters and two sons.

4. Andrew Edward Scott9, born September 5, 1872, died July 7, 1916, Single.

5. Bertha Scott9, born November 25, 1876 In Maury County. Married Frank Hardy; he died March 21, 1951. Issue: four daughters and two sons. She lives at Seymour, Texas.

David Lee Scott9 and Jennie (Anderson) Scott had five children:

1. Esther Scott10, born and died June 15, 1896 near Waco, Texas;

2. Jennie Lee Scott10, born July 19, 1897 in Hill County, Texas;

3. and 4. Edith Ralston Scott10, and Carter Anderson Scott10, were twins, born November 12, 1899 at Waco, Texas; both are single. Edith10 lives at 5656 11th Avenue South, Birmingham, Alabama; and Carter10 lives in Pulaski, Tennessee.

5. Hallie Margaret Scott10, born December 19, 1901 at Waco, Texas; Hallie10 is single and works for an attorney and lives in her own home: 1516 Sweetbrier Avenue, Nashville, Tennessee.

Jennie Lee Scott10, married Clarence Butler Birdsong on January 6, 1925,
in Pulaski, Tennessee. Issue: four sons:

1. Clarence Butler Birdsong, Jr,11, born December 25, 1925; married Jean Zink on August 26, 1950 in Hinsdale, Illinois, where he is employed by the Illinois Bell Telephone Company. Jean was born in Chicago, on February, 23, 1930. They have three children:
l. David Thomas Birdsong12, born September 14, 1954;
2. Janet Clare Birdsong12 and
3. John Robert Birdsong12, twins, born September 30, 1956.

2. Henry Thomas Birdsong11, born May 18, 1927; married June 10, 1951 to Mabel Doris Hyatt. She was born April 29, 1932 at Paragould, Arkansas. He is the owner of West End Drugs, Inc., 21st and West End Avenue, Nashville, Tennessee. They have one daughter:
1. Robin Elaine Birdsong1
2. born September 7, 1957.

3. David Scott Birdsong11, twin to Henry Thomas Birdsong11, born May 18, 1927. David11 married Norma Jean March, on June 26, 1954. Jean March was born November 29, 1926. They now live in Nashville, Tennessee, where David11 is a Metropolitan Life Insurance Agent; and Jean teaches.
They have two sons:
1. David Ross Birdsong12, born July 27, 1957.
2. Alan Scott Birdsong12, born September 9, 1958.

4. Eugene Logan Birdsong11, born April 23, 1931; died October 31, 1950.

Clarence Butler Birdsong, (husband of Jennie Lee (Scott) Birdsong), was born February 24, 1898 at Aspen Hill, Giles County, Tennessee, the son of the late John Thomas Birdsong and wife, Betty Butler Birdsong.

Children of (Mrs. W. B.) Hattie Reid (Scott) Harwell9,

1. Eulalia Harwell10 married Tom Blackshear, now living at DeFuniak Springs, Florida; retired teachers. They had two sons:
1. Thomas J. Blackshear, Jr.11, a teacher at Baker, Florida.
2. Dr. Joe Randall Blackshear11, lives at Gallatin, Tennessee.

2. Lizzie Lee Harwell10, married Robert S. Locke at Ethridge, Tennessee. They have two daughters
1. Mrs. Ray Jackson11.
2. Adah Lee Locke11, Ethridge, Tennessee.

3. Alla Harwell10, married Charles Wesley Fowler. She lives at Huntsville, Alabama. One son:
1. Charles W. Fowler, Jr11 , an engineer in St. Louis, Missouri.

4. Hattie Will Harwell10, single, lives in East Chicago, Indiana.

5. Edward Harwell10, married and lives in Tullahoma, Tennessee. One daughter:
1. Jane Ann11.

6. Fred Reid Harwell10, married Olathe Flowers; have two children.

Children of Bertha (Scott) Hardy9; lives at Seymour, Texas:

1. Kathleen Hardy10, died in May, 1924 at Pulaski, Tennessee.

2. Lucius Hardy10, married Marie Morgan; four children.

3. Louise Hardy10, married Raymond T. Warren, Seymour, Texas. Four children: Kenneth11. John11, Travis11, and Beth Warren11 married a Danforth.

4. Lorene Hardy10, married Lawton Taylor. She died May 15, 1951.
Two children: Glenna Jean11 and Charles Taylor11.

5. Oneta Hardy10, married Burrel Mills, Seymour, Texas; two children: Patsy Mills11, and Billy Burrel Mills11.

6. Wallace Rutledge Hardy10, born March 10, 1913; married Pauline Rister. They live at Wichita Falls, Texas and have two children:
1. Wallace Rutledge Hardy, Jr.11, born June 10, 1942.
2. Janice Hardy11, born March 1. 1947.

This ends the list of descendants of Mary Short Lee7, (daughter of John Lee6, son of Col. Greenberry Lee5) and her husband David Ralston of Giles County, Tennessee.

Miss Nell Aymett10, who lives at 215 South lst Street, Pulaski, Tennes-see, contributed the following data of her great grandmother's line:

Harriet C. Lee7, daughter of John Lee6 and wife Susanna Edmonds (Short) Lee. Harriet C. Lee7 was born in Georgia in 1813; died in December or January 1888; married John Ralston, a tax collector in Giles County, Tenn-essee. He was born May 10, 1812; brother of David Ralston, who married Mary Short Lee7, sister of Harriet C. Lee. David and John Ralston were sons of James Reid Ralston and wife Esther (Shannon) Ralston of Davison County, Tennessee.

John and Harriet C. (Lee) Ralston7 had three children:
1. Susan Ralston8, born September 2, 1834; died August 9, 1903; married T. C. Marks, born August 16, 1827, died June 7, 1906.

2. Esther Ann Ralston8 , born August 6, 1836, died April 18, 1882; married on January 6, 1864 to Logan D. Harwell, born May 18, 1817, died August 6, 1899. Issue: six daughters.

3. James A. Ralston8, born June 23, 1838, married Cornelia Harwell, born ___??___, died ___??___. He died March 19, 1907.

The six daughters of Esther Ann Ralston8 and Logan D. Harwell:
1. Robert Hattie Lee Harwell9, called Hattie, born February 20, 1865, died April 25, 1942, had married on September 1, 1896 to Henry Walton Aymett, born May 7, 1859, died November 25, 1921.

2. Sallie McFerrin Harwell9, born June 27, 1867, married W. M. Montgomery on September 4, 1892.

3. Mary Edmonds Harwell9, born September 5, 1868, died June 18, 1934. Unmarried.

4. Katie Pierce Harwell9, born September 13, 1871, died November 29, 1904. Unmarried.

5. Maggie L. Harwell9, born September 6, 1873, married December 25, 1894 to David C. Elder.

6. Mattie Marvin Harwell9, born September 5, 1876, married Neil C. Bird-song on December 26, 1893.

Esther Ann Ralston8 and Logan D. Harwell's eldest child:
l. Robert Hattie Lee Harwell9, called Hattie, born February 20, 1865, married September 1, 1896 to Henry Walton Aymett, born May 7, 1859. She died April 25, 1942. They had four children:
1. Infant son10, died 1899.

2. Annie Nell Aymett10, born October 25, 1900, unmarried. She lives at 215 South First Street, Pulaski, Tennessee.

3. Henry Harwell Aymett10, born November 14, 1902, lives at 215 South First Street, Pulaski, Tennessee. Married May 24, 1920 to Naomi Elizabeth Murphy, born September 16. 1905. She died April 30, 1961. They had two sons:
1. Henry Murphy Aymett11, born November 18, 1940; living.
2. Jerry Harwell Aymett11, born September 22, 1944; living.

4th child of Robert Hatte Lee Harwell9 and Henry Walton Aymett was 4. Katherine Louise Aymett10, born December 18, 1904, died March 31, 1925; unmarried.

Esther Ann Ralston8 and Logan D. Harwell's second child:
2. Sallie McFerrin Harwell9 born June 27, 1867, died Sept. 22, 1949; married September 4, 1892 to W. M. Montgomery, born October 5, 1862, died November 17, 1934. They had three children:
1. Elsie Lou Montgomery10, born November 18, 1893; married 1st Talmadge Owen; married 2nd to Arnie Young; both husbands died. Mrs. Arnie Young lives at 107 Ingram Street, Pulaski, Tennessee.

One daughter by Arnie Young;
1. Martha Ann Young11, born October 10, 1925, married on July 22, 1946 to Cletus Dunnavant. Issue one daughter:
1. Janice Ann Dunnavantl2, born April 16. 1955.

Second child of Sallie McFerrin Harwell9 and W, M. Montgomery:
2. Logan Harold Montgomery10, born March 15, 1897, died June 11, 1958; married Venitia Ethridge, on July 17, 1925. One son:
1. Rev. Harold Montgomery11, born April 16, 1931. He is a young Methodist Minister living at Oakfield, Tennessee, married in September, 1955 to Rebecca Ann Moore. Issue: two sons
1. Michael Stephen Montgomery12, born July 16, 1956.
2. Joseph Harold Montgomery12, born December 31, 1958.

Third child of Sallie McFerrin Harwell9 and W. M. Montgomery:

3. Esther Ann Montgomery10, born January 28, 1902, lives at Pulaski, Tennessee, Route #5; married on September 25, 1930 to Lexie Young, deceased. Issue one son:
1. James Paul Young11, born August 5, 1937; married on July 13, 1957 to Mary Ann Owen.

Fifth child of Esther Ann Ralston8 and Logan D. Harwell:

5. Maggie L. Harwell9, born September 6, 1873, died November 6, 1897; married on December 23, 1894 to David C. Elder, born December 31, 1873, died December 6. 1946. Issue:
1. Douglas Whitfield Elder10, born November 25, 1895.
2. Arthur Clair Elder10, born July 5, 1897, died October 2, 1948; married to Vallie Jackson. (She is Mrs. Clair Elder,
Fayetteville, Tennessee.) Issue: Three children.
1. Elaine Elder.
2. A. C. Elder, Jr.
3. Joe Douglas Elder.

Sixth child of Esther Ann Ralston8 and husband Logan D. Harwell:
6. Mattie Marvin Harwell9, born September 5, 1876, died January 9, 1957; married Neil C. Birdsong, born September 22, 1873, died May 5, 1959. Issue two children:
1. Esther Adelaide Birdsong10, born July 12, 1897. She lives at 416 South Third Street, Pulaski, Tennessee. Married on December 23, 1913 to Willis E. Winstead; deceased. Issue: Four children: Two sons died in infancy,
3. Martha Elizabeth Winstead11, born September 20, 1917. She is a technician in a hospital in South Bend, Indiana. Lives at 51824 Lilac Road, South Bend, Indiana.

4. Ruth Winstead11, born July 18, 1922; married on July 14, 1943 to Robert E. Lee, Jr.10 , (great grandson of Edward Greenberry B. Lee7 and 3rd wife, Lucy Farrar.) They live at 600 West Jefferson Street, Pulaski, Tennessee. Issue: Three children:
l. Martha Elizabeth Lee (Marty), born April 24, 1957.
2. Lucy Johnson Lee, born January 16, 1959.
3. Robert E. Lee, III, born December 28, 1960.

Second child of Hattie Marvin Harwell9 and Neil C. Birdsong:

2. Logan Hudgens Birdsong10, born August 9, 1904, died May, 1954; married August 15, ____ to Elsie Grace Schildt. She is Mrs. Logan H. Birdsong, Sr., Fort Walton Beach, Florida, Box #411. Issue two children:
l. Logan Hudgens Birdsong, Jr11, born ______.
2. Shirley Louise Birdsong11, born ______.

This ends the list of descendants of John Ralston and Harriet C. (LOS) Ralston7, daughter of John Lee6, son of Col. Greenberry Lee5.


Edward Greenberry B. Lee7, son of John Lee6 and wife Susanna Edmonds (Short) Lee; born _____ in Giles County, Tennessee; married five times:

lst wife, Miss Abernathy; a son, John William Lee8, who married four times.
2nd wife, Kate Ralston; a son, George G. Lee8.
3rd wife. Lucy Farrar; a son,
1. Bob Lee8, married Janie Dunlap; issue:
1. Judge Robert Edward Lee9 of Pulaski, Tennessee.
2. Lucy Lee9 married Dr. W. B. Johnson, formerly of Port Arthur,
Texas; now living in Pulaski. Dr. Johnson is a retired dentist.
4th wife, Miss Lusk; no children.
5th wife, Mrs. Matilda (Stanton) Hargrove; no children.

Judge Robert Edward Lee9, married Della Clayton of Lewisburg, Tennessee. They had three children Robert E. Lee, Jr10, Daniel Clayton Lee10, Lucy Lee10.
1. Robert E. Lee, Jr10, married Ruth Winstead, (a descendant of Harriett Lee7 and John Ralston). They have three children:
1. Martha Elizabeth Lee11.
2. Lucy Johnson Lee11.
3. Robert Edward Lee, III11.

2. Daniel Clayton Lee10, married Betty Sanders of Lewisburg, Tennessee; one daughter:
1. Linda Lee11.

3. Lucy Lee10, married Elmer David Davies, Jr., a Nashville attorney. They have two children:
l. Luda Davies11.
2. Lee Davies11.

John William Lee8 son of Edward Greenberry B. Lee7 and first wife, Miss Elizabeth Abernathy, born in Giles County, Tennessee. Married four times:

1st wife, Roena Payne; one daughter Rosa Lee9,

2nd wife, Jennie Rogers, married March 21, 1881 in Sumter County, Alabama. They had five children:
1. Rupert Lee9
2. Ada Lee9
3. Sallie Lee9
4. Johnie Lee9
5. Robert Lee9
The last, child, Robert, was reared by his mother's sister, Mrs. Hattie Marshall and husband, Dr. J. B. Marshall of
Mobile, Alabama.

On December 30, 1853 Edward D. Amason married Mary S. Rogers (sister of Jennie (Rogers) Lee) in Sumter County, Alabama. Their daughter, Alice Amason, married May 10, 1894 as...

3rd wife of John William Lee8, in Sumter County, Alabama. One daughter: Mary Edward Lee9, married Gordon Topp.
Issue: Three daughters:
1. Elizabeth Topp10, married Robert J. Lord. They live at 1104 Grand Avenue, Washington, Indiana. Issue:
1. Robert Gordon Lord11.
2. Mary Emily Lord11.
3. William Arthur Lord11.

2. Mary Edward Topp10, born January 20, 1919; married to William Rilay Young, born December 17, 1914. They live at 610 Ocean View Drive, Vandenburg Air Force Base, California. Issue: Three daughters:
1. Martha Lee Young11, born June 30, 1947.
2. Elizabeth Lane Young11 , born November 18, 1949.
3. Margaret Helen Young11, born June 12, 1956.

3. Helen Topp10, married Oron P. South, Box 181, Woodley Road, Montgomery, Alabama.

4th wife of John William Lee8, Margaret (Snow) Lee.
Issue: Three Children:
1. Hamilton Lee9.
2. Margaret Lee9.
3. Annie Ruth Lee9.

Other references found:
"Lancaster County Virginia Deeds and Wills #16. 1758 - 1763.
p47. Thomas Lee, Gentleman of Christ Church Parish the County of Lancaster. Send greetings: Where as my brother Richard Lee, late of said Parish at time of his death without a will in writing did desire our brother Charles Lee of Fleet's Island, Mariner, might have his negro Billy and negro a girl Nanny. I, Thomas Lee, in consideration of above request do for myself and my heirs hereby surrender up and towit claim all rights the said negroes to my brother, Charles Lee. June 12, 1758
Test: Spencer Currell, Epai Lawson. Thomas Lee (seal)
Constantine Locke. Recorded in Lancaster County,

"Lancaster County Virginia Deeds and Wills #17.
Order book #12. 1764 - 1767.
Charles Lee, assignee of debt.
John Lee, plaintiff
George Currell, defendant
The defendant being called, and failing to appear on the prayer of the plaintiff, a conditional judgment was granted against the said defendant by William Dymar Gent, Sheriff of the County. Oct. 1764."

John Lee was living in South Carolina at this date so his brother, Charles Lee was the assignee to collect this debt.

"Lancaster County Virginia Deeds and Wills #16.
p. 530. James Scrosby, Robert Wake and Ephram Lawson, Gent of County of Middlesex, Virginia are firmly bound unto Thomas Lee, Gent of Lancaster County in the just and full sum of £200 current money of Virginia to be paid unto said Thomas Lee, his heirs, and executors. Dated 9-Aug-1758.

The consideration of above obligation Whereas James Scrosby had during his natural life sold and relinquished to said Thomas Lee all rights & claims of a certain Tract of Land lying in Lancaster County, Parish of St. Mary's White Chapel, bequeathed by William Keene to his daughter, Elizabeth (Keene) Lee, Scrosby, late wife of said James Scrosby.
Signed: James Scrosby, Robert Wake, Epa Lawson (seals) Proved: 16-Mar-1759.
The above document shows that William Keene's daughter, Elizabeth who married 1st to Thomas Lee, then 2nd to James Scrosby. She was deceased by above date 16-Mar-1759.

So ends the Emma Lee Bettis Manuscript.

There is more - but most all there is Francis Constables regestered will and also the of of his widow which list Anne.

7/21/2011 at 8:50 PM

I had a chance today to do some poking around. I found what I think is the answer. It's not fleshed out as much as I'd like, but it should provide some clues to further research if anyone is interested.

The wife of Richard Lee, the immigrant, was Anne. Her maiden name was unknown, until it was discovered by research commissioned by the Society of the Lees of Virginia. Most internet sources are content to quote (or cite or rely on) Paul C. Nagel, The Lees of Virginia: Seven generations of an American family (Oxford University Press US, 1991), 9:

“Of incalculable importance to his progress was Richard's fortunate marriage. When the young man accompanied Governor Wyatt to Jamestown, the official household also included a young woman, Anne Constable, whose identity later became lost to the family record. Even her name was unknown for two hundred years. Now, thanks particularly to the work of David Halle, genealogist for the Society of the Lees of Virginia, we know that Anne was baptized in London during 1622 and that she was one of the daughters born to Francis Constable.”

Nagel didn't cite a more specific source. However, a picture emerges on various newsgroups and on the Society's website: David Halle commissioned research on the early Lees from the College of Arms in London. As it happens, the College of Arms owns John Gibbon's copy of John Smith's Generall Historie of Virginia (1624). Gibbon visited Richard and Anne Lee in Virginia in 1659-60. He later became a pursuivant at the College of Arms. He made many marginal notes (about 1710?) in his copy of Smith's book, including a note that Anne Lee was the daughter of Francis Constable. When he died, he left his papers to the College. The research by Halle uncovered Gibbon's marginalia, and proved the identity of Richard Lee's wife.

Gibbon's relevant note says “Cognomen Dominae Lei fuit Constable [the surname of Lee's wife was Constable], but shee came into Virginia with Sir Francis Wiat and had lived with Sir John Thorowgood, one of the Gentlemen pensioners.” According to the Society, photostats of Gibbon's marginalia are in the Virginia Historical Society.

There are two common objections to this source. First, that Gibbon was elderly and writing from memory so he might have been wrong.

Secondly, that Gibbon doesn't say (in this quote) that Anne's father was Francis Constable. And, Halle and Nagel have not sufficiently proved that the Anne baptized in 1622 was the woman who married Richard Lee.

But, those are questions for another day.

1/5/2016 at 1:34 PM

Good afternoon Jacqueli,

I descend from Anne's sister Sarah who married Anthony Savage. I was curious about the linage of Anne going back to William Constable. I don't follow the link to Humphrey VI Bohun? Perhaps a dumb question. Sorry and thank you. John

9 HUMPHREY VI de Bohun Earl 1276 - 1321
............ +Elizabeth Plantagenet princess 1282 - 1316
....... 10 William Constable 1295 - 1319
............. +Joan Fitzhugh 1296 -

1/5/2016 at 4:03 PM

You can read an Ahnentafel that I posted a few years ago on my website: - one day I will update with a cleaner, easier to follow version.

I am happy to meet you cousin - it is a shame that the Constable family was so often forgotten in the history of the Lee family. They were a great family. As you are probably aware, recent DNA testing has confirmed the Francis Constable line.

Private User
1/6/2016 at 7:27 AM

Regarding John Thoroughgood (Thorowgood), per Shaw's Knights there seem to have been two of him, both knighted, three years apart.

The first John Thorowgood was knighted Sept. 4 1630, at Moor Park, by the King (Shaw, vol. II, p. 198 This is the one who was a Member of Parliament and the Earl of Pembroke's Secretary and all that. Per History of Parliament Online, he was the son of John Thorowgood of Hertfordshire and Jane Wroth (daughter of William Wroth, mercer, of London). This one was *not* the brother of Adam Thorowgood, since the parents do not match.

A second John Thorowgood was part of a mass knighting of "gentleman pensioners" on July 16, 1633 (at Master James Maxwell's house at Innerwick). (Shaw, p. 201 This places him in Scotland as part of the royal bodyguard and indicates a good character, a strong military background, and a respectable if not necessarily "noble" family, since commoners *could* be inducted if they sufficiently distinguished themselves.

Ordinance of King Charles I governing the Yeomen of the Guard, from his personal Household Book:

"To establish government and order in Our Court, which from whence may spread with more honour through all parts of our Kingdoms. We have collected theise Articles conformable to the ancient ordinances of Our house, and command them to be duly observed in every point. Above stairs the Yeomen of Our Guard are to attend in Our Great Chamber as hath been accustomed. And because their service importeth not only the safety of Our person, but the honour of Our Court. We ordain that none hereafter be sworn and enrolled of that band that is not of tall personage, strong, active, and of manlie presence. And that such, according the Our prerogative, be chosen out of the servants of Our nobilities, or where els they may be found. And that they be freelie placed and enjoyned to execute their service in person not be excused by the attendance of extraordinary hired men as sometimes hath been done.

"The Yeomen Ushers and the Yeomen Waiters for the day shall be in the Great Chamber by six or seven of the clock in the morning to discharge the watch. The Usher to command a Yeoman to keep the doore and not to depart from the doore till the next waiter come to relieve him. And he that cometh last to keep it till Our board be taken downe after supper."

"The Yeomen Ushers are to see that the Chamber be kept cleane & sweet; and that they cause the dore to be carefullie kept, not suffering any footmen or other meane persons to enter."

"If there shall happen to disorder or quarrel among anie of Our servants in the Great Chamber, the Clarke of the Cheque or the Yeomen Ushers in his absence are to discharge them of theire attendance till the cause be heard and punished by the Lord Chamberlain."

"At Meals. The Yeomen of the Guard having brought up Our meate and performed theire other services shall presentlie retire themselves into the Greate Chamber."

"The Captain of the Guard to be allowed to attend the Chapel in the Stalles."

The ordinances were concluded by directing that they should be read twice a year at Michaelmas and Shrovetide in the several rooms of the Court.

Note: this is not the same unit that serves as guards at the Tower of London - they are, technically, the Yeomen Warders or Tower Warders.

1/6/2016 at 7:47 AM

Thank you for the link Jacqueli. I did not know about the DNA testing to confirm the Francis Constable line. They may be some debate about my distant G Grandmother Sarah Constable being the mother of Alice Savage but the common names seem to solidify it for me. For example, the name Alice was Sarah's mother and sisters name and then Alice Savage named one of her daughters Sarah (after her mother) and another daughter (Ann) I assume after Anne(Alice's aunt) of your Lee line.

Also, I still don't understand how William Constable is Humphrey de Bohun's son since they have different surnames.

1312768. William Constable588,588,588,588, born 1295 in Flamborough, Yorkshire, England588,588,588,588; died
26 Apr 1319 in England588,588,588,588. He was the son of 2625536. HUMPHREY VI de Bohun Earl and
2625537. Elizabeth Plantagenet princess. He married 1312769. Joan Fitzhugh 1314 in Flamborough, East
Riding, Yorkshire, England588,588.

Private User
1/6/2016 at 8:07 AM

john: Apparently it's a mashup from who-knows-where. Had a bit of trouble identifying exactly which Humphrey de Bohun was indicated, there having been so many of that name in a row - turned out to be the 4th Earl of Hereford.

He had a son William, but *not* surnamed "Constable":
8. William de Bohun, 1st Earl of Northampton (About 1310-1312 –1360). Twin of Edward. Married Elizabeth de Badlesmere, daughter of Bartholomew de Badlesmere, 1st Baron Badlesmere and Margaret de Clare, by whom he had issue.
9. Edward de Bohun (About 1310-1312 –1334). Twin of William. Married Margaret, daughter of William de Ros, 2nd Baron de Ros, but they had no children. He served in his ailing elder brother's stead as Constable of England. He was a close friend of young Edward III, and died a heroic death attempting to rescue a drowning man-at-arms from a Scottish river while on campaign.

Constable of Flamborough goes back *much* father than the 4th Earl of Hereford, and is attested by charters and other legal records:

1/6/2016 at 9:29 AM

Thank you Maven for clarifying. I see that there is some differing opinions on Francis Constable's father. Wiki has the following:

Robert II Constable
of North Pickenham, Norfolkshire
(c. 1555-bef. 1607)

Your thoughts? Also, on Jacqueli's Ahnentafel is saw that Margery Barker was listed as an adopted child of Christopher Barker. I had not seen that listed before. Is it correct? See below.

Children of Christopher Barker and Rachel Day are:

2565 i.
Margery Barker, born 1570 in Datchet, Buckinghamshire, England; died in England; Adopted child; married Robert Constable 1590.

1/6/2016 at 10:03 AM

John - you can email me privately and I will be happy to share all the information I have on the Constable line with you. Thank you.

1/15/2016 at 3:45 PM

This discussion is being closed at the behest of several key parties involved.

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