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Jacqueli Charlene Finley's Geni Profile

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Jacqueli Charlene Finley

Immediate Family:

Daughter of Jack Harry Finley and Private

Occupation: Author, Genealogist, Family Researcher
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Jacqueli Charlene Finley

Genealogist, Historian, and Author:
Custom Genealogy Research

Forensic Genealogist and Assistant Investigator:

Books by Jacqueli Finley

Lees of Virginia 'Lost Lineages' Series

MacBeth and the Clan Finley

The Lost Descendants of Stratford Descendants of General Robert E Lee and Nancy Ruffin

Lees of Virginia Lost Lineages a Series by Jacqueli Finley

Macbeth King of Scotland and The Clan Finley

Jacqueli Finley Podcast Interview with Matthew DiBiase of NARA: Jacqueli Finley Podcast Interview with Matthew DiBiase of NARA

My genealogy sites and research (Copyrighted):

Jacqueli Finley's Genealogy Blog -

Lees of Virginia Website -

Wordpress Article -

Linked In -

Please see documents: for DNA and MRCA Match Confirmations for my lineage - both paternal and maternal (You will need to be logged in to a Geni account)

and more... see below DNA Surname GEDMatch Reports.

"I have created my paternal tree information from my conversations with my father, his legal documentation, primary sources and DNA matches that I have verified through genealogical DNA software programs to matching MRCA's aligning with tree (which I have attached examples as a source here and same goes for my maternal tree) and have not attempted to deceive anyone. Period." Jacqueli

DNA Confirmations MRCA GEDMatch - All DNA Lab Kits Reports for Jacqueli's Ancestors:


I am a professional Forensic Genealogist, APG Member (Association of Professional Genealogists) and have over 40 years of genealogy experience and research.

As a professional genealogist,
I proudly abide by the code of ethics of the Association of Professional Genealogists as I undertake my genealogy and history research.

My website:

Jacqueli Finley's Genealogy Blog

My research on the Parents of Col Richard Lee:

GEDMatch DNA Confirmation of Richardus Lee as father of Col Richard Lee as my 10th grgrandfather

and DNA confirmation of my Lees of Virginia Lines:

Please Note:

There are misrepresentations of outdated research quoting me on Col Richard Lee and 'parents' per Wm. Thorndale's outdated research on such sites as WikiTree (and other online genealogy platforms) which use me as a reference for the outdated material.
I currently revoke any and all endorsement of these references to the outdated research as I have found that John Leyes and Jane Hancock ARE NOT the documented parents as Wm Thorndale had presented in 1988 and AS MANY GENEALOGISTS HAD ACCEPTED based on those assumptive sources and Wm Thorndale's references in the National Genealogical Society Quarterly - William Thorndale's Publication of "Parents of Col Richard Lee of Virginia", Vol 76, December 1988, Page 253: Parents of Col Richard Lee of Virginia - SOURCES AND REFERENCES THAT DO NOT EXIST - as in my much earlier research I too once believed Thorndale was credible until I actually fact checked his findings through the UK Archives and found no such documentation existed as he presented which I am sure upsets many that I made this discovery.

My new information and research as I have presented now show adequate documentation proving up Col Richard Lee's parents - that publishing's and historic citing;s claimed prior to Thorndale's assumptions - that factual evidence prove Richard Lee of Coton Hall (Richardus Lee) and Elizabeth Bendy were the parents on record for Col Richard Lee, which I do now endorse, as DNA is proving recently as well, despite what 'others' may claim.
My current research:

My DNA GEDMatch MRCA reports also confirm this connection of Richard Lee (COL) being son of Richard (Richardus) Lee of Coton Hall (Shropshire Lees).

The material on these Wikitree profiles show updated by myself in 2021 which is impossible as I have not contributed on Wikitree or been a member since early 2018.

It is important to me that websites such as WikiTree, etc., discontinue quoting me out of context in a misrepresentation of my current research or alter my current research (ie., some have gone as far as editing my contributions without my specific permission as to seemingly mislead or confuse the public viewer that I made the comments or contributions as presented.) My research and contributions as to whom Col Richard Lee parents are quite clear as my 10th great parents and DNA confirmed are as presented on my website:
Thank you, Jacqueli Finley


GEDMatch DNA Kit #'s for Jacqueli Finley (I have several Kits because I had DNA tested from several labs):

A598504 Jacqueli Finley

T085103 Jacqueli Finley

T156944 Jacqueli Finley

T422504 Jacqueli Finley

T674682 Jacqueli Finley

GEDMatch Super Kit: NP070205C1

Most common surnames in my family DNA: Richard Lee 1618:Surname List Ady, Allen, Allerton, ALTMAN, Ambrose, Ball, Barnett, Beale, Beckworth, Benton, Bosworth, Bridge, Bryan, BRYAN, Camp, Campbell, CARTER, Combs, Constable, Dickerson, Egerton, Finley, Flint, Gresham, Griffin, Harrison, Hart, Hartsell, Hopkins, Howard, Hubbard, Ingersoll, Ingram, Johnson, Judd, Kendall, Kidd, Kidde, Lea, Lee, LEE, Lee, LEE, Lee, Leigh, Lindsey, Mary, Mauck, Mauk, McBee, McKeever, FELTON, Morgan, Murphy, Murray, Newton, Oney, Owens, Rains, Ritchey, Rochester, Shurbutt, Silk, Sloan, Smith, Steptoe, Taylor, Taliaferro, Westbrooks, White, Wilhelm, Williams, Wilson, Woodruff, Young

DNA MRCA Confirmations of my Historic Direct Ancestors Per GEDMatch:

Above Reports includes LOV Line Ancestors Col Richard Lee and wife Anne Constable.

My Website DNA Project page:

Jacqueli Finley's Genealogy Blog

Please Note: My MCRA DNA confirmations also prove all 5 of my Lees of Virginia ancestral lines from Col Richard Lee and Anne Constable as well as Richardus Lee of Coton Hall as my 10th great grandfather, father of Col Richard Lee.

DNA CONFIRMATION REPORTS: Both Paternal Finley/Lee/Booth/Oney lineage and Maternal Lee/Mauk/Bosworth/Carter ... Royal Lineages and relations to US Presidents as MY research claims:

You can logon to GEDMatch and from the links of the reports veiw each DNA match to confirm.

DNA Matches to Jacqueli's Direct Ancestors:' - just a few examples as way too many to list but you can veiw directly from GEDMatch PDF report links.

To view my uploaded documents:
or go to my genealogy blog to read more developments: Jacqueli Finley's Genealogy Blog


Re: Statements that there is DNA evidence my father Jack Harry FINLEY was born Jack SHAW:
Regarding my sibling Joyce's claim that we have "NO FINLEY SURNAME MRCA DNA MATCHES" which the above DNA Confirmation report from GEDMatch does confirm FINLEY Paternal Ancestors of my father Jack Harry Finley's lineage per my research, this FINLEY surname DNA MRCA match report from also confirms my FINLEY surname DNA matches (including my immediate family matching as well to the same DNA kits), my Trueline DNA matches to Finley lineage, and my GEDMatch confirmations of Finley ancestors, disproving the statements that have been made to discredit myself, my research and my father's parents as Orbrie Finley and Bertha Lee. I have posted online the DNA reports from ALL DNA MRCA reports from these DNA sites, as well as visable DNA Matches here on my Geni Finley paternal line profiles:
Please view DNA Surname GEDCOM Match Reports from GEDMatch Webcaptures of DNA results in my documents posted for confirmations.

I have included on my FINLEY ancestors profiles as well the TRUELINES DNA, MyHeritage and GEDMatch matches that also confirm my paternal, as well as materal, lines. My MCRA DNA confirmations also prove all 5 of my Lees of Virginia ancestral lines from Col Richard Lee and Anne Constable as well as Richardus Lee of Coton Hall as my 10th great grandfather, father of Col Richard Lee.


**ANYONE at ANYTIME can verify that I have NO FINLEY MATERNAL ANCESTORS on any of my public GEDCOMs and Trees on Geni,, MyHeritage,,, and which is FULL TRANSPARENCY - unlike others who privatize trees and do not make public any supporting evidence or documentation on claims that Finley DNA is not from my father's paternal line but from my mother's lineage.**

I do not appreciate the gaslighting that has been done to me in regard to my research and lineage as DNA does not lie, unlike people, as my Pedigree and Ancestral Tree is very much REAL and not 'Make Believe' as others have claimed in attempts to shame and discredit me and my family history. - FINLEY Surname DNA Matches GEDMatch for Jacqueli Finley Paternal Line from Jack Harry Finley.pdf

DNA Surname Matches to Paternal FINLEY for Jack Finley, Jr (Half-brother)

These documents show GEDMatch, DNA, and GEDCOM confirmations for Finley, Finlay and Farqharson - so covers lineage ancestors to Eugenius Shaw Farquharson McFinlay my paternal 21st great grandfather - Eugenius Shaw Farquharson McFinlay

Regarding my DNA confirmations from 5 genealogy DNA sites for my father Jack Harry Finley FINLEY ancestry through his father Orbrie Dee Finley - Geni, Truelines, MyHeritage, GEDMatch, FTDNA - does also include my sibling sister's GEDCOM and DNA from GEDMatch and MyHeritage as well - she who claimed we had no FINLEY DNA matches. Obviously she mis-spoke.



What Y-DNA test? What SHAW males tested? What was the analysis of the DNA and relationships? Where can this be publicly verifiable? What is the SHAW male Y-DNA Haplogroup?

All information in regard to the Y-DNA that supposedly makes my father a SHAW and not his legal name : ie., the testers, the analysis and comparisons need to be made public. Not only is that the right thing to do but the LEGAL thing to do, as it is being stated (as if this is a fact using SHAW Y-DNA as evidence) that my dad was not really Jack Finley but a Jack Shaw - how so?

As my father's brother was adopted about age 3 and used the name Arnold Shaw his entire life yet my father was never adopted and used his Jack Finley name his entire life as that is his legal name as documentation shows (and as he told me as I knew him) as FINLEY - but it is being said that my father's Y-DNA has renamed him a SHAW after his brother's adoptive family … so now he is no longer a FINLEY, as he told me and as his legal documentation and my DNA + MRCA matches to Orbrie Finley and Bertha Lee my dad's legal birth parents show on record(?) ...

My father's brother was adopted and given name Arnold Shaw and Arnold had children and grandchildren. Because of this myself and immediate family will have SHAW surname DNA matches to 1st and 2nd cousins because of Arnold being our uncle ... that is common sense.

FACT: Shaw Mayflower Ancestors married into my Bosworth line. Shaw ancestors married into my Booth line ... which is visable on my GEDMatch DNA Match Reports.

So... A real soap opera has been fabricated.

FACT: I have now been in contact with the family members of the SHAW line in question and they have verified that my half brother is not a Y-DNA match to the males I have corresponded with on Ancestry DNA. And the DNA matches outside of immediate family of my father's adopted brother's descendants could be for existing SHAW ancestors of this line (ie - with my father unattached to this SHAW tree but Arnold is, Arnold stands as my 13th cousin - so Au dna is there but distant as SHAW).

FACT: Johnny SHAW my 1st cousin and son of Arnold SHAW - my dad's brother who had been adopted by the SHAW family is my DNA match confirmed and our confirmed DNA biological grand father is Orbrie Dee Finley - my dad's legal parent - and our DNA confirmed MRCA for FINLEY lineage: and

FACT: The Y-DNA Haplogroup for my half brother Jack Finley, Jr and SHAW is M-R269 which IS the same Haplogroup for my dad's FINLEY lineage and not "ASSIGNED" to SHAW males exclusively - see:
MR269 also is the Y-DNA Haplogroup for Finley, Finlay, Farquarson, and most European males.

FACT: The 'NEW' grandfather that has been assigned as a parent to my father via his brother Arnold Shaw's parent of [Haley Augustus Gus] who dies in 1968 (on record) not 1929 as my sibling has publicly displayed on tree(s) - knowing that he died in 1968 why would he keep son Arnold and not his siblings (my fatjher) ... yet place my father Jack in an orphanage? That will be interesting to find out why as Gus Shaw had raised a few children besides Arnold .... My father had told me that his brother had been adopted and the family had started to adopt him as well but for some reason the adoption did not go through and he never saw his brother again.

FACT: Y-DNA is never used for paternity unless the ascending generation male(s) Y-DNA is obtained to compare as it only can show a 'connection' as in a HAPLOGROUP as there is not one surname attached to one Y-DNA Haplogroup. Example: males in Ireland have over 70% are Y-DNA Haplogroup LI1 yet there are thousands of surnames associated with this LI1 Haplogroup. Male SHAW Y-DNA testers for the line from John The Pilgrim Shaw (which is Haley Augustus Shaw's line) are not aY- DNA match to my immediate family - not enough Au DNA exists to justify this as my paternal grandparent line. Period (per Shaw family members from dna surname group on ancestry). SHAW and FINLEY Y-DNA Haplogroups are M-R269 or Rb1 - same Haplogroup assigned to both surnames .. any many other surnames as well.

FACT: the statement being made by same individual that the military told my dad to "Pick a name and that will be your legal name" is ridiculous. If SHAW was my father's birth name then why didn't my dad just use his real name if Jack Shaw was his real name? The story being told was he did not know his 'real' name when he entered the military in 1941 - but that his first wife that he married in 1943 was told by him that his family were Shaw's and Brown's or Browning? Did he have amnesia prior to 1943? None of these 'stories' make any sense. My father's residence on his military application for Jack Harry Finley shows Oil Through Arkansas - same as 1940 census listed as Jack Harry Finley.

FACT: Statements that Ruth Beale the director at the orphanage gave my father as his guardian permission to join the military at the age of 13 in 1941 is just absurd - the military would not accept a recruit at such a young age - this was WWII not the Civil War - and in 1941 my father was 20 years old. Ruth Beale is not listed as a GUARDIAN but NEXT OF KIN - big difference as my dad had no other known family at that time He did not need guardian permission and there is not any record of this guardianship in any of my fathers military paperwork he gave me or that I have acquired from the military. The 1941 application into the military my father is assigned his military serial ID. Military Application:

FACT: 1940 Census record shows my father as a laborer on the Pearce family farm in Oil Through Arkansas since 1935 - from age 13 to 18 - which matches HIS residence on his military application and also does not match his 'next of kin' Ruth Beale who HAD BEEN his legal guardian (because he was never adopted and she had been only 'family' he had known) at the children's home in Little Rock Arkansas where he lived from age 5 until age 13. My father told me he had worked on a hog farm prior to the military after he left the orphanage, he is listed as a laborer in the census, how much he was paid and that he resided there since 1935 - all listed on the 1940 Census record. This 1940 Census lists when my father started on the farm - in 1935 - and his wages and occupation - laborer. AT no time is there a census record and any existing record showing that my father was adopted by or lived at a residence on a FINLEY farm as has been fabricated as well. The only records for my father after his parents died are the childrens home and 1940 census with my father on the Pearce farm from age 13 until he entered military. The Pearce family did not adopt my father as my father was using his given name of Jack Harry Finley - as the 1940 census proves up: compare to military application info:

FACT: The 1939 Military application for a Jack Finley that is being used by sibling is not for my father as the military assigns a "Serial" number to every enlistment unique as your social security number for identification purposes - this serial number does not match my dad's - so belongs to another Jack Finley, born in Arkansas 1921, that joined the Marines as my dad was in the Navy.

FACT: SSA Application states Jack Harry Finley birth parents Orbrie Dee Finley and Bertha Lee. All my father could remember is that his parents had been very young and that his grandparents never came for him or his brother. Social Security Administration confirmed to myself that my father had used his birth certificate when applying for his social security card which is his SSA application record. No explanation has been given why he listed them if they were not his parents because when any person applies for their SSA card they have to prove up what ever they list on their application and that is the law - no one can just fill it out and believe it is just accepted on face value - does not happen because it is a legal documentation proving US citizenship, birth and that parents were citizens also - so is considered a legal validation of parents. If my father had been adopted or foster that would reflect on his Social Security Application which IS a legal document.

FACT: SSA Application information - SS# - matches SSA Death Index for Jack Harry Finley.

FACT: SSA information - SS# - matches all of my father military records.

FACT: My DNA and the tree I have made from legal documents, DNA and MRCA matches can be verified as well as MRCA matches to all of my dad's Finley and Lee ancestor branches on's Thrulines program, GEDMatch, FTDNA, MyHeritage, and Geni publicly.

FACT: My father lived, served our Country, and died as Jack Harry Finley, even though his Find a Grave Memorial has been vandalized by my sibling, his gravestone at his burial still tells the truth as I was his only child present who attended his burial so I should know.

FINAL FACT: My sister and I have separated trees here on Geni as she promotes different parents for my father and makes many statements elsewhere in the genealogy platforms online that we have SHAW DNA so my father's father was a SHAW since my father's brother was adopted by the SHAW family. It is true we have SHAW DNA as the Finley lines beginings were of the SHAW Clan progenator in Scotland, but we have closer SHAW DNA on our maternal line through our Mayflower lines. This is evident by the relationship shown here on Geni for myself and my sibling as our trees ARE NOT CONNECTED yet we are connected via our SHAW ancestors through our Maternal Autosomal DNA:

Joyce * Finley is Jacqueli Charlene Finley's 9th cousin once removed!

Jacqueli Charlene Finley
You → Claudia Inez Mauk
your mother → Claud Bosworth Mauk
her father → Charlotte Bosworth
his mother → Littleton Brooks Bosworth
her father → Richard or Richmond Bosworth
his father → Richard Bosworth, Captain
his father → Sarah Bosworth
his mother → Sarah Dyer Cobb
her mother → Ruth Derby
her mother → Simon Whitmarsh
her father → John Whitmarsh
his brother → Deborah Shaw
his daughter → Benjamin Shaw
her son → William Garner Shaw
his son → Hailey G. Shaw
his son → Hiram M Shaw
his son → Hiram C Shaw
his son → Gus Shaw
his son → Jack Browning Shaw aka Jack Harry Finley
his son → Joyce * Finley
his daughter

Imagine that.

Thank you, Jacqueli

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