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Started by Günther Kipp on Wednesday, April 7, 2010
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Showing 241-245 of 245 posts

I spoke too soon, they seem to all be gone.Many thanks

I just discovered that my dad and I were thrown under the bus by Private User for a lack of communication. I'm not sure why Janet was attempting to communicate with us to begin with, as our presence on Geni was a brief experiment. My own account was deleted long ago. I only recently signed back up to see if Geni had become more of what I had hoped it would be. Alas, it has not, which is why I am building my tree over at WikiTree...

@Private User
What were you hoping Geni had become? They are still evolving. Unfortunately they have yet to find their best balance for the business model so are making changes still. Some less popular than others but if we ignore the two latest changes about price tiers they are making great strides towards their world tree project.

@Terry Jackson Well I've been looking for the elusive all-in-one site. It has to be very user-friendly for the older genealogy collaborators. It has to allow for coordination of research projects. It has to allow for easy communication between researchers and family members. I've given up on finding all of these things on any sort of 'free' site, but before I start paying I'd like to find a site where I can stay awhile without fear of having the site shut down.

Geni does not yet seem to meet those requirements for me at this time.

@Glenn Dixon I hope you will keep a close eye on Geni then as we curators still have high hopes that it will be the best site available. ' Watch this space' as they say.

Showing 241-245 of 245 posts

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