
Started by Rolana on Wednesday, December 1, 2010
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Showing 31-58 of 58 posts

Hatte and Rolana, I share him too! Just not as closely as the two of you do -- Vice Admiral Sir John Hawkins is my fifth cousin 14 times removed.

Rolana is my 16th cousin -- our common ancestors are the Skipwiths.
Unfortunately, No path found to Ebenezer Leland.

My mom loved hearing about Admiral John Hawkins. We live near where Sir Francis Drake supposedly landed in California. Although she noticed too that Hawkins was supposedly an early slaver. Yikes.

Seems I'm following this. What fun. I believe I'm a direct descendant of Oliver Cromwell's sister Anna, so I'd be a not too distant cousin of several of you.

By the way, I hope you all spotted the flaw in the note above about the number of ancestors people have in generation 30. Maybe the article went on, as it should have, to admit that most people find some inbreeding in their ancestry not too far back, which greatly reduces the actual number of ancestors. British Royal family are great at that - only about 3,000 traceable ancestors, I believe, despite some lines going back to Charlemagne and maybe Muhamad, and beyond.

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photo owned by Tamara Tucker Swingle

Rolana, you and I are 11th cousins.

photo owned by Tamara Tucker Swingle

Rolana, it looks like we're both descended from Mayflower passenger Francis Cooke.

photo owned by Tamara Tucker Swingle

Hatte, does Rolana's husband share our Capt. John Johnson as an ancestor?

Rolana, I don't think I am part of the collaboration pool, I am colaborating with a few ppl with my tree, but according to geni :)

Rolana is your 16th cousin thrice removed.

I couldn't view the path because I don't have Geni pro :)
Have a good one cousin! :)

What an amazing amount of information there is here. Tammy I know very little of my husbands side of the family, I'm hoping to fix that but this is all really new to me so I'm taking baby steps as I don't want to add to any confusion in the tree.

photo owned by Tamara Tucker Swingle

Rolana, there is a connection between your husband and Capt. John Johnson, but it isn't direct. At least for now.The relationship path is kind of convoluted, but as Hatte points out, that's always changing as more info and more merges are done on the tree.

I felt compelled to chime in and say that I'm your 16th cousin twice removed, according to Geni =) However, I only have proven documentation through the Sayre line... so I can't give you full confidence on that as I'm relying on other users of Geni.

Robin, you are my 11th cousin once removed, as you suspected, desending from a common Cromwell ancestor.

Right now Rolana's husband is only related to me through Rolana according to the Geni relationship "thingy" but it would be fun to know more about his Johnson ancestors. Ours hit a dead end with Captain John Johnson since we don't know for sure who his parents in England were.

family tree maker has a nice relationship analyzer... shows all connections to another person. my parents are cousins about 5 different ways.. lol

With the large number of cousin marriages in our family, it's frustrating to only see one of the relationships between family members. A simple example is that my great grandfather and great grandmother were both descendants of my ggg grandfather through separate offspring. He was the the SON of my gg grandmother and she was the GRANDAUGHTER of my gg grandmother's brother. And that was a distant cousin marriage in our family. These went on for generations.

Hawkins is my 11th great grandmother's husband... wicked cool :)

Bronwen Amanda Shaffner is your 21st cousin twice removed so says Geni :)
Neat stuff

@ Hattie and Steve I know how you feel lol
My grandmothers Grandparents were both 4 great grandchildren of this one couple (and that isn't including a few other relationed lines) so my grandmother was the 7th *double if there is such a classification* great Grandaughter of Antoine and Antoinette (Landry) Bourg. here is the kick-My grandFather (her husband) is ALSO the 7th great grandson of those two ppl...they were related like 6 different ways...gets confusing after a bit lol

Renée Boudreau is Hatte Blejer's 17th cousin twice removed!

Bronwen Shaffner is my 10th cousin twice removed (through the Mayflower passengers, the Fullers).

Vice Admiral Sir John Hawkins is your fifth cousin 14 times removed.
your father → MARY JANE MILLER
his mother → Isaac Lock Miller
her father → SARAH BUSTER
his mother → DAVID R BUSTER
her father → JOHN J BUSTER
his father → William Buster, Jr.
his father → Elizabeth WALLACE
his mother → Elizabeth Wallace
her mother → Isabella Bruce
her mother → Patrick Bruce
her father → William Bruce
his father → Janet Bruce
his mother → Anne Douglas
her mother → John Douglas, 2nd Earl of Morton
her father → Joan of Scotland (Stewart), Countess of Morton
his mother → Joan Beaufort, Queen consort of Scots
her mother → Margaret Holland, Countess of Somerset; Duchess of Clarence
her mother → Alice Fitzalan, Countess of Kent
her mother → Eleanor Plantagenet, Countess of Arundel and Warenne
her mother → Matilda "Maude" Courtenay
her daughter → Hugh Courtenay
her son → Florence Trelawney
his daughter → William Trelawney
her son → Joan Towne Trelawney, Heiress of Brightoore
his daughter → Vice Admiral Sir John Hawkins
her son

Bronwen Amanda Shaffner is your 12th cousin four times removed.
his father → Joseph (MCLENDON) Throgmartin
his father → Robert Throgmartin
his father → Susannah Throgmorton
his mother → SARAH WOODSON
her mother → John Woodson, "Cousin"/"Cousin"
her father → Elizabeth Ferris
his mother → Richard Ferris (England)
her father → Nicholas de Ferrier
his father → Constance Brome
his mother → Nicholas Brome
her father → Elizabeth Brome
his daughter → Constance Hawes
her daughter → Thomas Shepard
her son → John Shepard
his son → Edward Shepard (Shepherd)
his son → John Shepard
his son → John D Shepard, Deacon
his son → Hannah Shepard
his daughter → John Ensign
her son → Jacob Ensign
his son → William Ensign
his son → L. Goodwill
his daughter → M. Taylor
her daughter → B. Taylor
her son → L. Taylor
his son → L. Taylor
his son → B. Shaffner
his daughter

Renée Marie Boudreau is your 18th cousin once removed.
your father → MARY JANE MILLER
his mother → Isaac Lock Miller
her father → SARAH BUSTER
his mother → DAVID R BUSTER
her father → JOHN J BUSTER
his father → William Buster, Jr.
his father → Elizabeth WALLACE
his mother → Elizabeth Wallace
her mother → Isabella Bruce
her mother → Patrick Bruce
her father → Jane Bruce
his mother → John Fleming, 5th Lord Fleming
her father → Lady Janet Stewart
his mother → Margaret Tudor, Queen of Scotland
her mother → Elizabeth of York, Queen consort of England
her mother → Elizabeth Woodville (Wydeville), Queen consort of England
her mother → Jacquetta de Luxembourg, Duchess of Bedford; Countess Rivers
her mother → Thibaud de Luxemourg, de St. Pol
her brother → Guillemette von Luxembourg
his daughter → Robert De Sarrebruck
her son → Philippa de Sarrebruck
his daughter → Catherine de Silly
her daughter → Diane de Rohan-Gie
her daughter → Claude Landry
her son → Jean-Claude Landry
his son → Antoinette Landry
his daughter → Marie-Jeanne Bourg
her daughter → Jean Charles Beliveau
her son → Pierre dit Piau Belliveau
his son → Marie Madeleine Belliveau
his daughter → Jacques Amirault
her son → Ursule Boudreau
his daughter → Onesiphore Boudreau
her son → J. Boudreau
his son → J. Boudreau
his son → E. Boudreau
his son → R. Boudreau
his daughter

as far as i have checked i appear to be related to 66 of mayflower passengers 1620. some others on later voyages. yikes! who would have known.

I know Jon, you and I are related to a bunch of them. I'm only a direct descendant of 8 Mayflower passengers, but with all the intermarriages of the early families in Colonial America, I'm related by marriage to many more.

Still trying to grasp how neat all this is.... It's just so very interesting.

Bronwen - one of the coolest ways to get involved is to collaborate on a project about your ancestors or just go follow a bunch of projects and read :)

So glad you've taken a liking to the world of Genealogy, Bronwen.

Your kids will appreciate it in a few years. And their kids, and their kids...

I just recently found out that I am a descendant of Sir John Hawkins. This is amazing!

Showing 31-58 of 58 posts

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