The profile you requested has been merged into this profile.

Persons who have not been online for a year (Abandoned Trees)

Started by Eldon Lester Clark on Thursday, December 30, 2010
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Erica Howton I have recently added you as the manager of some of the profiles I added way back when. If any of you are looking to take over any of my profiles, please feel free to shoot me an email.

This merge has been waiting for a year now, as have my collaboration request.
I don't think the manager has been online for the past year
Hans Jørn Næss

Unconnected profile. Just look another way, - unconnected profiles does no harm or are not creating any problems for the main line, - they are just annoying.

It is by the way not an abandoned tree, - the manager had been logged in this month, so it might be worth a try to contact him and explain the situationn.

It looks like you managed to solve the problem.

Private User

Last Online: January 6, 2012


Showing 691-695 of 695 posts

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