Persons who have not been online for a year (Abandoned Trees)

Started by Eldon Lester Clark on Thursday, December 30, 2010
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@bruce dallaway deary
Bruce Dallaway Deary

Private User

Private User

Private User

Private User

Private User

The need for this thread has disappeared since Geni has now given us a way to report these within the profiles themselves. Just open the profile for edit, click on "More Actions" and then on "Report". Then just select "Abandoned Tree" under the Reason drop-down list.

Sorry, Dave and Alastair
I suggested to Alastair that he post here. My blunder.

I would also like to remind you that public discussions like this is indexed by search engines like Goggle.

I don't think everyone would like to find them self get hanged out like this as a person "blocking" merges. They might have very good reason for not having legged in for a while, and secondly we have the curator team to take care of public profiles that needs attention.

We should stay away from private profiles in any case, and releasing an abandoned account could result in private profiles becoming public if there are no family members to take care of them.

I sometimes take the job of cleaning up closed accounts and it once took me a over week to delete the none-historical profiles since it cannot be done automatically if too tangled into other's trees. It is better to keep these accounts active with their privacy protection.

Each person needs to delete his/her own post. When all the posts are deleted, the discussion should go away.

With the new "More Actions" >> "Report". >> "Abandoned Tree" process what is the turnaround time for these requests to be actioned?

Can someone check the email contact addresses on 3 or 4 of the profiles that I submitted as per previous posts.

I suspect that some of these profiles have been created with similar email contact addresses for some reason and are not "owned" by the actual person in the profile.

Alastair, that last post should be a help request.

Your previous one, turn-around time, I have no clue.
Eldon Lester Clark have you any idea about turn-around time?

Maria, I have not seen any action at all. Maybe some Geni admin should chime in about what the report function does and if they are acting on the reports. I have not seen anything on the Geni blog about reports.

Bjorn, I have some disagreements with your last post.
It does not matter if any search engines index the discussions unless someone posts an email address. That is what would open them up to spammers. I am sure that everyone on Geni is listed somewhere else but without anything but a name, what difference does that make.

No one is getting hung out. Posting them here should trigger an email to them as the posting months ago did for me in regards to zombies. If they are interested, they should log on, clean up their merge issues and maybe even reply.
When Geni releases an abandoned tree, the do not release the persons profile, only the profiles that should be public. The curators have enough to do without getting involved in something that Geni should do automatically. I thought that profiles should not be deleted, just merged where possible in line with the goal of one tree.

I have a very generic question that I didn't find an answer to after reading about half of the 6 pages of this thread.

So assuming the "Report Abandoned Tree" function works, or listing inactive accounts here, I'm curious, what happens to those accounts afterwards?

Do they auto accept collaboration and such, allowing merges to continue? If the person comes back, what then?

Steven, if the function works, Geni should release the profiles managed by the person to anyone who requests management of one. This does not include any profiles of close relatives of the person who has abandoned the tree. Geni privacy rules apply to those. I believe the privacy goes back four generations. The idea is to enable someone to manage the profiles so merges can be done when needed

If the person comes back, they still have all their close family. nothing is lost except control of historical profiles. If they want control of those, they can request management.

Private User
Can you post some general information here about the new Report Profile feature? What's the average turn-around time? What happens once the profile is turned over to you? Any other questions in this discussion that you are able to answer.
Thank you!

"Geni should release the profiles managed by the person to anyone who requests management of one."

Ok, so I have to report an abandoned profile, and then how do I request management of profiles I would like to merge with?

Private User , as mentioned before the way we handle such reports remains the same. More specifically:

- When you report a profile as deceased, we investigate the said profile and follow up with the person who reported the person's passing
- When you report an inactive user, we still run a script to mark any profiles public outside of their max family
- When you report an abandoned tree we take the same course of action
- When you report a spammer they are removed from the site completely
- When you report a claimed historical profile they are deactivated and left alone (if in the big tree) or they are deleted from the site (if they are a common historical profile who is not yet merged into the big tree)
- When you report fake profiles, they are deactivated

As far as the turn around, please note that these still take time to go through and complete. Also, as mentioned this is a new tool which still needs some tweaking- to expedite the process from our end.

I would like to remind all of you that we have over 6M users and only 2 people responding to your help requests, these reports and discussions, etc. So, your patience is very much appreciated and we will try to get these resolved as soon as possible.

Ashiya, Thank you so much. It is good to have all these answers in one spot. There were so many questions being asked and your summary, I believe, has answered them all.

Again, thanks. Only two of you for all 6M of us and yet you get so much done. I sincerely appreciate your efforts.

Does that answer everyone's questions? Only two people taking care of all of us. Have some patience, please!

You are most welcome, Private User


Ashiya; so it doesn't really matter if we report claimed historical or fake profiles?

for example if I find Elizabeth I as a manager is she a fake or claimed historical profile?


sorry meant Elizabeth II

Ofir Friedman that is correct. However, I would prefer to be able to have a somewhat accurate log of each one. While the action on our part is the same, those are two different types of reports.

Example: Donald Duck is fake and Queen Elizabeth is a claimed historical profile.

OK so I guess the term "historical" is a bit confusing for living claimed people


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