Naming Conventions: Eastern European Ancestors

Started by Erica Howton on Thursday, January 6, 2011
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Svitac is an insect or a saint in Croatian
pronounced same as Switatz

It could be apocryphal? On the other hand, i found an image of a Swee-touch-nee tea tin and there are some interesting things.

1. The company is owned by some Jews out in Lynbrook, Long Island.
2. A 1913 tin box is indeed a representation of a steamer trunk. No elephants, though.
3. There is Cyrillic writing on the lid although it says New York, NY.
4. There's a Paris seal (art exhibit?)

And the mystery deepens ....

I've made it the profile photo for my great grandfather:

Isaac Hyman

Hahaha, ЦВѢТОЧНЫЙ ЧАЙ is just an older form of Russian for цветочный чай (tsvetóčnyj čaj) meaning herbal tea. Maybe she was just using the case as an example of the name.

Showing 31-33 of 33 posts

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