Grandpa Zohn saw UFOs in New Mexico

Started by Evelyne Tsezana on Wednesday, April 6, 2011
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4/6/2011 at 4:24 PM

Anyone remember Grandpa talking about ufo sighting?

I find these references on different websites and it has to be about Grandpa even though they call him Carl but how many Zohn's who are working at Naval Research Laboratory around New Mexico could there be?

29 June 1947 13:15
Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA

Naval Research Lab rocket scientists see silver disc
USN Naval Research Lab (NRL) rocket scientist-engineer Dr. Carl J. Zohn, Admin Asst, Rocket Sonde Section, White Sands Proving Ground (WSPG), NRL scientist Curtis C. Rockwood and his wife, and WSPG technician John R. Kauke, were driving in a car from Las Cruces to WSPG headed northeast when they saw to their right front (E) a rotating silvery or shiny disc or sphere with no appendages, wings, tail, propellers, reflecting sunlight, pulsating, crossing the sky at high speed heading north at about 8,000-10,000 feet which suddenly disappeared in mid-air in a clear cloudless sky. Kauke had stopped the car and briefly saw a short vapor trail at one point not reported by the others. Zohn on the passenger side rolled the window for an unobstructed view.

One saucer was observed by four Naval witnesses for nea minutes (Kauke, John R; Rockwood, Curtis C; Zohn, Carl J).
Hynek rating: DD: Daylight Discs
Vallee rating: FB1: A simple sighting of a UFO traveling in a straight line across the sky.
Other sightings in this area
Google map of this location.

One of the most stunning reports for June 29th also comes out of the west. It involved three naval research scientists involved in guided missile development. While driving to the White Sands proving grounds in New Mexico the scientists observed something that proved to be far more interesting than the V-2 tests which they were then working on. Dr. C.J. Zohn reported their amazing observation to Army Intelligence with supporting testimony from fellow scientists Curtis C. Rockwood and John R. Kauke. This report was one of the most interesting sightings to be studied by Wright Field Intelligence and Alfred Loedding although the investigation was instigated by Lieutenant Colonel George D. Garrett of the Pentagon Intelligence Collections branch. The incident began at 1:30 P.M. MST as the scientists were all in a car headed northeast down Route 17 to examine a launching site for a July 3rd V-2 test. Just then they had their attention drawn upward by a flash. All three men, and Curtis Rockwood' s wife who was in the car, observed "a silvery disc whirling through the unclouded sky." Kauke was driving and became so overwhelmed by the site that he stopped the car. The scientists then estimated the disc's altitude between 8,000 and 10,000 feet and were especially attracted by its bright surface. They agreed its shape appeared elliptical and flat. Dr. Zohn, a well-known rocket expert, stated that the object did not look like any rocket he had ever seen and that it could not have been a balloon. 55
55 "Saucer Seen By Rocket Expert, Flight Over Desert Described," The (Washington DC) Evening Star, 9 July 1947; and Project Blue Book Files, Roll No. 1, Case 18, listed as Incident 90 in 1947 era documents.

June 29, 1947. About 7 [?] miles ENE of Las Cruces,
New Mexico (at 32.3° N, 106.7° W). About 1:15 [1:20?]
p.m. Rocket scientist-engineer Dr. Carl J. Zohn, Admin
Asst., Rocket Sonde Section, USN Naval Research Lab
(NRL) temporarily assigned to White Sands Proving
Ground (WSPG), NRL high-altitude spectrograph scientist
Curtis C. Rockwood and his wife Nancy, and NRL
telemetry supervisor John R. [W.?] Kauke also posted to
WSPG, were driving in a car from Las Cruces to WSPG to
the V-2 launch site on Highway 17 [70?] headed NE at 60
mph when they saw to their right front [E] a rotating [?]
silvery or shiny disc or sphere with no appendages, wings,
tail, propellers, angular size of the sun (0.5°), reflecting
sunlight [pulsating?], crossing the sky at high speed
heading N right to left at about an estimated 8,000-10,000
ft about 45° elevation which suddenly disappeared in midair
in a clear cloudless sky (Kauke thought it disappeared
by distance). Kauke had stopped the car and briefly saw a
short vapor trail at one point not reported by the others.
Zohn on the passenger side rolled the window for an
unobstructed view. (Sparks; NARA BB Microfilm Roll
1, pp. 648-663, Maxwell Roll 2, pp. 865-878; FOIA; cf.
Ruppelt, p. 20; Saunders/FUFOR Index; Randle;
Bloecher 1967; etc.)
Duration: nearly 60 secs [30-60 secs?]
Number of witnesses: 4
Angular size: 1
Instruments/scientists, etc.: Naval Research Lab rocket scientist

4/6/2011 at 4:45 PM

With slight more details:
Case 109 -- June 29, near Las Cruces, New Mexico:
Dr. C. J. Zohn, of Washington, D.C., a guided missiles expert with the Naval Research Laboratory, was in New Mexico to observe a V-2 rocket launching scheduled for July 3. About 1:15 p.m. MST on the 29th, he was riding out to the testing grounds to examine the site, in a car driven by John R. Kauke, who was stationed at the Proving Grounds. Zohn was accompanied by an associate scientist from NRL, Curtis Rockwood, and his wife.

They were about a third of the way en route from Las Cruces, driving northeast on Route 17, when, according to Dr. Zohn, "Kauke suddenly spotted a glare in the sky" through the windshield of the car. "We all looked up and saw a silvery disc whirling through the unclouded sky," he later reported. Kauke stopped the car and Zohn, who was to the driver's right, rolled down the window to get a better look.

The object was ahead of and to the right of the witnesses. It was round, either disc-shaped or spherical, with no appendages such as wings, tails, or propellers, and it was moving in a straight northerly course at a rapid rate of speed. Kauke estimated that the altitude of the object was between 8,000 and 10,000 feet, although Dr. Zohn refused to make any guesses without knowledge of the size of the object. Kauke also described seeing a short vapor trail at one point during the observation -- something the others did not see.

For 30 to 60 seconds the four observers viewed the object, "and then it simply disappeared," Dr, Zohn reported. "We didn't see it again." Zohn, familiar with many types of guided missiles used by the Navy, said the object "did not resemble anything" he had ever seen before. A detailed report was made to officials at White Sands but according to newspaper accounts, this got the witnesses nothing but "fishy-eyed stares" and "knowing smiles." The Air Force explanation for this sighting is "balloon."

Shalom Evelyne,
two quick notes:
1) If you "tag" your grandfather's profile, this discussion will be directly linked to the profile, making it much more visible (and keep the link for you). See Tagging under ==>

2) You made this a public discussion, visible to everybody. It's actually less likely to be seen by your family.

Shmuel-Aharon Kam,
Geni Curator

4/9/2011 at 12:15 AM

Thank you Shmuel! Shabbat shalom!

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