Capt. Thomas Lee Heritage

Started by Private on Saturday, May 14, 2011
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Showing 31-44 of 44 posts

Okay - thanks Hatte Rubenstein Blejer

I think that will work. I cannot understand though why Ms. K did that - 2 different Thomas's with two different names/birth/death/parents - doesn't make any sense - without contact the managers first even :(

Private User hang in there - you did nothing wrong XXOO we ALL appreciate your help - and you too Hatte Rubenstein Blejer
after I re-create those profile will you ladies please take over as curators -

Sometimes weird things happen. Someone makes a merge and that leads to a second merge that would never have otherwise taken place.

Or someone told her that that Thomas was the son of Richard and Judith Steptoe, since that is what can be found in some sources due to the fraudulent will.

Did I get that right? Time to get some sleep.

Write Tammy a note if you would. She is very hard-working and collaborative and her efforts are not appreciated enough in general.

Thanks Carol for pointing out the issue with Thomas. Thanks Jacqueli for clarifying some wrinkles due to the earlier merger.

I already sent a couple to Tammy - she's a sweetheart - as are you - thank you Hatte for your efforts. And Carol - for this discussion - I would have never saw the problem if you had'nt tagged the profile to this discussion as you did - good job!!!

photo owned by Tamara Tucker Swingle

Thank you, Hatte and Jacqueli, for the kind words. I was thinking about this when I went to bed last night, every time I woke in the night, and first thing when I got up this morning- about an hour earlier than I usually get up. I was thinking perhaps I should wait till my eye surgeries are done before trying to do any more work on Geni. I know I'm not seeing as well as I should, and thought perhaps I was doing something wrong because of my vision- thought I was seeing things that weren't as I thought they were.

Private User I knew you would be worried - that's why I tried to message you - you do such a great job and are so very much appreciated !!

photo owned by Tamara Tucker Swingle

@Jacqueli Finley I appreciated the messages. I didn't work on the Lee tree today. I have lots to do before my first cataract surgery, which is Monday. So I haven't done any really serious work. I do have more I want to do with Hancock Lee, I- maybe I'll get to it tomorrow.

Okay Tammy - you are in my prayers :)

Hatte Rubenstein Blejer Can we attach this discussion to the projects Lee Family and Leigh Family?

I see someone figured out how to link to the projects. How did you do it?

And thanks for the appreciation :) That's fuel for curators! We do it to be of use to Geni users and our own Geni user families.

I linked the profiles to both Projects one at a time, did that do the trick? or did the project fairy visit us?

I am a victim of false information re; Lee Ancestry. Common sense tells me I am not a descendant of any culture, breeding or status. I will continue researching to find my Lee connections.

Showing 31-44 of 44 posts

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