I'm so sorry; I was trying to be brief.
The family info I have on Mary Chenoweth (wife of Abraham Sutton) lists William Chenoweth, the 4th son/6th child of John Chenoweth & Mary Calvert, as her father. William was born ~1718 in PA or NJ before the family moved to VA. According to the marriage year for John Chenoweth & Mary Calvert (~1702), they would have been around 60 when the younger Mary was born.
William, son of John Chenoweth & Mary Calvert, had a daughter Mary b. March 22, 1743/4, in Frederick Co., VA. Although she was the oldest of his children with wife Ann Polk, she was not listed first in his will; it is believed that he merely listed his sons first and then his daughters.
Can anyone confirm this?
I couldn't tell you, but you are already probably aware of this site:
It's a very detailed Chenoweth website and talks in detail of the Chenoweths and the alleged Mary Calvert.
http://www.chenowethsite.com/ch1jw0.htm does not mention SUTTON.
It says his daughter Mary was not known to have married:
WILLIAM(3) 1732-1772
First born son and grandson, William founded the oldest and largest known line of the third generation, but he died at the early age of 40, within a year of his father, John.
Though twice married, William mentions only three sons (John, Jonathan, and William - who ranged in age from 17 to 12 at the time of his death - all three would fight in the Revolutionary War) and a daughter in his will.
This daughter, Mary, is not known to have married.
By the will she was instructed to care for her widowed grandmother, Mary Smith Chenoweth.
Some think there were two additional children: Samuel and Jane, by William's second wife Jane; others dispute their existence, since they are not mentioned in his will.
Susanna Barnevik thank you for looking
http://www.chenowethsite.com/newsletter/nlvol10-1.htm#john site on the About says:
MARY3 CHENOWETH (WILLIAM2, JOHN1) was born March 22, 1744 in Frederick Co., VA, and died Aft. February 1797 in Lone Pine, Washington Co., PA. She married ABRAHAM SUTTON April 23, 1760 in Frederick Co., VA, son of DAVID SUTTON and SARAH TREMBLY. He was born March 22, 1739 in Somerset Co., NJ, and died Aft. May 03, 1791 in Washington Co., PA.
1 JOANNA4 SUTTON, b. May 23, 1761, Ft. Cumberland, now Allegeny Co., MD; d. April 01, 1837, Indiana; m. EBENEZER HEATON, 1778, Washington Co., PA; b. June 18, 1750, Morris Co., NJ; d. January 12, 1837, Fayette Co., IN.
2 ANN SUTTON, b. February 18, 1763, Ft. Cumberland, now Allegeny Co., MD.
3 MARY SUTTON, b. August 30, 1764, Ft. Cumberland, now Allegeny Co., MD.
4 DAVID SUTTON, b. March 15, 1766, Ft. Cumberland, now Allegeny Co., MD; d. August 15, 1845, Jennings twp., Fayette Co., IN; m. ANCHOR FOX, February 17, 1788, Washington Co., PA; b. August 24, 1772, Amwell, Washington Co., PA; d. August 11, 1855, Fayette Co., IN.
5 SARAH SUTTON, b. September 12, 1767, Ft. Cumberland, now Allegeny Co., MD; d. June 07, 1850, Warren Co., OH; m. DAVID FOX, February 15, 1787; b. July 04, 1764, Louden Co., VA; d. January 23, 1847, South Lebanon, Warren Co., OH.