Yakov Tessler family tree

Started by Esther, Esthi Esthi David on Tuesday, June 14, 2011
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6/14/2011 at 5:18 AM

He was my great uncle by marriage to his wife Teresa, who was one of my grandmother's (Estee Florenthal) sisters.
They had lived in Transilvanya and moved to Romania at the time the Germans put this area under the Hungarian rule in 1944.
Later they emmigrated to Israel, where they have lived with the family until their death. I learned recently that Yakov, or Yokob, had also been a cousin of my grandfather Yaakov Florenthal from Cluj.
I am looking for any information leading to his parents, siblings, cousins etc. who might have been my relateives.
I'll be grateful If anyone is willing to share those details with me,

Shalom Esthi,
you should always try and "tag" profiles in this type of discussions/request, to give people as much information as possible. See Tagging under ==> http://wiki.geni.com/index.php/Glossary#T

I'll tag some of these for you:
your grandparents: Yeno Yacov Florenthal and Estee Eszter Florenthal.
your great-uncle and great-aunt: Yacov Tessler and Teresa Terez Tessler.

So you're saying that you grandfather and his brother-in-law, your great-uncle, are also cousins? Good luck finding the connections.

Shmuel-Aharon Kam,
Geni Curator

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