Geni Pro Just Got a Whole Lot Better

Started by Private User on Thursday, August 11, 2011
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Showing 421-450 of 1836 posts

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Not every blog post gets put on your Geni home page. Once you've read the announcement on your home page, you can use the "x" to make it disappear until there's a new update.

The posts about changes/enhancements.

Eldon, I totally understood what you said and meant!

It's 4:45 Haven't seen anything as yet!

Don't you just love it when they understand only what they want to?

At least they hear ..

I'll wait on Facebook. The info seems to be better there.

at Judith: They said 3 PDT....that hasn't happened yet.

The release is delayed until Monday.

They have hopefully learned the lesson about releasing important changes on a Friday and then take the weekend off ;-)

they have a lot more lessons to learn... not going to sugar coat that one or say what they are...

Mr Mccann maybe you should tell us your source of information, you seem very clairvoyant...

What's PDT certainly not PDQ!

Angus, I'd say mike's source is the same one we all have been getting up dates from George on his blog., among other people.

Judith let him answer for himself..

I am just adding to the conversation. I though it was an open concept! We are all associates here aren't we./ Wouldn't go as far as saying friends but Geni associates and partners in crime( joke for those of you who might take that wrong) You what they say bah bah bah bahhhhh or i guess in our guess Blog blog blog bloggggggggggg! ( joke again)

It is ok it seems Mr Mccann has deleted all of his messages..I am just assuming he said a little more than he should have..and again I am assuming he followed the good advice of his source..

No need to respond to me Mr Mccann.

Judith, PDT is Pacific Daylight Time - the time zone for Los Angeles, where Geni is headquartered.

Well I wondered after I put in the time if maybe it wasn't EDT.Thanks. Forgot Geni is out of Ca.

Not a problem, Judith. I'm in Northern California myself, so I have to allow for all you East Coasters who have gone to bed just when I want to talk to you.

I get the impression that he like many others , including me, are not afraid to say what they think. Then let the dice fall where they may. I use be a scared little rabbits but I've gotten to an age where I speak up on occasion. I may not agree with many but at least I listen and ponder what they say. never know might change my mind . pretty much how I operated the ten years I was in Town Meeting. i read the warrant, i discussed it outside and then i went into the meeting, sometimes with my mind made up but willing to listen to others talk and they could talk. Sometimes they made really good point. Good enough to change my mind. Sometimes no matter how good a point they made I still remained committed to my orginal vote. But I listened. But if I feel I am right then that's how i go. You can only do what you think is right. And that's true in life too. Never been one to follow the crowd. Always marched to diferent drum and never regretted it. I acturally like being me. As a cop once knew said referring to himself It ain't easy being me . That's me to it ain't easy being me but I gotta be me. Judy

Ya I have a friend in Co. and I always have to remember not to call too early.

Judith, as long as you are open to listening and willing to have your mind changed, there is little more I can ask of a fellow Geni member in these discussions.

thanks judith.. gonna take a lot to change my mind about how i feel on the non price issues and the civility around here

Mike I am with you on that one. At least for the moment. I am hoping there be some correction done so that all of us both non pro and pro will have the same basic useage of the sytem.

I like the way you think ,Mike. Ref. to your latest profile picture. My sentiments exactly!

Haven't you noticed if you agree and go along with flow your golden but if you disagree you are rude!!!!!!!! Instead of just having a diferent opinion.

yeah i had to change it didn't want to get in big trouble the one that said your point about free speech is well taken now bleep off? i didn't want to get kicked off of here for it so i changed it..

and apparently there is a whole lot more geni has failed to notice...

This is bizzare . I can add to my g g grandparent's family but not to their sibblings. Same generation.

I liked the other one too. Did you notice they seemed to think you were deleting everything. You only delete one or two things. Everything else was right out there. You're probably safe. I though I was going to get removed for sure back awhile ago when I was called rude and made one person ashamed to being an American. It got bad there for awhile.

I changed my picture just for a change but the cat's name is Bear . Very apropos( hope that's the right spelling) as I am grinning baring it! Judy

Showing 421-450 of 1836 posts

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