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Anetta van der Linde (Viviers)'s Geni Profile

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Anetta Van der Linde (Viviers)

Birthplace: Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Gawie Viviers and Nola van Dyk
Wife of Kas vd Linde 1951 - 2020
Mother of Adriaan van der Linde; JBK van der Linde; Stevie vd Linde and Johantjie vd Linde
Sister of Pierre Viviers

Occupation: Control radiographer/lecturer Univ. Limpopo
Last Updated:

About Anetta van der Linde (Viviers)

I like being me. I love life passionately and enjoy challenges. I absolutely love being a wife and mother and grandma.

People fascinate me and I like watching them. I am interested in how people live their lives and why they make the choices they make. What motivates them?Do they think about the hereafter as they make their choices; do they consider others?What are their dreams, hopes, what do they look forward to?

Above all, I love the LORD with all my heart!!