Immediate Family
half sister
About Annia Galeria Faustina Major, Roman Empress
Annia Galeria Faustina, more familiarly referred to as Faustina I (Latin: Faustina Major; born on September 21, in about 100; died in October or November of 140[1]), was a Roman Empress and wife of Roman Emperor Antoninus Pius.
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Faustina d.ä. Från Wikipedia, den fria encyklopedin
Annia Galeria Faustina , mer förtroligt kallad Faustina d.ä. (latin : Faustina Major , född 21 september cirka 100 , död oktober eller november 140 ) var en romersk kejsarinna och hustru till kejsar Antoninus Pius .
Faustina var den enda kända dotter till konsul och prefekten Marcus Annius Verus och Rupilia Faustina . Hennes bröder var konsul Marcus Annius Libo och praetor Marcus Annius Verus . Hennes moderliga mostrar var romersk kejsarinna Vibia Sabina och Matidia Minor. Hennes farfar hade samma namn som hennes far och hennes morföräldrar var Salonina Matidia ( brorsdotter till romerske kejsaren Trajanus ) och suffect konsuln Lucius Scribonius Libo Rupilius Frugi Bonus. Faustina född och uppvuxen i Rom.
Som en privatperson gifte hon Antoninus Pius mellan 110 och 115 . Faustina och Antoninus hade ett mycket lyckligt äktenskap. Faustina födde Antoninus fyra barn, två söner och två döttrar. De var :
Marcus Aurelius Fulvius Antoninus (död före 138), hans GRAVLIK inskrift har hittats på mausoleum Hadrianus i Rom. Marcus Galerius Aurelius Antoninus (död före 138), hans GRAVLIK inskrift har hittats på mausoleum Hadrianus i Rom. Hans namn finns med på en grekisk Imperial mynt. Aurelia Fadilla (död 135) , hon gifte sig Aelius Lamia Silvanus eller Syllanus . Hon verkar inte ha haft några barn med sin man och sin GRAVLIK inskrift har upptäckts i Italien. Annia Galeria Faustina Mindre eller Faustina dy (mellan 125-130-175 ) , en framtida romersk kejsarinna , hon gifte sig med hennes mors kusin , framtida romerske kejsaren Marcus Aurelius. Hon var enda barnet som överlevde till vuxen ålder. Den 10 juli 138 , hade hennes farbror kejsar Hadrianus dog och hennes man blev ny kejsare . Antoninus var Hadrianus adoptivson och arvinge . Faustina blev romersk kejsarinna och senaten ges henne titeln Augusta. Faustina som en kejsarinna var väl respekterad och denna vackra kvinna var känd för sin visdom. Den Augustan Historia kritiserade hennes karaktär , och kritiserade henne som har "överdrivet uppriktighet "och" lättsinne " . Men detta spelar ? inte verkar vara fallet med hennes karaktär . Under hela sitt liv , Faustina som en privatperson och en kejsarinna var delaktiga i att hjälpa med välgörenhetsorganisationer, hjälpa de fattiga och sponsring och bistå i utbildningen av romerska barn, i synnerhet av romerska flickor.
Hon kan ses som en av de mest moraliska , stabil och respekterad kejsarinnor i historien om det romerska imperiet. När Faustina dog Antoninus i full sorg för Faustina .
Antoninus gjorde följande till minne av hans kärleksfulla hustru :
Gudsförklarad henne som en gudinna ( hon apoteos porträtterades på ett hedersuppdrag kolumn) Hade ett tempel byggdes på Forum Romanum i hennes namn , med prästinnor i templet. Hade olika mynt med hennes porträtt slog till hennes ära. Dessa mynt ristades DIVA FAVSTINA ( "Divine Faustina " ) och var omsorgsfullt inredda. Grundade en välgörenhetsorganisation som kallas Puellae Faustinianae eller Flickorna i Faustina , som bistod föräldralösa flickor. Skapat ett nytt Alimenta (se Grain leverans till staden Rom ).
Under 2008 arkeologer gräva på den gamla platsen Sagalassos i Turkiet upptäckte en kolossal marmor huvud som tros vara att Faustina.
"Faustina02 pushkin" by shakko - Own work. Licensed under CC BY 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Faustina02_pushkin.jpg#/med...
Faustina the Elder
Annia Galeria Faustina, sometimes referred to as Faustina I (Latin: Faustina Major; born on February 16 around 100; died in October or November of 140), was a Roman empress and wife of the Roman emperor Antoninus Pius. She died early in the principate of Antoninus Pius, but continued to be prominently commemorated as a diva, posthumously playing a prominent symbolic role in Antoninus Pius' régime.
Early life
Faustina was the only known daughter of consul and prefect Marcus Annius Verus and Rupilia Faustina. Her brothers were consul Marcus Annius Libo and praetor Marcus Annius Verus. Her maternal aunts were Roman Empress Vibia Sabina and Matidia Minor. Her paternal grandfather was named Marcus Annius Verus, like her father, while her maternal grandparents were Salonia Matidia (niece of Roman Emperor Trajan) and suffect consul Lucius Scribonius Libo Rupilius Frugi Bonus. Faustina was born and raised in Rome.
As a private citizen, she married Antoninus Pius between 110 and 115 . Faustina and Antoninus had a very happy marriage. Faustina bore Antoninus four children, two sons and two daughters. These were:
- Marcus Aurelius Fulvius Antoninus (died before 138); his sepulchral inscription has been found at the Mausoleum of Hadrian in Rome.
- Marcus Galerius Aurelius Antoninus (died before 138); his sepulchral inscription has been found at the Mausoleum of Hadrian in Rome. He is commemorated by a high-quality series of bronze coins, possibly struck at Rome, though their language is Greek.
- Aurelia Fadilla (died in 135); she married Aelius Lamia Silvanus or Syllanus. She appears to have had no children with her husband and her sepulchral inscription has been found in Italy.
- Annia Galeria Faustina Minor or Faustina the Younger (between 125-130 to 175), a future Roman Empress; she married her maternal cousin, future Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius. She was the only child who survived to see Antoninus and Faustina elevated to the imperial rank.
According to the Historia Augusta, there were rumours while Antoninus was proconsul of Asia that Faustina comported herself with "excessive frankness and levity".
On July 10, 138, her uncle, the emperor Hadrian, died and her husband became the new emperor, as Antoninus was Hadrian's adopted son and heir. Faustina became Roman Empress and the Senate accorded her the title of Augusta. As empress, Faustina was well respected and was renowned for her beauty and wisdom. Throughout her life, as a private citizen and as empress, Faustina was involved in assisting charities for the poor and sponsoring and assisting in the education of Roman children, particularly girls.[citation needed] A letter between Fronto and Antoninus Pius has sometimes been taken as an index of the latter's devotion to her.
After Antoninus Pius' accession to the principate, the couple never left Italy; instead, they divided their time between Rome, Antoninus' favourite estate at Lorium, and other properties at Lanuvium, Tusculum, and Signia.
Faustina's personal style was evidently much admired and emulated. Her distinctive hairstyle, consisting of braids pulled back in a bun behind or on top of her head, was imitated for two or three generations in the Roman world.
Several provincial groups chose to honour her while she was empress: a company of couriers in Ephesus named themselves after her, while a company of clapper-players in Puteoli dedicated an altar to her in her own lifetime.
Death and legacy
Faustina died near Rome in 140, perhaps at Antoninus Pius' estate at Lorium. Antoninus was devastated at Faustina's death and took several steps to honor her memory. He had the Senate deify her (her apotheosis was portrayed on an honorary column) and dedicate the Temple of Faustina to her in the Roman Forum. The Senate authorized gold and silver statues of her, including an image to appear in the circus where it might be displayed in a carpentum (a kind of covered waggon) or currus elephantorum (a cart drawn by elephants). He also ordered various coins with her portrait struck, inscribed DIVA FAVSTINA ("Divine Faustina") and elaborately decorated. Antoninus also established a charity called Puellae Faustinianae ("Girls of Faustina") to assist orphaned Roman girls and created a new alimenta (see Grain supply to the city of Rome). Her remains were interred in the Mausoleum of Hadrian. Certain cities struck coin issues in honour of the "divine Faustina" (Ancient Greek: ΘΕΑ ΦΑΥϹΤΕΙΝΑ); the most notable such cities were Delphi, Alexandria, Bostra, and Nicopolis.[25] Martin Beckmann suggests that the coins of Nicopolis might have been minted at Rome and given out as imperial largesse at the Actian Games. The coins issued in the wake of Faustina's funeral illustrate her elaborate funeral pyre, which may have influenced the design of later private mausolea; the deities Pietas and Aeternitas, among others; and an eagle (or less often a winged genius) bearing a figure aloft, with the legend CONSECRATIO (i.e. Faustina's ascension into heaven). Coins of Faustina were sometimes incorporated into jewellery and worn as amulets.
The posthumous cult of Faustina was exceptionally widespread, and Faustina's image continued to be omnipresent throughout Antoninus Pius' principate. A colossal marble head, believed to be that of Faustina and discovered in 2008, figured as one of several monumental imperial statues at the ancient site of Sagalassos in today's Turkey. In Olympia, Herodes Atticus dedicated a nymphaeum that displayed statues of Faustina and other Antonines as well as his own ancestors. Faustina also appears on the Parthian Monument at Ephesus commemorating members of the imperial family. Bergmann and Watson have characterized the commemoration of Faustina as central to Antoninus Pius' political persona. One larger-than-life statue has been discovered in situ near the Termini railway station at Rome; it appears to depict Faustina as Concordia, with a patera and cornucopia, and would have been displayed alongside statues of Diana Lucifera and Apollo-Sol in baths privately owned but available to the public.
Antoninus and Faustina were officially held up as such exemplars of conjugal harmony that newlyweds were directed to pray at an altar of Antoninus and Faustina that they might live up to their example. This was evidently the case in Ostia, and probably so in Rome.
The Temple of Faustina is thought to have been dedicated in 144. It is a grand hexastyle structure with Corinthian columns, possibly designed originally to be a temple of Ceres. Depictions on coins appear to show a cult image of Faustina seated on a throne and holding a tall staff in her left hand. Faustina's portrait on coins from this period is often crowned as well as veiled, which may also recall a feature of Faustina's cult image from the temple.
The deified Faustina was associated particularly closely with Ceres, who featured prominently on coins of Faustina; for some years, the torch-bearing Ceres was the dominant motif in her gold coinage. Herodes Atticus venerated Faustina as the “new Demeter” (the Greek equivalent of Ceres) at a private sanctuary he established outside Rome, now the church of Sant'Urbano. In addition to Ceres, Vesta and Juno feature prominently in Faustina's coinage. She was also associated with Magna Mater and at Cyrene with Isis; at Sardis she was worshipped conjointly with Artemis.
Ten years after Faustina's death, a new commemorative coinage was introduced, featuring the legend Aeternitas ('eternity'); such coins may have been introduced to be distributed at a public ceremony in her memory.
After Antoninus Pius' death, his adoptive sons and successors Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus erected the Column of Antoninus Pius, which dramatically depicted Antoninus and Faustina being elevated heavenward together on the back of a winged figure.
Faustina continued to be commemorated in certain Renaissance depictions as a “model wife”.
Source :
Annia Galeria Faustina Major, Roman Empress's Timeline
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Rome, Italy
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Age 40
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Rome, Metropolitan City of Rome, Lazio, Italy