Matching family tree profiles for Apolonia Helena Plagmann, SM
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About Apolonia Helena Plagmann, SM
Please do not merge with Apolonia van die Caap
1755 Cape Muster Roll:
In 1755 Fredrik Simon Plaagman is recorded with Apolonia Jansz , 2 daughters and 1 male slave
(Divon Lan, Feb 2013) There is a 1758 will CJ 2664 no. 5 (Court of Justice) of one Appolonia van de Caab
(Divon Lan, Feb 2013, - the best candidate for Apollonia's father is Carel Jansz van Bengal - see Rebekka van Bengal's profile for documentation of the evidence
- Name Apolonia
- Event Type Baptism
- Event Date 16 Oct 1740
- Event Place Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
- Mother's Name Rebekka Van Bengaelen
- Citing this Record
- "South Africa, Dutch Reformed Church Registers (Cape Town Archives), 1660-1970 ," database with images, FamilySearch (
Reference no.: MOOC8/7.42, Testator(s): Appolonia Jansz: 12 Maart 1756
Inventaris mitsgd:s taxatie van alle soodanige goederen, als ab intestato sijn naargelaaten en met ’er dood ontruijmt door Appollonia Jansz: huijsvrouw van den burger Frederik Sigmund Plaagman, ten voordeele van haar evengen: man ter eenre, en hunne bij den anderen in huwelijk verwekte kinderen, met naame
1) Elisabeth Plaagman oud 6 jaaren en 2) Sophia Plaagman oud 3 jaaren
Reference no.: MOOC8/9.43, Testator(s): Elisabeth Rebecca, 5 Julij 1759
Inventaris van alle soodanige goederen als ab intestato zijn naargelaaten en met ’er dood ontruijmt door Elisabeth Rebecca huijsvrouw van den burger Andries Meijer ten voordeele van haar evengesegde man ter eenre, mitsgaders soodanige kindskinderen als wijlen haar voor dit huwelijk verwekte zoon Jan de Jaager en dogter Appolonia Jansz: getrouwt geweest met den burger Fredrik Sigmund Plagman hebben naargelaaten, met naame
- 1) Fredrik de Jager ter andere zijde
- 2) Elisabeth Plagman
- 3) Sophia Plagman
Cape Town Marriages 1755 Den 30 Nov: is alhier getrouwt Andries Meijer van Dantzig, burger alhier jongman; met Elisabeth Rebecca van Bengalen, vrijgegeveeven lijf eijgen.
- Baptism of Johannes Carolus de Jager, s/v Johannes de Jager & Elisabeth Pieterse. Witnesses: Jan Vlek, Rebecca van Bengalen (grandmother).
Reference no.: MOOC8/9.43 Testator(s): Elisabeth Rebecca, 5 Julij 1759.
Inventaris van alle soodanige goederen als ab intestato zijn naargelaaten en met ’er dood ontruijmt door Elisabeth Rebecca huijsvrouw van den burger Andries Meijer ten voordeele van haar evengesegde man ter eenre, mitsgaders soodanige kindskinderen als wijlen haar voor dit huwelijk verwekte zoon Jan de Jaager en dogter Appolonia Jansz: getrouwt geweest met den burger Fredrik Sigmund Plagman hebben naargelaaten, met naame
- 1) Fredrik de Jager ter andere zijde
- 2) Elisabeth Plagman
- 3) Sophia Plagman
Lijfeijgenen: 1 slaave jonge gen:t Cupido van Macassar
Reference no.: MOOC8/6.74 Testator(s): Carel Jansz van Bengalen, 14 Junij 1744
- 1 slavinne gen:t Rebecca van Bengalen met haar twee kinderen gen:t Jan, en Appollonia van de Caab. Nota, deese moeten volgens ’t testament van den overleedene in vrijdom gestelt worden.
- 1 slaave jonge gen:t Anthonij van Coutchin, deese is aan voorm: Rebecca en haar kinderen vermaakt.
- 1 slaave jonge gen:t Slamat van Souma
BAPTISM, 22/5/1740, Cape Town and Baptism of REBEKKA VAN BENGAELEN's 3 children - JOHANNES, APOLONIA, JULIANA - on 16/10/1740, Cape Town.
- "Rebekka, een bejaerde lijfeigen van den vrijswart Carel Janze van Bombaij"
- "Johannes, Apolonia, Juliana, drie lijfeigene van den vrijswart Carel Janze van Bombaaij, de moeder en getuijge is Rebekka van Bengaelen."
(Divon Lan, Feb 2013, - I have put down Carel Jansz as the father of Appolonia and Jan, as an educated guess, but one without definitive proof. Happy to hear feedback about this. Here's how I got to the conclusion, based on data presented in the excellent book "From Bengal to the Cape":
It all starts with one Stellenbosch farmer, Hendriksz van Rheenen, who when he died in 1726 and left his entire estate to his freed slave Carel Janz van Bengal.
It also says that Carel Jansz, now an estate owner, ordered in his will to free his slave Rebecca van Bengal and her children Apollonia Jansz and Jan upon his death. Perhaps he decided to free his slaves because he himself use to be one? Apparently not. In the same will he specifies that another slave of his, shall be inherited by Rebecca. However, Carel Jansz didn't wait - a child, Apollonia van der Kaap, is manumitted on 9 July 1734 by the free ex-slave Carel Jansz van Bengal (reference is Leibbrandt, Requesten).
The book also mentions a Flora, wife of Carel Jansz, who died in 1728, two years after he inherited the estate.
Summary of the circumstantial evidence we have that Carel is the father of Apollonia's children: (1) The names that Rebecca chose for her children - "Jansz" as the last name of her daughter and "Jan" as the first name of her son
(2) Carel manumitted Rebecca and her children, but one other slave was not manumitted and was inherited by Rebecca according to Carel's will
(3) Despite ordering in his will to manumit Apollonia upon his death, Carel went ahead and manumitted Apollonia in person in his life.
(4) Rebecca and Carel were living in a rural estate, so it is unlikely that Rebecca had contact with many people outside of the estate
(5) There is no mention of other men living on the estate other than Carel and the deceased van Rheenan
Apolonia Helena Plagmann, SM's Timeline
1740 |
August 16, 1740
Cape Colony, South Africa
August 16, 1740
Cape Town, Cape Town, WC, South Africa
1750 |
January 25, 1750
Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
1754 |
August 27, 1754
Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
1756 |
March 12, 1756
Age 15
Cape Colony, South Africa