Historical records matching królowa Barbara Radziwiłłówna
Immediate Family
About królowa Barbara Radziwiłłówna
Barbara Radziwiłł (c.1520-1551) was Queen of Poland and Grand Duchess of Lithuania as consort of Sigismund II Augustus, the last male monarch of the Jagiellon dynasty. Barbara, a great beauty and already widowed, became a royal mistress most likely in 1543 and they married in secret in July or August 1547. The marriage caused a scandal; it was vehemently opposed by Polish nobles, including Queen mother Bona Sforza. Sigismund Augustus, assisted by Barbara's cousin Mikołaj "the Black" Radziwiłł and brother Mikołaj "the Red" Radziwiłł, worked tirelessly to gain recognition of their marriage and to crown Barbara as Queen of Poland. They succeeded and Barbara's coronation was held on 7 December 1550 at Wawel Cathedral. However, her health was already failing and she died just five months later. Even though it was brief, her reign propelled the Radziwiłł family to new heights of political power and influence. Wikipedia EN
Apie karalienė Barbora Radvilaitė (Lietuvių)
Barbora Radvilaitė (c.1522-1551) – LDK didikė, Goštautų valdų paveldėtoja, antroji Lietuvos didžiojo kunigaikščio Žygimanto Augusto žmona, Lenkijos karalienė ir Lietuvos didžioji kunigaikštienė (nuo 1550 m.). Wikipedia LT
About królowa Barbara Radziwiłłówna (Polski)
Barbara Radziwiłłówna (c.1520-1551) – druga małżonka Zygmunta II Augusta, królowa polska, wielka księżna litewska. Wikipedia PL
О królowa Barbara Radziwiłłówna (русский)
Ба́рбара Радзиви́лл (c.1520-1551) — королева польская и великая княгиня литовская, наследница владений Гаштольдов. Жена Станислава Гаштольда, а затем великого князя литовского и короля польского Сигизмунда II Августа. Wikipedia RU