Immediate Family
About Estrid of the Obotrites
ESTRID, PRINCESS of the OBOTRITES and QUEEN-CONSORT of SWEDEN https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estrid_of_the_Obotrites
- Olof Skötkonung + Estrid (wife)
- Anund Jacob Kolbränna Olofsson
- Ingegerd (married to Yaroslav the Wise) also known as Anna of Novgorord
- Olof Skötkonung + Edla (partner)
- Astrid
- Emund (Emund den Gamle / Emund the Old)
- The fifth child of Olof, Homfrid (married to Sven Ladejarl), is sometimes mentioned as daughter of Edla and sometimes as the sister to Olof. She can of course be both….
- Wikipedia: Olof Skötkonung
- Wikipedia: Estrid
- Wikipedia: Edla
- Wikipedia: Sven Ladejarl
- Noteringar
- Drottning av Sverige. Född 985 i Mecklenburg, Tyskland. Död 1032 i Skara Husaby, Västergötland. Olov 'Skötkonung' var gift med en kristen kvinna, Estrid, och hade med henne en son, Anund Jakob, och en dotter Ingegerd. (Källa: Den svenska historien, Bonnier Lexikon)
- Estrid (Astrid) var slaviska och kom från västslaviskt område längs södra Östersjökusten. (Källa: Maja Hagerman - Spåren av kungens män)
- Drottning av Sverige 1000-1022
1 . Ingrid ( Ingegerda ) OLAFSDOTTER Prinsessa av Sverige b : 1001 i Uppsala , Sverige
2 . Anund Jakob Olafsson KONUNGEN AV SVERIGE b : Abt 1008 i Of , Sverige
Estrid ( Eller Astrid ) av obotriterna (cirka 979 till 1,035 ) , var en Medeltida OCH Vikingatida English Drottning OCH Västslaviska Prinsessan , Med gåva Olof Skötkonung , Sveriges Konung , ca. 1000-1022 , mor till kung Anund Jakob OCH den ryska Sankt OCH Queen (Grand Princess) Ingegerd Olofsdotter .
Legenden Säger Att Estrid togs Tillbaka till Sverige fran ETT krig i Väst slaviska området Mecklenburg krig SOM ETT - pris . Hon var förmodligen fran Hennes långt , en stamhövdingen AV Polabian obotriterna , SOM ETT fredsprojekt Erbjudande i ETT äktenskap FÖR Att tata fred , OCH HON Tros ha fortet MED SIG EN Stor hemgift , representerad SOM EN Stor slavisk inflytande Känner jag mig sminkad i Sverige fran synd tre gånger dagligen främst intetsägande hantverkare .
Hennes göra hade dock en älskarinna , Edla , SOM KOM fran samma område i Europa SOM SIG Själv , fördes OCH SOM möjligen till Sverige VID samma tidpunkt . Kungen behandlas Edla OCH Estrid in samma SATT OCH GAV OCH synd son Hans Två döttrar MED Edla samma privilegies SOM Barnen Han hade dock MED Estrid , snabb DET var Estrid gifte Han SIG Queen OCH gjorde .
Drottning Estrid var döpt MED synd göra SINA ETT Barn och Stort Antal AV Hovet DET English under 1008 , nar den English kungafamiljen konverterat till kristendomen , Att travar Kungen lovade Att respektera religionsfriheten - Sverige var integre Kristna förrän Den sista religionskrig Mellan Inge den äldre OCH Blot - Sven för 1084-1088 .
Snorre Sturlassons skrev OM Henne , Att Estrid var elaka MOT Barnen ( Emund , Astrid OCH Holmfrid ) av makens älskarinna Edla , " Drottning Estrid var arrogant OCH integ snällt MOT Henne styvbarn , OCH därför konungen Sande synd son Emund till Vendland , Dar Han uppfostrades AV synd nutida släktingar " .
Integ mycket Känner jag mig sminkad kant OM Estrid SOM person. Snorre Sturlassons nämner Henne SOM en älskare AV pompa OCH lyx , hård OCH sa OCH Sträng MOT SINA tjänare .
Yrke : Drottning av Sverige
Född : omkring 979 Mecklenburg 1)
Död : omkring 1032 Skara Husaby , Västergötland
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Familj MED Olof Skötkonung (980 - 1022)
Barn : Ingegerd " Heliga Anna AV Novgorod " Olofsdotter (1001 - 1050)
Anund Jakob (1007 - 1050)
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Olov ' Skötkonung 'var Gift med en kristen kvinna , Estrid , OCH hade dock MED Henne en son , Anund Jakob , OCH en dotter Ingegerd . ( Källa : Den engelska historien , Bonnier Lexikon )
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1) Register över Royal Genealogical Data, Hull, England
Forrás :http://www.thepeerage.com/p10213.htm # i10212 (3)
Astrid (?)
F, # 102123
Senast redigerad = 9 Aug 2004
Astrid (?) gifte Olof Skötkonung , kung av Sverige, son till Erik VI , kung av Sverige och Sigrid " Storråda " (?) . ( 1 )
Barn till Astrid (?) och Olof Skötkonung , kung av Sverige
-1 . Astrid ( ? ) +
-2 . Anund , kung av Sverige + D. 1050 ( 2 )
-3 . Emund " Gamla " , kung av Sverige d. 1060 ( 2 )
Estrid (eller Astrid ) av obotriterna (ca 979 till 1035 ) var en medeltida och vikingatida svenska drottning och västslaviska prinsessan , gift med Olof Skötkonung av Sverige , ca. 1000-1022 , mor till kung Anund Jakob av Sverige och det ryska Sankt och drottningen (Grand Princess) Ingegerd Olofsdotter .
Legenden säger att Estrid togs tillbaka till Sverige från ett krig i västra slaviska området Mecklenburg som ett krig - pris. Hon var troligen från sin far , en tribal chefen för Polabian obotriterna , som ett tackoffer i ett äktenskap att försegla fred , och hon tros ha fört med sig en stor hemgift , som en stor slavisk inflytande är representerat i Sverige från sin tid , främst bland hantverkare.
Hennes man hade också en älskarinna , Edla , som kom från samma område i Europa som sig själv, och som var om möjligt tas till Sverige vid samma tidpunkt . Kungen behandlas Edla och Estrid på samma sätt och gav sin son och hans två döttrar med Edla samma privilegies som barn han hade med Estrid , fast det var Estrid gifte han sig och gjorde Queen.
Drottning Estrid döptes tillsammans med sin make , sina barn och ett stort antal av det svenska hovet i 1008 , när den svenska kungafamiljen konverterat till kristendomen , men kungen lovade att respektera religionsfriheten - Sverige var inte för att vara kristna till den sista religiöst krig mellan Inge den äldre och Blot-Sven i 1084-1088 .
Snorre Sturlassons skrev om henne, att Estrid var ovänlig mot barnen ( Emund , Astrid och Holmfrid ) av makens älskarinna Edla , " Drottning Estrid var arrogant och inte snällt mot henne styvbarn , och därför konungen sände sin son Emund till Vendland , där Han uppfostrades av sin moderns släktingar " .
Inte mycket är känt av Estrid som person. Snorre Sturlassons nämner henne som en älskare av pomp och lyx , och så hård och sträng mot sina tjänare .
[Redigera] Barn
Deras son Anund Jakob efterträdde Olof som kung i C. 1022 . En dotter , Ingegerd Olofsdotter, i Ryssland heter Anna , gift med Jaroslav I den vise , furste av Novgorod och Kiev.
* Herman Lindqvist : " Historien om Sveriges drottningar " ( Historien om drottningar i Sverige) ( 2006 ) (på svenska)
* Åke Ohlmarks : " Alla Sveriges drottningar " (Alla drottningar i Sverige ) ( På svenska )
* Snorre Sturlasson
Obotriterna (tyska : Abodriten ), även känt som Obodrites , Abotrites eller Abodrites var en konfederation av medeltida West slaviska stammar i området som i modern Mecklenburg och Holstein i norra Tyskland (se Polabian slaver ). I årtionden de var allierade med Karl den store i hans krig mot germanska saxare och slaviska Veleti . I 798 av Obodrites , styrdes av prins Drożko besegrade sachsare i slaget under Święciana . Den fortfarande hedniska saxare skingrades av kejsaren, och en del av deras tidigare mark i Holstein, inklusive Hamburg, tilldelades obotriterna i 804 , som belöning för sin seger .
Geographus Bavarus
Den bayerska geograf, en anonym medeltida framtaget i Regensburg i 830 , innehåller en förteckning över de stammar i centrala Östeuropa öster om Elbe. I förteckningen ingår Nortabtrezi ( obotriterna ) - med 53 civitates . Adam av Bremen som dem som Reregi på grund av deras lukrativa handel varuhus Reric . I likhet med andra slaviska grupper , de beskrivs ofta som en germansk källor som vender .
Edla ? ? ? , Med hadde sammen Kong Olof Skottkonung Erikson av Sverige . Død omkring 1021 , datteren :
1 . Dronning Astrid Olofsdotter av Sverige . Død etter 1035 .
Edla var Olavs frille . Hun KOM FRA Vendland .
Fra Snorre Sturlason : Olav den helliges saga:
« 88 . Olav Eirikson sveakonge hadde Forst hatt en frille SOM- het Edla , datter til en jarl i Vendland . Hun hadde Forst vært hærtatt og ble RegNet SOM Kongens tjenestejente . Barna deres var Emund , Astrid og Holmfrid . ... » 1)
1). Snorre Sturlason : Olav den helliges saga , avsnitt 88 . Mogens Bugge : Väre forfedre , se nr. 169 . Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre , sidan 73 .
Dronning Estrid ? ? ? , Med var gåva Kong Olof Skottkonung Erikson av Sverige . Død omkring 1021 . De hadde datteren :
1 . Fyrstinne Ingegjerd Olavsdatter . Død 1050/02/10 Jag Vyšhorod ved Kiev.
Jag henhold til Adam AV Bremen var Olof Gift med obotritiskan Estrid . 1 )
1). Svenskt biografiskt lexikon, Bind 28 ( 1992-1994 ) , sida 235 . Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre , sidan 73 .
Ett annat namn för Estrid var Astrid av obotriterna.
General Notes:
Enligt Adam av Bremen, var gift Olof att "obotritiskan" Estrid.
Noterade händelser i hennes liv var:
• Hon var en prinsessa.
Estrid gifte Olof Skötkonung Eriksson av Sverige, son till Erik VI Segersäll Björnsson och Gunhild Mieczyslavsdatter Polen. (Olof Skötkonung Eriksson av Sverige dog ca 1022 i Filipstad, Värmlands län, Sverige.)
Familj med Kung Olof III (Eriksson) Skötkonung (~ 980 till 1.022)
Ingegerd "Heliga Anna av Novgorod" Olofsdotter av Sverige (~ 1001 till 1050)
Anund III Jacob Olofsson (~ 1008 - ~ 1050)
Estrid (Astrid) var slaviska och kom från västslaviskt område längs södra Östersjökusten.
(Källa: Maja Hagerman - Spåren av kungens män)
Mycket tyder dock på att Mieceslas hustru var svenskan Sofia.
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Sweden:
ESTRED of the Obotrites, daughter of ---.
Adam of Bremen names "filiamque Sclavorum Estred nomine de Obodritis" as wife of "Olaph rex Sueonum"[43].
King Olof & his wife had two children:
1. Ingegerd Olofsdottir (b. c.1000-1003, d. February 10, 1050, married Yaroslav I Vladimirovich, Grand Prince of Kiev)
2. Anund Jakob (d. 1052, succeeds as King of Sweden, married Gunhild Svensdatter)
From the Swedish-language Historiska Personer i Sverige och Norden page on Estrid:
Född: 979
Familj med Olof >> Skötkonung (Eriksson) (980 - 1022)
1. Ingegerd "heliga Anna av Novgorod" Olofsdotter (1000 - 1050)
2. Anund Jakob >> Olofsson (1007 - 1050)
Estrid (Astrid) var slaviska och kom från västslaviskt område längs södra Östersjökusten. Födelseåret är osäkert; en källa anger ca 985. Enligt en källa lämnade hon sin make 1019 och gifte sig med den norske kungen Olav Haraldsson, men andra uppgifter gör gällande att hon stannade hos Olof, som avled år 1022.
(Källa: bl. a. Maja Hagerman - Spåren av kungens män)
In English:
Born 979
Family with Olof Skotkonung (Eriksson) (980-1022)
1. Ingegerd "Holy Anna of Novgorod" Olofsdotter (1000-1050)
2. Anund James Olofsson (1007-1050)
Estrid (Astrid) was a Slav that came from the western Slavic regions along the southern Baltic Sea coast. Her year of birth is uncertain, as another source indicates approximately 985. According to one source, she left her husband in 1019 and married the Norwegian King Olav Haraldsson, but other data argues she stayed with Olof, who died in 1022.
(Source: Maja Haberman - Traces of the King's Men)
From the Wikipedia page on Estrid of the Obotrites:
Estrid (or Astrid) of the Obotrites (ca. 979 – 1035), was a Medieval and Viking age Swedish Queen consort and West Slavic Princess, married to Olof Skötkonung, the King of Sweden, ca. 1000–1022, mother of king Anund Jacob of Sweden and the Russian Saint and Queen (Grand Princess) Ingegerd Olofsdotter.
Legend says that Estrid was taken back to Sweden from a war in the West Slavic area of Mecklenburg as a war-prize. She was most likely given by her father, a tribal chief of the Polabian Obotrites, as a peace offering in a marriage to seal the peace, and she is thought to have brought with her a great dowry, as a great Slavic influence is represented in Sweden from her time, mainly among craftsmen.
Her husband also had a mistress, Edla, who came from the same area in Europe as herself, and who was possibly taken to Sweden at the same time. The king treated Edla and Estrid the same way and gave his son and his two daughters with Edla the same privilegies as the children he had with Estrid, though it was Estrid he married and made Queen.
Queen Estrid was baptised with her husband, their children and large numbers of the Swedish royal court in 1008, when the Swedish royal family converted to Christianity, although the king promised to respect the freedom of religion - Sweden was not to be Christian until the last religious war between Inge the Elder and Blot-Sweyn of 1084-1088.
Snorre Sturlasson wrote about her, that Estrid was unkind to the children (Emund, Astrid and Holmfrid) of her husband's mistress Edla; "Queen Estrid was arrogant and not kind towards her stepchildren, and therefore the king sent his son Emund to Vendland, where he was brought up by his maternal relatives".
Not much is known of Estrid as a person. Snorre Sturlasson mentions her as a lover of pomp and luxury, and as hard and strict towards her servants.
1. Ingegerd Olofsdotter (circa 1001-1054), Grand Princess of Kiev, in Russia called Anna, married Yaroslav I the Wise, prince of Novgorod and Kiev.
2. Anund Jacob (circa 1010-1050), king of Sweden, succeeded Olaf as king in c. 1022.
Herman Lindqvist: "Historien om Sveriges drottningar" (History of the queens of Sweden) (2006) (In Swedish)
Åke Ohlmarks: "Alla Sveriges drottningar" (All the queens of Sweden) (In Swedish)
Snorri Sturluson
From the Wikipedia page on the Obotrites:
The Obotrites (German: Abodriten), also commonly known as the Obodrites, Abotrites, or Abodrites, were a confederation of medieval West Slavic tribes within the territory of modern Mecklenburg and Holstein in northern Germany (see Polabian Slavs). For decades they were allies of Charlemagne in his wars against Germanic Saxons and Slavic Veleti.
In 798 the Obodrites, ruled by prince Drożko, or Draško (Thrasco, orig.), defeated Saxons in the battle on Swentana river. The still heathen Saxons (Nordalbingians) were dispersed by the emperor, and the part of their former land in Holstein north of Elbe was awarded to the Obotrites in 804, as a reward for their victory. This however was soon reverted by invasion of Danes.
The Bavarian Geographer, an anonymous medieval document compiled in Regensburg in 830, contains a list of the tribes in Central Eastern Europe to the east of the Elbe. The list includes the Nortabtrezi (Obotrites) - with 53 civitates. Adam of Bremen referred to them as the Reregi because of their lucrative trade emporium Reric. In common with other Slavic groups, they were often described by Germanic sources as Wends.
The main tribes[1] of the Obotritic confederation were:
1. the Obotrites proper (Wismar Bay to Lake Schwerin);
2. the Wagrians (the eastern Holstein as part of Saxony);
3. the Warnower (the upper Warnow and Mildenitz);
4. the Polabians proper (between the Trave and the Elbe, SUPPOSEDLY OUR ANCESTOR COMES FROM HERE).
Other tribes associated with the confederation include:
1. the Linonen near Lenzen,
2. the Travnjane near the Trave,
3. the Drevani in the Hanoverian Wendland and the northern Altmark.[2]
The Limes Saxoniae forming the border between the Saxons to the west and the Obotrites to the eastAs allies of the Carolingian kings and the empire of their Ottonian successors, the Obotrites fought from 808 to 1200 against the kings of Denmark, who wished to rule the Baltic region independently of the empire.
When opportunities arose, for instance upon the death of an emperor, they would seek to seize power; and in 983 Hamburg was destroyed by the Obotrites under their king, Mstivoj. At times they levied tribute from the Danes and Saxons.
Under the leadership of Niklot, they resisted a Christian assault during the Wendish Crusade.
From the Wikipedia page on the Polabians:
The Polabians (German: Polaben; Latin: Polabi) were a constituent West Slavic tribe of the Obotrites who lived between the Trave and the Elbe. The main settlement of the Polabians was Racisburg (modern Ratzeburg), named after their Prince Ratibor. The Polabians were similar to the Drevani, also known as the Draväno-polaben or Drevanen, in Lüchow-Dannenberg.
Ben notes: The picture used to depict this person is not actually Estrid, but rather is a Swedish chess piece (a Queen) from Estrid's time period, near the turn of the first millenium AD.
Estrid of the Obotrites
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Estrid (or Astrid) of the Obotrites (ca. 979 – 1035), was a Swedish queen consort, married to Olof Skötkonung, the King of Sweden, ca. 1000, and mother of king Anund Jacob of Sweden.
Legend say Estrid was taken back to Sweden as a war-price; she was most likely given by her father, a chieftain of the Polabian Obotrites, as a peace offering in a marriage to seal the peace, and the guess is that she brought a great dowry, as a great Slavic influence is represented in Sweden from her time, mainly among craftsmen.
Her husband also had a mistress, Edla, who came from the same area in Europe as herself and who was perhaps taken to Sweden at the same time, and the king treated Edla and Estrid the same way and gave his son and two daughters with Edla the same privilegies as the children he had with Estrid, though it was Estrid he married and made queen.
Queen Estrid was baptised with her husband, their children and large parts of the Swedish court in 1008, when the Swedish royal family converted to Christianity, though the king promised to respect the freedom of religion - Sweden was not to be Christian until the last religion war of 1084-1088.
Snorre Sturlasson wrote, that Estrid was unkind to the children (Emund, Astrid and Holmfrid) of her husband's mistress Edla;
" Queen Estrid was arrogant and not kind towards her stepchildren and therefore the king sent his son Emund to Vendland, were he was brought up by his maternal relatives".
Not much is known of Estrid as a person. Snorre Sturlasson mentions her as the lover of pomp and luxury and as hard and strict towards her servants.
Their son Anund Jacob succeeded Olaf as king. A daughter, Ingegerd Olofsdotter, in Russia called Anna, married Yaroslav I the Wise, prince of Novgorod and Kiev.
Herman Lindqvist, "Historien om Sverige" (In Swedish)
Åke Ohlmarks "Alla Sveriges drottningar" (In Swedish)
From Wikipedia:
Legend says that Estrid was taken back to Sweden from a war in the West Slavic area of Mecklenburg as a war-prize. She was most likely given by her father, a tribal chief of the Polabian Obotrites, as a peace offering in a marriage to seal the peace, and she is thought to have brought with her a great dowry, as a great Slavic influence is represented in Sweden from her time, mainly among craftsmen.
Her husband also had a mistress, Edla, who came from the same area in Europe as herself, and who was possibly taken to Sweden at the same time. The king treated Edla and Estrid the same way and gave his son and his two daughters with Edla the same privilegies as the children he had with Estrid, though it was Estrid he married and made Queen.
Queen Estrid was baptised with her husband, their children and large numbers of the Swedish royal court in 1008, when the Swedish royal family converted to Christianity, although the king promised to respect the freedom of religion - Sweden was not to be Christian until the last religious war between Inge the Elder and Blot-Sweyn of 1084-1088.
Snorre Sturlasson wrote about her, that Estrid was unkind to the children (Emund, Astrid and Holmfrid) of her husband's mistress Edla; " Queen Estrid was arrogant and not kind towards her stepchildren, and therefore the king sent his son Emund to Vendland, where he was brought up by his maternal relatives".
Not much is known of Estrid as a person. Snorre Sturlasson mentions her as a lover of pomp and luxury, and as hard and strict towards her servants.
Svenskt Biografiskt Lexikon, Bind 28 (1992/94), side 235. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 73.
Legend say Estrid was taken back to Sweden as a war-price; she was most likely given by her father, a chieftain of the Polabian Obotrites, as a peace offering in a marriage to seal the peace, and the guess is that she brought a great dowry, as a great Slavic influence is represented in Sweden from her time, mainly among craftsmen.
Her husband also had a mistress, Edla, who came from the same area in Europe as herself and who was perhaps taken to Sweden at the same time, and the king treated Edla and Estrid the same way and gave his son and two daughters with Edla the same privilegies as the children he had with Estrid, though it was Estrid he married and made queen.
Queen Estrid was baptised with her husband, their children and large parts of the Swedish court in 1008, when the Swedish royal family converted to Christianity, though the king promised to respect the freedom of religion - Sweden was not to be Christian until the last religion war of 1084-1088.
The Obotrites were a confederation of Western Slavic tribes in what is now northern Germany.
Estrid or Astrid of the Obotrites (ca. 979 – 1035), was married to Olof Skötkonung, the King of Sweden, ca. 1000.
Legend say Estrid was taken back to Sweden as a war-price; she was most likely given by her father, a chieftain of the Polabian Obotrites, as a peace offering in a marriage to seal the peace, and the guess is that she brought a great dowry, as a great Slavic influence is represented in Sweden from her time, mainly among craftsmen. Her husband also had a mistress, Edla, who came from the same area in Europe as herself and who was perhaps taken to Sweden at the same time, and the king treated Edla and Estrid the same way and gave his son and two daughters with Edla the same privilegies as the children he had with Estrid, though it was Estrid he married and made queen.
Queen Estrid was baptised with her husband, their children and large parts of the Swedish court in 1008, when the Swedish royal family converted to Christianity, though the king promised to respect the freedom of religion - Sweden was not to be Christian until the last religion war of 1084-1088.
She had a brother. She had a half-brother and a half-sister, named The Old and Astrid
Estrid (or Astrid) of the Obotrites (ca. 979 – 1035) was a Medieval and Viking age Swedish Queen consort and West Slavic Princess, married to Olof Skötkonung, the King of Sweden, ca. 1000–1022, mother of king Anund Jacob of Sweden and the Russian Saint and Queen (Grand Princess) Ingegerd Olofsdotter.
Legend says that Estrid was taken back to Sweden from a war in the West Slavic area of Mecklenburg as a war-prize. She was most likely given by her father, a tribal chief of the Polabian Obotrites, as a peace offering in a marriage to seal the peace, and she is thought to have brought with her a great dowry, as a great Slavic influence is represented in Sweden from her time, mainly among craftsmen.
Her husband also had a mistress, Edla, who came from the same area in Europe as herself, and who was possibly taken to Sweden at the same time. The king treated Edla and Estrid the same way and gave his son and his two daughters with Edla the same privileges as the children he had with Estrid, though it was Estrid he married and made Queen.
Legend says that Estrid was taken back to Sweden from a war in the West Slavic area of Mecklenburg as a war-prize. She was most likely given by her father, a tribal chief of the Polabian Obotrites, as a peace offering in a marriage to seal the peace, and she is thought to have brought with her a great dowry, as a great Slavic influence is represented in Sweden from her time, mainly among craftsmen.
Her husband also had a mistress, Edla, who came from the same area in Europe as herself, and who was possibly taken to Sweden at the same time. The king treated Edla and Estrid the same way and gave his son and his two daughters with Edla the same privileges as the children he had with Estrid, though it was Estrid he married and made Queen.
Queen Estrid was baptised with her husband, their children and large numbers of the Swedish royal court in 1008, when the Swedish royal family converted to Christianity, although the king promised to respect the freedom of religion - Sweden was not to be Christian until the last religious war between Inge the Elder and Blot-Sweyn of 1084-1088.
Snorre Sturlasson wrote about her, that Estrid was unkind to the children (Emund, Astrid and Holmfrid) of her husband's mistress Edla; " Queen Estrid was arrogant and not kind towards her stepchildren, and therefore the king sent his son Emund to Vendland, where he was brought up by his maternal relatives".
Not much is known of Estrid as a person. Snorre Sturlasson mentions her as a lover of pomp and luxury, and as hard and strict towards her servants.
Estrid of the ObotritesFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Estrid of the Obotrites Queen consort of Sweden Reign 1000–1022 Spouse Olof Skötkonung Issue Anund Jacob Ingegerd Olofsdotter Father A tribal chief of the Polabian Obotrites Born 979 Died 1035
A Swedish depiction of a queen as a chess piece carved in bone in the times of Queen EstrithEstrid (or Astrid) of the Obotrites (ca. 979 – 1035) was a Medieval and Viking age Swedish Queen consort and West Slavic Princess, married to Olof Skötkonung, the King of Sweden, ca. 1000–1022, mother of king Anund Jacob of Sweden and the Russian Saint and Queen (Grand Princess) Ingegerd Olofsdotter.
Contents 1 Biography 2 Children 3 References 4 Succession
[edit] BiographyLegend says that Estrid was taken back to Sweden from a war in the West Slavic area of Mecklenburg as a war-prize. She was most likely given by her father, a tribal chief of the Polabian Obotrites, as a peace offering in a marriage to seal the peace, and she is thought to have brought with her a great dowry, as a great Slavic influence is represented in Sweden from her time, mainly among craftsmen.
Her husband also had a mistress, Edla, who came from the same area in Europe as herself, and who was possibly taken to Sweden at the same time. The king treated Edla and Estrid the same way and gave his son and his two daughters with Edla the same privileges as the children he had with Estrid, though it was Estrid he married and made Queen.
Queen Estrid was baptised with her husband, their children and large numbers of the Swedish royal court in 1008, when the Swedish royal family converted to Christianity, although the king promised to respect the freedom of religion - Sweden was not to be Christian until the last religious war between Inge the Elder and Blot-Sweyn of 1084-1088.
Snorre Sturlasson wrote about her, that Estrid was unkind to the children (Emund, Astrid and Holmfrid) of her husband's mistress Edla; " Queen Estrid was arrogant and not kind towards her stepchildren, and therefore the king sent his son Emund to Vendland, where he was brought up by his maternal relatives".
Not much is known of Estrid as a person. Snorre Sturlasson mentions her as a lover of pomp and luxury, and as hard and strict towards her servants.
[edit] ChildrenIngegerd Olofsdotter (circa 1001-1054), Grand Princess of Kiev, in Russia called Anna, married Yaroslav I the Wise, prince of Novgorod and Kiev. Anund Jacob (circa 1010-1050), king of Sweden, succeeded Olaf as king in c. 1022.
"Princess of the Obotrites"
Legend says that Estrid was taken back to Sweden from a war in the West Slavic area of Mecklenburg as a war-prize. She was most likely given by her father, a tribal chief of the Polabian Obotrites, as a peace offering in a marriage to seal the peace, and she is thought to have brought with her a great dowry, as a great Slavic influence is represented in Sweden from her time, mainly among craftsmen.
Her husband also had a mistress, Edla, who came from the same area in Europe as herself, and who was possibly taken to Sweden at the same time. The king treated Edla and Estrid the same way and gave his son and his two daughters with Edla the same privileges as the children he had with Estrid, though it was Estrid he married and made Queen.
Queen Estrid was baptised with her husband, their children and large numbers of the Swedish royal court in 1008, when the Swedish royal family converted to Christianity, although the king promised to respect the freedom of religion - Sweden was not to be Christian until the last religious war between Inge the Elder and Blot-Sweyn of 1084-1088.
Snorre Sturlasson wrote about her, that Estrid was unkind to the children (Emund, Astrid and Holmfrid) of her husband's mistress Edla; " Queen Estrid was arrogant and not kind towards her stepchildren, and therefore the king sent his son Emund to Vendland, where he was brought up by his maternal relatives".
Not much is known of Estrid as a person. Snorre Sturlasson mentions her as a lover of pomp and luxury, and as hard and strict towards her servants.
Children[edit] Ingegerd Olofsdotter (circa 1001-1054), Grand Princess of Kiev, in Kievan Rus' called Anna, married Yaroslav I the Wise, prince of Novgorod and Kiev. Anund Jacob (circa 1010-1050), king of Sweden, succeeded Olaf as king in c. 1022.
References[edit] Herman Lindqvist: "Historien om Sveriges drottningar" (History of the queens of Sweden) (2006) (In Swedish) Åke Ohlmarks: "Alla Sveriges drottningar" (All the queens of Sweden) (In Swedish) Snorri Sturluson
"Queen of Sweden. With approximate years of birth and death given here, her original West Slavic heritage as a Princess of the Obotrites, in what now is Mecklenburg in northern Germany, is recorded in several sources. It can be assumed with reasonable certainty that she belonged to the early Nicholan Dynasty, and it is likely she was born near Schwerin. After the Battle of Swolder in 1000 she married the important Swedish ruler Olaf (V) Scotking and became his Queen Consort. Their son Anwynd James (Anund Jakob) was born around 1007. His double name, half pagan, half Christian, was created for diplomatic reasons and constitutes a start of the double first names that have been used by millions in the subsequent Swedish population. A year later Princess Ingigarth was born and the whole family was baptized by St. Siegfried at Husaby. Estrith saw her daughter's hand declined the suit of King Olaf II the Holy of Norway, whom her husband vehemently hated, but granted Great Prince Yaroslav I of far-away Kiev in 1020. According to Snorri Sturluson, Queen Estrith was "haughty and unkind to her step-children", King Olaf's earlier offspring by his official concubine Lady Ethel. To spare his elder son the problem, Olaf had had to send the future King Edmund (III) away to Lusatia to be brought up by Ethel's family. The queen was widowed two years after Ingigarth's wedding and probably survived Olaf by about a decade, passing away well into the reign of King Anwynd (IV) James. Due to his reported blindness, and in spite of his "golden clothing", the new king's unsuccessful war campaign to the Ukraine in 1024 to aid his brother-in-law against insurgents must have worried his mother at home. The burial of Estrith and Olaf near the sacred spring where they had been christened is related in later records, and the age of grave monuments found at Husaby Church coincides."
Olof was the son of Eric the Victorious (Erik Segersäll) and a woman whose identity is debated. According to Adam of Bremen she was the sister or daughter of Boleslaw I Chrobry of Poland, according to Icelandic sources she was Sigrid the Haughty (Sigrid Storråda), a daughter of the Viking chief Skoglar Toste. Certain sources say that Olof had a brother called Emunde.
With his first spouse (a mistress), Edla, daughter of a Slavic chief, he had three children: Emund the Old, King of Sweden in c. 1050-1060 Astrid, d. after 1035, married to Olaf II of Norway (Olaf the Saint) Holmfrid (possibly sister of Olof), married to Sven Jarl of Norway
With his second spouse, Queen Estrid of the Obotrites, he had two children: Anund Jacob, King of Sweden in 1022-c. 1050 Ingegerd, d. 1050, married to Yaroslav I of Kiev
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List of Obotrite leaders
Ruler Reign Notes
Witzlaus ?–ca. 795
Thrasco ?–ca. 795–810
Slavomir ?–810–819 Ally of the Frankish Empire. In 816, he joined the rebellion of the Sorbs. Eventually captured and abandoned by his own people, being replaced by Ceadrag in 818.
Ceadrag 819–after 826 Ally of the Frankish Empire. He rebelled against the Franks with alliance with the Danes, but later was reconciled with Franks.
Nako 954–966 Nako and his brother Stoigniew were defeated at the Raxa river (955) by Otto I, after which Stoigniew was beheaded and Nako accepted Christianity, resulting in thirty years of peace.
Mstivoj and Mstidrag 966–995 Sons of Nako. They abandoned Christianity and revolted against the Germans (Great Slav Rising).
Mieceslas III 919–999 in 995 defeated by Otto III, Holy Roman Emperor.
Mstislav 996–1018
Udo or Przybigniew 1018–1028
Ratibor 1028–1043
Gottschalk 1043 to 1066
Budivoj 1066 and 1069
Kruto 1066–1069 and 1069–1093
Henry 1093–1127
Canute & Sviatopolk 1127–1128
Sviatopolk 1128–1129
Zwinike 1129–1129
Canute 1129–1131 Great-great-great-great-grandson of Mstivoj
Niklot 1131–1160 Born around 1090. Also ruled the subdued Polabian Slav tribes of Kessinians and Circipanians.
Pribislav 1160–1167 Last Obotrite prince. Accepted Saxon suzerainty in 1167.
The rulers of Obotrite lands were later the dukes and grand dukes of Mecklenburg.
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O Estrid of the Obotrites (čeština)
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List of Obotrite leaders
Ruler Reign Notes
Witzlaus ?–ca. 795
Thrasco ?–ca. 795–810
Slavomir ?–810–819 Ally of the Frankish Empire. In 816, he joined the rebellion of the Sorbs. Eventually captured and abandoned by his own people, being replaced by Ceadrag in 818.
Ceadrag 819–after 826 Ally of the Frankish Empire. He rebelled against the Franks with alliance with the Danes, but later was reconciled with Franks.
Nako 954–966 Nako and his brother Stoigniew were defeated at the Raxa river (955) by Otto I, after which Stoigniew was beheaded and Nako accepted Christianity, resulting in thirty years of peace.
Mstivoj and Mstidrag 966–995 Sons of Nako. They abandoned Christianity and revolted against the Germans (Great Slav Rising).
Mieceslas III 919–999 in 995 defeated by Otto III, Holy Roman Emperor.
Mstislav 996–1018
Udo or Przybigniew 1018–1028
Ratibor 1028–1043
Gottschalk 1043 to 1066
Budivoj 1066 and 1069
Kruto 1066–1069 and 1069–1093
Henry 1093–1127
Canute & Sviatopolk 1127–1128
Sviatopolk 1128–1129
Zwinike 1129–1129
Canute 1129–1131 Great-great-great-great-grandson of Mstivoj
Niklot 1131–1160 Born around 1090. Also ruled the subdued Polabian Slav tribes of Kessinians and Circipanians.
Pribislav 1160–1167 Last Obotrite prince. Accepted Saxon suzerainty in 1167.
The rulers of Obotrite lands were later the dukes and grand dukes of Mecklenburg.
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ESTRID, PRINCESS of the OBOTRITES and QUEEN-CONSORT of SWEDEN https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estrid_of_the_Obotrites
- Olof Skötkonung + Estrid (wife)
- Anund Jacob Kolbränna Olofsson
- Ingegerd (married to Yaroslav the Wise) also known as Anna of Novgorord
- Olof Skötkonung + Edla (partner)
- Astrid
- Emund (Emund den Gamle / Emund the Old)
- The fifth child of Olof, Homfrid (married to Sven Ladejarl), is sometimes mentioned as daughter of Edla and sometimes as the sister to Olof. She can of course be both….
- Wikipedia: Olof Skötkonung
- Wikipedia: Estrid
- Wikipedia: Edla
- Wikipedia: Sven Ladejarl
- Noteringar
- Drottning av Sverige. Född 985 i Mecklenburg, Tyskland. Död 1032 i Skara Husaby, Västergötland. Olov 'Skötkonung' var gift med en kristen kvinna, Estrid, och hade med henne en son, Anund Jakob, och en dotter Ingegerd. (Källa: Den svenska historien, Bonnier Lexikon)
- Estrid (Astrid) var slaviska och kom från västslaviskt område längs södra Östersjökusten. (Källa: Maja Hagerman - Spåren av kungens män)
- Drottning av Sverige 1000-1022
1 . Ingrid ( Ingegerda ) OLAFSDOTTER Prinsessa av Sverige b : 1001 i Uppsala , Sverige
2 . Anund Jakob Olafsson KONUNGEN AV SVERIGE b : Abt 1008 i Of , Sverige
Estrid ( Eller Astrid ) av obotriterna (cirka 979 till 1,035 ) , var en Medeltida OCH Vikingatida English Drottning OCH Västslaviska Prinsessan , Med gåva Olof Skötkonung , Sveriges Konung , ca. 1000-1022 , mor till kung Anund Jakob OCH den ryska Sankt OCH Queen (Grand Princess) Ingegerd Olofsdotter .
Legenden Säger Att Estrid togs Tillbaka till Sverige fran ETT krig i Väst slaviska området Mecklenburg krig SOM ETT - pris . Hon var förmodligen fran Hennes långt , en stamhövdingen AV Polabian obotriterna , SOM ETT fredsprojekt Erbjudande i ETT äktenskap FÖR Att tata fred , OCH HON Tros ha fortet MED SIG EN Stor hemgift , representerad SOM EN Stor slavisk inflytande Känner jag mig sminkad i Sverige fran synd tre gånger dagligen främst intetsägande hantverkare .
Hennes göra hade dock en älskarinna , Edla , SOM KOM fran samma område i Europa SOM SIG Själv , fördes OCH SOM möjligen till Sverige VID samma tidpunkt . Kungen behandlas Edla OCH Estrid in samma SATT OCH GAV OCH synd son Hans Två döttrar MED Edla samma privilegies SOM Barnen Han hade dock MED Estrid , snabb DET var Estrid gifte Han SIG Queen OCH gjorde .
Drottning Estrid var döpt MED synd göra SINA ETT Barn och Stort Antal AV Hovet DET English under 1008 , nar den English kungafamiljen konverterat till kristendomen , Att travar Kungen lovade Att respektera religionsfriheten - Sverige var integre Kristna förrän Den sista religionskrig Mellan Inge den äldre OCH Blot - Sven för 1084-1088 .
Snorre Sturlassons skrev OM Henne , Att Estrid var elaka MOT Barnen ( Emund , Astrid OCH Holmfrid ) av makens älskarinna Edla , " Drottning Estrid var arrogant OCH integ snällt MOT Henne styvbarn , OCH därför konungen Sande synd son Emund till Vendland , Dar Han uppfostrades AV synd nutida släktingar " .
Integ mycket Känner jag mig sminkad kant OM Estrid SOM person. Snorre Sturlassons nämner Henne SOM en älskare AV pompa OCH lyx , hård OCH sa OCH Sträng MOT SINA tjänare .
Yrke : Drottning av Sverige
Född : omkring 979 Mecklenburg 1)
Död : omkring 1032 Skara Husaby , Västergötland
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Familj MED Olof Skötkonung (980 - 1022)
Barn : Ingegerd " Heliga Anna AV Novgorod " Olofsdotter (1001 - 1050)
Anund Jakob (1007 - 1050)
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Olov ' Skötkonung 'var Gift med en kristen kvinna , Estrid , OCH hade dock MED Henne en son , Anund Jakob , OCH en dotter Ingegerd . ( Källa : Den engelska historien , Bonnier Lexikon )
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
1) Register över Royal Genealogical Data, Hull, England
Forrás :http://www.thepeerage.com/p10213.htm # i10212 (3)
Astrid (?)
F, # 102123
Senast redigerad = 9 Aug 2004
Astrid (?) gifte Olof Skötkonung , kung av Sverige, son till Erik VI , kung av Sverige och Sigrid " Storråda " (?) . ( 1 )
Barn till Astrid (?) och Olof Skötkonung , kung av Sverige
-1 . Astrid ( ? ) +
-2 . Anund , kung av Sverige + D. 1050 ( 2 )
-3 . Emund " Gamla " , kung av Sverige d. 1060 ( 2 )
Estrid (eller Astrid ) av obotriterna (ca 979 till 1035 ) var en medeltida och vikingatida svenska drottning och västslaviska prinsessan , gift med Olof Skötkonung av Sverige , ca. 1000-1022 , mor till kung Anund Jakob av Sverige och det ryska Sankt och drottningen (Grand Princess) Ingegerd Olofsdotter .
Legenden säger att Estrid togs tillbaka till Sverige från ett krig i västra slaviska området Mecklenburg som ett krig - pris. Hon var troligen från sin far , en tribal chefen för Polabian obotriterna , som ett tackoffer i ett äktenskap att försegla fred , och hon tros ha fört med sig en stor hemgift , som en stor slavisk inflytande är representerat i Sverige från sin tid , främst bland hantverkare.
Hennes man hade också en älskarinna , Edla , som kom från samma område i Europa som sig själv, och som var om möjligt tas till Sverige vid samma tidpunkt . Kungen behandlas Edla och Estrid på samma sätt och gav sin son och hans två döttrar med Edla samma privilegies som barn han hade med Estrid , fast det var Estrid gifte han sig och gjorde Queen.
Drottning Estrid döptes tillsammans med sin make , sina barn och ett stort antal av det svenska hovet i 1008 , när den svenska kungafamiljen konverterat till kristendomen , men kungen lovade att respektera religionsfriheten - Sverige var inte för att vara kristna till den sista religiöst krig mellan Inge den äldre och Blot-Sven i 1084-1088 .
Snorre Sturlassons skrev om henne, att Estrid var ovänlig mot barnen ( Emund , Astrid och Holmfrid ) av makens älskarinna Edla , " Drottning Estrid var arrogant och inte snällt mot henne styvbarn , och därför konungen sände sin son Emund till Vendland , där Han uppfostrades av sin moderns släktingar " .
Inte mycket är känt av Estrid som person. Snorre Sturlassons nämner henne som en älskare av pomp och lyx , och så hård och sträng mot sina tjänare .
[Redigera] Barn
Deras son Anund Jakob efterträdde Olof som kung i C. 1022 . En dotter , Ingegerd Olofsdotter, i Ryssland heter Anna , gift med Jaroslav I den vise , furste av Novgorod och Kiev.
* Herman Lindqvist : " Historien om Sveriges drottningar " ( Historien om drottningar i Sverige) ( 2006 ) (på svenska)
* Åke Ohlmarks : " Alla Sveriges drottningar " (Alla drottningar i Sverige ) ( På svenska )
* Snorre Sturlasson
Obotriterna (tyska : Abodriten ), även känt som Obodrites , Abotrites eller Abodrites var en konfederation av medeltida West slaviska stammar i området som i modern Mecklenburg och Holstein i norra Tyskland (se Polabian slaver ). I årtionden de var allierade med Karl den store i hans krig mot germanska saxare och slaviska Veleti . I 798 av Obodrites , styrdes av prins Drożko besegrade sachsare i slaget under Święciana . Den fortfarande hedniska saxare skingrades av kejsaren, och en del av deras tidigare mark i Holstein, inklusive Hamburg, tilldelades obotriterna i 804 , som belöning för sin seger .
Geographus Bavarus
Den bayerska geograf, en anonym medeltida framtaget i Regensburg i 830 , innehåller en förteckning över de stammar i centrala Östeuropa öster om Elbe. I förteckningen ingår Nortabtrezi ( obotriterna ) - med 53 civitates . Adam av Bremen som dem som Reregi på grund av deras lukrativa handel varuhus Reric . I likhet med andra slaviska grupper , de beskrivs ofta som en germansk källor som vender .
Edla ? ? ? , Med hadde sammen Kong Olof Skottkonung Erikson av Sverige . Død omkring 1021 , datteren :
1 . Dronning Astrid Olofsdotter av Sverige . Død etter 1035 .
Edla var Olavs frille . Hun KOM FRA Vendland .
Fra Snorre Sturlason : Olav den helliges saga:
« 88 . Olav Eirikson sveakonge hadde Forst hatt en frille SOM- het Edla , datter til en jarl i Vendland . Hun hadde Forst vært hærtatt og ble RegNet SOM Kongens tjenestejente . Barna deres var Emund , Astrid og Holmfrid . ... » 1)
1). Snorre Sturlason : Olav den helliges saga , avsnitt 88 . Mogens Bugge : Väre forfedre , se nr. 169 . Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre , sidan 73 .
Dronning Estrid ? ? ? , Med var gåva Kong Olof Skottkonung Erikson av Sverige . Død omkring 1021 . De hadde datteren :
1 . Fyrstinne Ingegjerd Olavsdatter . Død 1050/02/10 Jag Vyšhorod ved Kiev.
Jag henhold til Adam AV Bremen var Olof Gift med obotritiskan Estrid . 1 )
1). Svenskt biografiskt lexikon, Bind 28 ( 1992-1994 ) , sida 235 . Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre , sidan 73 .
Ett annat namn för Estrid var Astrid av obotriterna.
General Notes:
Enligt Adam av Bremen, var gift Olof att "obotritiskan" Estrid.
Noterade händelser i hennes liv var:
• Hon var en prinsessa.
Estrid gifte Olof Skötkonung Eriksson av Sverige, son till Erik VI Segersäll Björnsson och Gunhild Mieczyslavsdatter Polen. (Olof Skötkonung Eriksson av Sverige dog ca 1022 i Filipstad, Värmlands län, Sverige.)
Familj med Kung Olof III (Eriksson) Skötkonung (~ 980 till 1.022)
Ingegerd "Heliga Anna av Novgorod" Olofsdotter av Sverige (~ 1001 till 1050)
Anund III Jacob Olofsson (~ 1008 - ~ 1050)
Estrid (Astrid) var slaviska och kom från västslaviskt område längs södra Östersjökusten.
(Källa: Maja Hagerman - Spåren av kungens män)
Mycket tyder dock på att Mieceslas hustru var svenskan Sofia.
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Sweden:
ESTRED of the Obotrites, daughter of ---.
Adam of Bremen names "filiamque Sclavorum Estred nomine de Obodritis" as wife of "Olaph rex Sueonum"[43].
King Olof & his wife had two children:
1. Ingegerd Olofsdottir (b. c.1000-1003, d. February 10, 1050, married Yaroslav I Vladimirovich, Grand Prince of Kiev)
2. Anund Jakob (d. 1052, succeeds as King of Sweden, married Gunhild Svensdatter)
From the Swedish-language Historiska Personer i Sverige och Norden page on Estrid:
Född: 979
Familj med Olof >> Skötkonung (Eriksson) (980 - 1022)
1. Ingegerd "heliga Anna av Novgorod" Olofsdotter (1000 - 1050)
2. Anund Jakob >> Olofsson (1007 - 1050)
Estrid (Astrid) var slaviska och kom från västslaviskt område längs södra Östersjökusten. Födelseåret är osäkert; en källa anger ca 985. Enligt en källa lämnade hon sin make 1019 och gifte sig med den norske kungen Olav Haraldsson, men andra uppgifter gör gällande att hon stannade hos Olof, som avled år 1022.
(Källa: bl. a. Maja Hagerman - Spåren av kungens män)
In English:
Born 979
Family with Olof Skotkonung (Eriksson) (980-1022)
1. Ingegerd "Holy Anna of Novgorod" Olofsdotter (1000-1050)
2. Anund James Olofsson (1007-1050)
Estrid (Astrid) was a Slav that came from the western Slavic regions along the southern Baltic Sea coast. Her year of birth is uncertain, as another source indicates approximately 985. According to one source, she left her husband in 1019 and married the Norwegian King Olav Haraldsson, but other data argues she stayed with Olof, who died in 1022.
(Source: Maja Haberman - Traces of the King's Men)
From the Wikipedia page on Estrid of the Obotrites:
Estrid (or Astrid) of the Obotrites (ca. 979 – 1035), was a Medieval and Viking age Swedish Queen consort and West Slavic Princess, married to Olof Skötkonung, the King of Sweden, ca. 1000–1022, mother of king Anund Jacob of Sweden and the Russian Saint and Queen (Grand Princess) Ingegerd Olofsdotter.
Legend says that Estrid was taken back to Sweden from a war in the West Slavic area of Mecklenburg as a war-prize. She was most likely given by her father, a tribal chief of the Polabian Obotrites, as a peace offering in a marriage to seal the peace, and she is thought to have brought with her a great dowry, as a great Slavic influence is represented in Sweden from her time, mainly among craftsmen.
Her husband also had a mistress, Edla, who came from the same area in Europe as herself, and who was possibly taken to Sweden at the same time. The king treated Edla and Estrid the same way and gave his son and his two daughters with Edla the same privilegies as the children he had with Estrid, though it was Estrid he married and made Queen.
Queen Estrid was baptised with her husband, their children and large numbers of the Swedish royal court in 1008, when the Swedish royal family converted to Christianity, although the king promised to respect the freedom of religion - Sweden was not to be Christian until the last religious war between Inge the Elder and Blot-Sweyn of 1084-1088.
Snorre Sturlasson wrote about her, that Estrid was unkind to the children (Emund, Astrid and Holmfrid) of her husband's mistress Edla; "Queen Estrid was arrogant and not kind towards her stepchildren, and therefore the king sent his son Emund to Vendland, where he was brought up by his maternal relatives".
Not much is known of Estrid as a person. Snorre Sturlasson mentions her as a lover of pomp and luxury, and as hard and strict towards her servants.
1. Ingegerd Olofsdotter (circa 1001-1054), Grand Princess of Kiev, in Russia called Anna, married Yaroslav I the Wise, prince of Novgorod and Kiev.
2. Anund Jacob (circa 1010-1050), king of Sweden, succeeded Olaf as king in c. 1022.
Herman Lindqvist: "Historien om Sveriges drottningar" (History of the queens of Sweden) (2006) (In Swedish)
Åke Ohlmarks: "Alla Sveriges drottningar" (All the queens of Sweden) (In Swedish)
Snorri Sturluson
From the Wikipedia page on the Obotrites:
The Obotrites (German: Abodriten), also commonly known as the Obodrites, Abotrites, or Abodrites, were a confederation of medieval West Slavic tribes within the territory of modern Mecklenburg and Holstein in northern Germany (see Polabian Slavs). For decades they were allies of Charlemagne in his wars against Germanic Saxons and Slavic Veleti.
In 798 the Obodrites, ruled by prince Drożko, or Draško (Thrasco, orig.), defeated Saxons in the battle on Swentana river. The still heathen Saxons (Nordalbingians) were dispersed by the emperor, and the part of their former land in Holstein north of Elbe was awarded to the Obotrites in 804, as a reward for their victory. This however was soon reverted by invasion of Danes.
The Bavarian Geographer, an anonymous medieval document compiled in Regensburg in 830, contains a list of the tribes in Central Eastern Europe to the east of the Elbe. The list includes the Nortabtrezi (Obotrites) - with 53 civitates. Adam of Bremen referred to them as the Reregi because of their lucrative trade emporium Reric. In common with other Slavic groups, they were often described by Germanic sources as Wends.
The main tribes[1] of the Obotritic confederation were:
1. the Obotrites proper (Wismar Bay to Lake Schwerin);
2. the Wagrians (the eastern Holstein as part of Saxony);
3. the Warnower (the upper Warnow and Mildenitz);
4. the Polabians proper (between the Trave and the Elbe, SUPPOSEDLY OUR ANCESTOR COMES FROM HERE).
Other tribes associated with the confederation include:
1. the Linonen near Lenzen,
2. the Travnjane near the Trave,
3. the Drevani in the Hanoverian Wendland and the northern Altmark.[2]
The Limes Saxoniae forming the border between the Saxons to the west and the Obotrites to the eastAs allies of the Carolingian kings and the empire of their Ottonian successors, the Obotrites fought from 808 to 1200 against the kings of Denmark, who wished to rule the Baltic region independently of the empire.
When opportunities arose, for instance upon the death of an emperor, they would seek to seize power; and in 983 Hamburg was destroyed by the Obotrites under their king, Mstivoj. At times they levied tribute from the Danes and Saxons.
Under the leadership of Niklot, they resisted a Christian assault during the Wendish Crusade.
From the Wikipedia page on the Polabians:
The Polabians (German: Polaben; Latin: Polabi) were a constituent West Slavic tribe of the Obotrites who lived between the Trave and the Elbe. The main settlement of the Polabians was Racisburg (modern Ratzeburg), named after their Prince Ratibor. The Polabians were similar to the Drevani, also known as the Draväno-polaben or Drevanen, in Lüchow-Dannenberg.
Ben notes: The picture used to depict this person is not actually Estrid, but rather is a Swedish chess piece (a Queen) from Estrid's time period, near the turn of the first millenium AD.
Estrid of the Obotrites
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Estrid (or Astrid) of the Obotrites (ca. 979 – 1035), was a Swedish queen consort, married to Olof Skötkonung, the King of Sweden, ca. 1000, and mother of king Anund Jacob of Sweden.
Legend say Estrid was taken back to Sweden as a war-price; she was most likely given by her father, a chieftain of the Polabian Obotrites, as a peace offering in a marriage to seal the peace, and the guess is that she brought a great dowry, as a great Slavic influence is represented in Sweden from her time, mainly among craftsmen.
Her husband also had a mistress, Edla, who came from the same area in Europe as herself and who was perhaps taken to Sweden at the same time, and the king treated Edla and Estrid the same way and gave his son and two daughters with Edla the same privilegies as the children he had with Estrid, though it was Estrid he married and made queen.
Queen Estrid was baptised with her husband, their children and large parts of the Swedish court in 1008, when the Swedish royal family converted to Christianity, though the king promised to respect the freedom of religion - Sweden was not to be Christian until the last religion war of 1084-1088.
Snorre Sturlasson wrote, that Estrid was unkind to the children (Emund, Astrid and Holmfrid) of her husband's mistress Edla;
" Queen Estrid was arrogant and not kind towards her stepchildren and therefore the king sent his son Emund to Vendland, were he was brought up by his maternal relatives".
Not much is known of Estrid as a person. Snorre Sturlasson mentions her as the lover of pomp and luxury and as hard and strict towards her servants.
Their son Anund Jacob succeeded Olaf as king. A daughter, Ingegerd Olofsdotter, in Russia called Anna, married Yaroslav I the Wise, prince of Novgorod and Kiev.
Herman Lindqvist, "Historien om Sverige" (In Swedish)
Åke Ohlmarks "Alla Sveriges drottningar" (In Swedish)
From Wikipedia:
Legend says that Estrid was taken back to Sweden from a war in the West Slavic area of Mecklenburg as a war-prize. She was most likely given by her father, a tribal chief of the Polabian Obotrites, as a peace offering in a marriage to seal the peace, and she is thought to have brought with her a great dowry, as a great Slavic influence is represented in Sweden from her time, mainly among craftsmen.
Her husband also had a mistress, Edla, who came from the same area in Europe as herself, and who was possibly taken to Sweden at the same time. The king treated Edla and Estrid the same way and gave his son and his two daughters with Edla the same privilegies as the children he had with Estrid, though it was Estrid he married and made Queen.
Queen Estrid was baptised with her husband, their children and large numbers of the Swedish royal court in 1008, when the Swedish royal family converted to Christianity, although the king promised to respect the freedom of religion - Sweden was not to be Christian until the last religious war between Inge the Elder and Blot-Sweyn of 1084-1088.
Snorre Sturlasson wrote about her, that Estrid was unkind to the children (Emund, Astrid and Holmfrid) of her husband's mistress Edla; " Queen Estrid was arrogant and not kind towards her stepchildren, and therefore the king sent his son Emund to Vendland, where he was brought up by his maternal relatives".
Not much is known of Estrid as a person. Snorre Sturlasson mentions her as a lover of pomp and luxury, and as hard and strict towards her servants.
Svenskt Biografiskt Lexikon, Bind 28 (1992/94), side 235. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 73.
Legend say Estrid was taken back to Sweden as a war-price; she was most likely given by her father, a chieftain of the Polabian Obotrites, as a peace offering in a marriage to seal the peace, and the guess is that she brought a great dowry, as a great Slavic influence is represented in Sweden from her time, mainly among craftsmen.
Her husband also had a mistress, Edla, who came from the same area in Europe as herself and who was perhaps taken to Sweden at the same time, and the king treated Edla and Estrid the same way and gave his son and two daughters with Edla the same privilegies as the children he had with Estrid, though it was Estrid he married and made queen.
Queen Estrid was baptised with her husband, their children and large parts of the Swedish court in 1008, when the Swedish royal family converted to Christianity, though the king promised to respect the freedom of religion - Sweden was not to be Christian until the last religion war of 1084-1088.
The Obotrites were a confederation of Western Slavic tribes in what is now northern Germany.
Estrid or Astrid of the Obotrites (ca. 979 – 1035), was married to Olof Skötkonung, the King of Sweden, ca. 1000.
Legend say Estrid was taken back to Sweden as a war-price; she was most likely given by her father, a chieftain of the Polabian Obotrites, as a peace offering in a marriage to seal the peace, and the guess is that she brought a great dowry, as a great Slavic influence is represented in Sweden from her time, mainly among craftsmen. Her husband also had a mistress, Edla, who came from the same area in Europe as herself and who was perhaps taken to Sweden at the same time, and the king treated Edla and Estrid the same way and gave his son and two daughters with Edla the same privilegies as the children he had with Estrid, though it was Estrid he married and made queen.
Queen Estrid was baptised with her husband, their children and large parts of the Swedish court in 1008, when the Swedish royal family converted to Christianity, though the king promised to respect the freedom of religion - Sweden was not to be Christian until the last religion war of 1084-1088.
She had a brother. She had a half-brother and a half-sister, named The Old and Astrid
Estrid (or Astrid) of the Obotrites (ca. 979 – 1035) was a Medieval and Viking age Swedish Queen consort and West Slavic Princess, married to Olof Skötkonung, the King of Sweden, ca. 1000–1022, mother of king Anund Jacob of Sweden and the Russian Saint and Queen (Grand Princess) Ingegerd Olofsdotter.
Legend says that Estrid was taken back to Sweden from a war in the West Slavic area of Mecklenburg as a war-prize. She was most likely given by her father, a tribal chief of the Polabian Obotrites, as a peace offering in a marriage to seal the peace, and she is thought to have brought with her a great dowry, as a great Slavic influence is represented in Sweden from her time, mainly among craftsmen.
Her husband also had a mistress, Edla, who came from the same area in Europe as herself, and who was possibly taken to Sweden at the same time. The king treated Edla and Estrid the same way and gave his son and his two daughters with Edla the same privileges as the children he had with Estrid, though it was Estrid he married and made Queen.
Legend says that Estrid was taken back to Sweden from a war in the West Slavic area of Mecklenburg as a war-prize. She was most likely given by her father, a tribal chief of the Polabian Obotrites, as a peace offering in a marriage to seal the peace, and she is thought to have brought with her a great dowry, as a great Slavic influence is represented in Sweden from her time, mainly among craftsmen.
Her husband also had a mistress, Edla, who came from the same area in Europe as herself, and who was possibly taken to Sweden at the same time. The king treated Edla and Estrid the same way and gave his son and his two daughters with Edla the same privileges as the children he had with Estrid, though it was Estrid he married and made Queen.
Queen Estrid was baptised with her husband, their children and large numbers of the Swedish royal court in 1008, when the Swedish royal family converted to Christianity, although the king promised to respect the freedom of religion - Sweden was not to be Christian until the last religious war between Inge the Elder and Blot-Sweyn of 1084-1088.
Snorre Sturlasson wrote about her, that Estrid was unkind to the children (Emund, Astrid and Holmfrid) of her husband's mistress Edla; " Queen Estrid was arrogant and not kind towards her stepchildren, and therefore the king sent his son Emund to Vendland, where he was brought up by his maternal relatives".
Not much is known of Estrid as a person. Snorre Sturlasson mentions her as a lover of pomp and luxury, and as hard and strict towards her servants.
Estrid of the ObotritesFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Estrid of the Obotrites Queen consort of Sweden Reign 1000–1022 Spouse Olof Skötkonung Issue Anund Jacob Ingegerd Olofsdotter Father A tribal chief of the Polabian Obotrites Born 979 Died 1035
A Swedish depiction of a queen as a chess piece carved in bone in the times of Queen EstrithEstrid (or Astrid) of the Obotrites (ca. 979 – 1035) was a Medieval and Viking age Swedish Queen consort and West Slavic Princess, married to Olof Skötkonung, the King of Sweden, ca. 1000–1022, mother of king Anund Jacob of Sweden and the Russian Saint and Queen (Grand Princess) Ingegerd Olofsdotter.
Contents 1 Biography 2 Children 3 References 4 Succession
[edit] BiographyLegend says that Estrid was taken back to Sweden from a war in the West Slavic area of Mecklenburg as a war-prize. She was most likely given by her father, a tribal chief of the Polabian Obotrites, as a peace offering in a marriage to seal the peace, and she is thought to have brought with her a great dowry, as a great Slavic influence is represented in Sweden from her time, mainly among craftsmen.
Her husband also had a mistress, Edla, who came from the same area in Europe as herself, and who was possibly taken to Sweden at the same time. The king treated Edla and Estrid the same way and gave his son and his two daughters with Edla the same privileges as the children he had with Estrid, though it was Estrid he married and made Queen.
Queen Estrid was baptised with her husband, their children and large numbers of the Swedish royal court in 1008, when the Swedish royal family converted to Christianity, although the king promised to respect the freedom of religion - Sweden was not to be Christian until the last religious war between Inge the Elder and Blot-Sweyn of 1084-1088.
Snorre Sturlasson wrote about her, that Estrid was unkind to the children (Emund, Astrid and Holmfrid) of her husband's mistress Edla; " Queen Estrid was arrogant and not kind towards her stepchildren, and therefore the king sent his son Emund to Vendland, where he was brought up by his maternal relatives".
Not much is known of Estrid as a person. Snorre Sturlasson mentions her as a lover of pomp and luxury, and as hard and strict towards her servants.
[edit] ChildrenIngegerd Olofsdotter (circa 1001-1054), Grand Princess of Kiev, in Russia called Anna, married Yaroslav I the Wise, prince of Novgorod and Kiev. Anund Jacob (circa 1010-1050), king of Sweden, succeeded Olaf as king in c. 1022.
"Princess of the Obotrites"
Legend says that Estrid was taken back to Sweden from a war in the West Slavic area of Mecklenburg as a war-prize. She was most likely given by her father, a tribal chief of the Polabian Obotrites, as a peace offering in a marriage to seal the peace, and she is thought to have brought with her a great dowry, as a great Slavic influence is represented in Sweden from her time, mainly among craftsmen.
Her husband also had a mistress, Edla, who came from the same area in Europe as herself, and who was possibly taken to Sweden at the same time. The king treated Edla and Estrid the same way and gave his son and his two daughters with Edla the same privileges as the children he had with Estrid, though it was Estrid he married and made Queen.
Queen Estrid was baptised with her husband, their children and large numbers of the Swedish royal court in 1008, when the Swedish royal family converted to Christianity, although the king promised to respect the freedom of religion - Sweden was not to be Christian until the last religious war between Inge the Elder and Blot-Sweyn of 1084-1088.
Snorre Sturlasson wrote about her, that Estrid was unkind to the children (Emund, Astrid and Holmfrid) of her husband's mistress Edla; " Queen Estrid was arrogant and not kind towards her stepchildren, and therefore the king sent his son Emund to Vendland, where he was brought up by his maternal relatives".
Not much is known of Estrid as a person. Snorre Sturlasson mentions her as a lover of pomp and luxury, and as hard and strict towards her servants.
Children[edit] Ingegerd Olofsdotter (circa 1001-1054), Grand Princess of Kiev, in Kievan Rus' called Anna, married Yaroslav I the Wise, prince of Novgorod and Kiev. Anund Jacob (circa 1010-1050), king of Sweden, succeeded Olaf as king in c. 1022.
References[edit] Herman Lindqvist: "Historien om Sveriges drottningar" (History of the queens of Sweden) (2006) (In Swedish) Åke Ohlmarks: "Alla Sveriges drottningar" (All the queens of Sweden) (In Swedish) Snorri Sturluson
"Queen of Sweden. With approximate years of birth and death given here, her original West Slavic heritage as a Princess of the Obotrites, in what now is Mecklenburg in northern Germany, is recorded in several sources. It can be assumed with reasonable certainty that she belonged to the early Nicholan Dynasty, and it is likely she was born near Schwerin. After the Battle of Swolder in 1000 she married the important Swedish ruler Olaf (V) Scotking and became his Queen Consort. Their son Anwynd James (Anund Jakob) was born around 1007. His double name, half pagan, half Christian, was created for diplomatic reasons and constitutes a start of the double first names that have been used by millions in the subsequent Swedish population. A year later Princess Ingigarth was born and the whole family was baptized by St. Siegfried at Husaby. Estrith saw her daughter's hand declined the suit of King Olaf II the Holy of Norway, whom her husband vehemently hated, but granted Great Prince Yaroslav I of far-away Kiev in 1020. According to Snorri Sturluson, Queen Estrith was "haughty and unkind to her step-children", King Olaf's earlier offspring by his official concubine Lady Ethel. To spare his elder son the problem, Olaf had had to send the future King Edmund (III) away to Lusatia to be brought up by Ethel's family. The queen was widowed two years after Ingigarth's wedding and probably survived Olaf by about a decade, passing away well into the reign of King Anwynd (IV) James. Due to his reported blindness, and in spite of his "golden clothing", the new king's unsuccessful war campaign to the Ukraine in 1024 to aid his brother-in-law against insurgents must have worried his mother at home. The burial of Estrith and Olaf near the sacred spring where they had been christened is related in later records, and the age of grave monuments found at Husaby Church coincides."
Olof was the son of Eric the Victorious (Erik Segersäll) and a woman whose identity is debated. According to Adam of Bremen she was the sister or daughter of Boleslaw I Chrobry of Poland, according to Icelandic sources she was Sigrid the Haughty (Sigrid Storråda), a daughter of the Viking chief Skoglar Toste. Certain sources say that Olof had a brother called Emunde.
With his first spouse (a mistress), Edla, daughter of a Slavic chief, he had three children: Emund the Old, King of Sweden in c. 1050-1060 Astrid, d. after 1035, married to Olaf II of Norway (Olaf the Saint) Holmfrid (possibly sister of Olof), married to Sven Jarl of Norway
With his second spouse, Queen Estrid of the Obotrites, he had two children: Anund Jacob, King of Sweden in 1022-c. 1050 Ingegerd, d. 1050, married to Yaroslav I of Kiev
О Estrid of the Obotrites (русский)
Королева Эстриди, мать святой Анны, происходившая из самого знатного рода Швеции, была известна своим выдающимся умом, любвеобильным сердцем и великодушием.
Пребывала сначала в городе Упсале, затем попеременно то в построенной королем на морском берегу Новой Сигтуне, то в городе Скаре, где находилась кафедра епископа и сосредоточивались главные христианские силы страны.
Estrid of the Obotrites's Timeline
979 |
Mecklenburg, MV, Germany
Född: 979 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Anund Jakob >> Olofsson (1007 - 1050)
<< Startsida
Skapad av MinSläkt 3.1a, Programmet tillhör: Christer Engstrand |
- 1022
999 |
http://www.artursson.se/Engelska/0002/1465.htm -----------------------------------
Gifte och barn
Barn: Maria Anundsdotter. |
1000 |
- 1022
Age 21
1001 |
Uppsala, Uppsala County, Sweden
Gifte och barn
Elizabeth Jaroslava av Kiev.
1008 |
Age 29
1021 |
Age 46
Husaby kyrka, Husaby, Götene , Västergötland, Sverige (Sweden)
Wiki: En uppgift Om att Olof skulle Ligga begravd i Husaby i Västergötland härstammar från 1740-talet och är Lika obevisbar som de 100-200 år äldre Uppgifterna Att Han är begravd i Skara eller Linköping. Den utpekade graven i Husaby är inte Tillräckligt gammal för Att vara hans. BILDEN:
![]() |
1034 |
Age 55
Uppsala, Sweden
1035 |
Age 56
Husaby Kyrka, Götene, Sweden
![]() |
1931 |
February 7, 1931
Age 55