Immediate Family
About Garetruda
RADELCHI I in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani - Volume 86 (2016) < English translation < link >
We know the name of Radelchi's wife, but not her ancestry: Garetruda is known from her epitaph and from her presence in some of Radelchi's diplomas, as a rogator and as the owner of a land endowment; with her Radelchi had twelve children. We know the names of six of them: Orso, Radelgario, Adelchi, Aione, Ladelchi, Arechi.
RADELCHIS, son of --- ([788/60]-849). His birth date is estimated from the Epitaphium Radelchis Principis which records that he died aged 60[190]. He seized power in Benevento in 839 on the death of Sicard Prince of Benevento. During the civil war which followed, he gained control of Benevento and the northern parts of the old principality, declaring himself RADELCHIS I Prince of Benevento. The civil war was eventually settled by Louis King of Italy [Carolingian] who arranged a division of territories between the two sides under the Radelgisi et Siginulfi Divisio Ducatus Beneventani signed in early 849, Benevento losing half its territory[191]. In 847, the Arabs captured Bari, where they established an emirate, and Taranto[192]. The Annales Beneventani record the death of Prince Radelchis in 849[193].
m GARETRUDA, daughter of --- (-1 Jun ---). The Epitaphium Caretrudæ names "coniux Radelchis…hæc Caretruda", adding that she died aged 70 and had twelve children[194].
[194] Carmina varia XIII, MGH Poetæ Latini ævi Carolini II, p. 659.
- < Medlands - Southern Italy, Pre Norman >
- English translation < link. >
- cites
- Gwatkin, H.M., Whitney, J.P. (ed) et al., The Cambridge Medieval History: Volume III. Cambridge University Press, 1926.
- Caravale, Mario (ed). Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani: LXIII Labroca – Laterza, Roma, 2004.
- Chronica S. Benedicti Casinensis Archiviato il 5 gennaio 2011 in Internet Archive. < link >
- Vito Loré, RADELCHI I, in Dizionario biografico degli italiani, Roma, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana, 2016. URL consultato il 26 settembre 2017. Modifica su Wikidata
- The New Cambridge Medieval History by Umair Mirza. Rulers in Italy, c. 700 - c. 900. Page 864. < Archive.Org > III. Princes of Benevento. …. Radelchis l, 839-851.
- was Arechis II of Benevento her father or anyway an ancestor?
- (to give her sourced son prince Arechis de Benevento the same name?)
Garetruda's Timeline
816 |
822 |
824 |
825 |
Benevento, Campania, Italy
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