John Wilkins Waldrop, Sr.

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About John Wilkins Waldrop, Sr.

Originally submitted by skeeterwaldrip to Waldrip Family Tree on 23 Oct 2008 in

ID: I909

Name: John WALDROP

Sex: M

Birth: Abt 1730 in VA

Death: Abt 1810 in Rutherford Co NC


1754 --- AMELIA CO., VA - First appeared on AMELIA CO., VA. Tithe List with JAMES WALDROP.

1755 --- For Alexander Murhead, Caswell Co., NC, 19 Oct 1785, bondsman, John Baird & Henry McNeill of Virginia.[This entry taken from DWWHLWJD database. Meaning of the entry is unclear to me.-CW]

1756 --- AMELIA CO., VA Tithe List.

1759 --- AMELIA CO., VA - Deeds. 24 May 1759. THOMAS GREEN, the Younger, to JOHN WALTROPE and JAMES WALTROPE of AMELIA CO., VA for 15 Pounds current money of VIRGINIA .. 100 acres near Horsepen Creek on Wintocomake Creek Road.

1762 --- AMELIA CO., VA Tithe list.

1763 --- AMELIA CO., VA Tithe list. [HLW says NOT on Amelia Co., VA tax list after 1763]

1764 --- Amelia Co., VA. Deed Book 8, Page 578. John and James Waldrop sold Amelia Co., VA land to Henry Anderson on 15 Dec 1764.

(Following deed is for 1764, not 1754. Must be a typo.--jd)

Actual Text (HLW)

15 Dec 1754 Deed Book 8, Page 578, Amelia Co., VA JOHN (x) WALDROP & JAMES (x) WALDROP of Raleigh Parish, Amelia Co., to Henry Anderson. Consideration: 35 pounds, 100 acres, Amelia Co., adjacent land of said Anderson, and bought of Thomas Green, being part of tract sold them by said Green. Witnesses: Thomas Ferguson, Francis (x)Ferguson & Mary Wilkinson. Price of 17/10/0 "being the balance for my part of the within land" received and signed James (x) Waldrop. Witness: Peter Hoskins. On 12 Sep 1812 a note was added in the margin of the deed book by T.T. Leigh, Clerk: "Delivered to William Anderson son and representative of Henry Anderson."


1768 --- Pittsylvania Co., VA. Deed Book 1, p. 159-160. John and James Waldrope bought land from James Dillard.

Transcribed by HLW. Dated 22 Aug 1768.

This Indenture made the 22nd day of August in the year of our Lord 1768 between James Dillard of the county of Pittsylvania of the one part and James Waldrope and of John Waldrope of the aforesaid county of the other part witnesseth that the said James Dillard for and in the consideration of the sum of 30 pounds current mony of Virginia in hand paid by the said James and John Waldrope receipts where of the said James Dillard hath hereby acknowledged hath granted, bargained, sold assigned.....the said James and John Waldrope one certain tract or parcell of Land lying in the county of Pittsylvania on the Southside of Pigg River and Running a straight line from the "kings cassil" on the said River to the Mouth of the Frying Pan Creek including all the land up the said creek belonging to said James Dillard and what land belongs to him on Pig River below the king cassel....Signed James Dillard Witnesses: James Mitchell, William Atkinson and Wm. Witaker. No Signature by either James or John Waldrop on this document for comparison. It is placed here to show connection to Indenture below

1777 --- Pittsylvania Co., VA. JOHN SR. and sons JOSEPH, ISAIAH, JAMES and JOHN, JR. signed the PITTSYLVANIA Declaration of Independence and the Oath of Loyalty to the Patriot Cause to remove George III and the British forces from control of this land. Index to Revolutionary War accounts (stub indents of payment, volumes 1-12 {NC Archives} and Treasurer & Comptroller Records, Vols. 40-66, NC).

1777 --- Sullivan Co., NC. (Now TN) NORTH CAROLINA Land Grants in TN by Burgner. 1778 to 1791. JOHN WALDRUPS, 247 acres on Jarrots Branch.

Note - Since their father was granted 250 acres of land in OLD WASHINGTON CO., NC (and in an area later to become a part of SULLIVAN CO., TN) these sons as listed below entered Revolutionary War service from SULLIVAN CO., NC and continued service JOHN WALDROP'S sons were also paid by NC as below:

JOSEPH WALDROPE--Vol XII, page 14, Folio 2, Number 3475--(In a special certificate from the Comptroller's Office as signed by JOHN RENSFROUGH, Joseph is paid 7 pounds, 7 shillings and 6 pence for Revolutionary War services dated June 1783 and with interest to 20 May 1784, thus making a total of 8 pounds 6 shillings 3 pence.

JAMES WALDROPE--Vol VI, Page 14, Folio 3, Number 854--(James was paid 7 pounds 19 shillings and 6 pence for fighting services against the Chicamauga Indians. He, along with Sevier and others was at the Treaty Grounds, Holston River, on end of fight.) Draper Mss.

JOHN WALDROP--Vol. 1, Page 60, Folio 4, Number 3156--Murphy & Nicholls to Comptrollers Office on 16 Aug 1782 show receipts in the sum of 9 pounds 4 shillings 6 pence paid to John. (Marched with Patriot Army through High Hills of Santee, Camden, & arm broken by musket ball at Battle of Eutaw Springs with Gen. Greene, Commanding.

JAMES WALDROP--Vol I, Page 21, Folio 4, Number 2126--(Comptroller's office, NC, Bledsoe & Williams tender stub indent receipts in sum of 6 pounds 19 shillings paid to JAMES WALDROP for Revolutionary War fighting services.)

ISAIAH WALDROP--Vol 1, Page 21, Folio 4, number 3086--Bledsoe & Williams pay 14 pounds for Rev. War fighting services in behalf Comptroller's office. 16 Aug 1782...".


1778 --- PITTSYLVANIA CO., VA Deed Book and Wills 5, pp. 209-211 6 Nov 1778. JOHN WALDROPE to HARMON COOK both of PITTSYLVANIA, deeds Cook land on Pigg River as far as the dividing line between JOHN and JAMES WALDROP, deceased, 50 acres.

Actual Record Transcribed by HLW

At a court held for PITTSYLVANIA County This Indenture made this 6th day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy eight Between JOHN WALDROPE SEN. and HERMON COOK also of PITTSYLVANIA County the said Waldrope does for himself bargain unto the said HERMON COOK his heirs or assigns one certain tract or parcel of Land Lying and being on Pigg River Beginning at a beech on the river Bank Thence up the river to a rock called King Castle thence a straight course to the mouth of Frying Pan Creek as far as the dividing line between JOHN WALDROPE and JAMES WALDROPE, deceased

which said line runs up the river to the old line thence to the beginning Beech containing 50 acres more of less To have and to hold the said land

and premises with all appurtenances unto the said HERMON COOK, his heirs and assigns forever and the said JOHN WALDROPE does hereby for himself his heirs Executors and administrators Covenant promise and agree to and with the said HERMON COOK his heirs and assigns what he the said JOHN WALDROPE the [unreadable] with the appurtenances unto the said Herman Cook his heirs and assigns against all persons whatsoever shall and will warrant and forever defend. In Witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this sixth Day of November Anno Dommini one thousand seven hundred and seventy eight.

Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of: JNO [Crossed Capital I] WALDROP Seal


Memorandum: That on the day and year within written quiet and peaceable possession and surrender of the within mentioned Land of premises with the appurtenances was given and made by JOHN WALDROP SENR. To HERMAN COOK according to the tenor affect and due meaning of the within written deed.


JOHN [Crossed Capital I] WALDROPE

Received of HERMON COOK Three hundred pound in full of all demands for the land the said Cook bought of me.



I, ANNE WALDROPE do give up all my right of Dower to the land my husband JOHN WALDROPE sold to HERMAN COOK. Witness by my hand and seal this 6th day of November 1778.


Anne [\] Waldrope, L.S.

Proved and Recorded 20 Jul 1779

1782 --- SULLIVAN CO., TN. Grant # 72. 23 Oct, 1782. 30 acres. JOHN WALDROP [HHW not in DWW/HLW]

1785 --- For ALEXANDER MURHEAD, CASWELL CO., NC. 19 Oct 1785, bondsman, JOHN BAIRD & HENRY MCNEILL of VIRGINIA. SPARTANBURG CO. Deed Index, 1785-1919? [DWW/HLW]

1787 --- SULLIVAN CO., NC. [Now TN.] ISAIAH, JAMES and BENJAMIN WALDROP supported GENERAL JOHN SEVIER as he and others sought to establish a new state of FRANKLIN.

1791 --- Sullivan Co. Ohio Territory. [Now TN] An Indenture Dated 4 Oct 1791 between James Waldrop and Nicholas Mercer to William Cooper of Hawkins Co., TN. This deed is SIGNED by James "I" Waldrop. Witnessed by William Goad Lugat and Betey Goad and William FOWLER not Sowden as David P. Smith has abstracted. [FOWLER may be important]. Signed Mathew Rhea as Clerk.

1794 --- Rutherford Co., NC. Survey Dated 19 Mar 1794. A Survey of Land for John Waldrop for 50 acres of land in Rutherford Co., NC on some river I cannot read. [Note by HLW - This deed is VERY INTERESTING. It is witnessed by a certain ROBERT WALDROP and ISAIAH WALDROP. If it is John Waldrop who m. ANNE then he has no son, Robert. I know that Eli, is reported to be Robert Eli or something like that. There is not enough here to clear up who is who. This is NOT SIGNED, so cannot be compared to "I" of John. This is placed here to show the Robert.]

1794 --- Rutherford Co., NC. Book 112, page 37; Secretary of State's Office, Raleigh, NC. Land Record #2210, for 50 acres; Grant #1987; Entry #1540 dated 19 Mar 1794. By Virtue of a warrant No.1540, Entered the 19th of Mar 1799. Survey for John Waldrop, 50 acres of land in Rutherford Co., lying on J____?River Beginning on a red oak on the river bank running thence North Thirty____? West, Twenty poles to a black oak thence South sixty___?West forty two poles to a Black oak... 27 June 1800. Signed Francis Alexander Clerk. Witnesses: Robert Waldrop and Isiah Waldrop.

1795 --- SPARTANBURG CO., SC Deed Book C or D, p. 281-283. 14 May 1795 - DAVID ANDERSON (SPARTANBURG) to JOHN WALDROP (same) for 50 lbs sterling sold 350 acres on Provis Creek of South Tyger River; where JOHN WALDROP lives; granted 17 May 1787 to DAVID ANDERSON. Signed: DAVID ANDERSON


1795 --- Sullivan Co., TN. John Waldrop sold to William King 28 Dec 1795. Deed recorded Aug 1797. Register of Deeds Blountville, TN

Actual Record

[HLW - I believe this is John m. Ann as he signed with crossed capital "I" A Thomas Waldrop was Witness to this deed.] This again is very hard to read so may contain transcription errors.

Deed from Sullivan Co., TN.

Register of Deeds Blountville, TN.

This indenture made this 28th of December in the year of our Lord 1795 Between John Waldrup of the state of North Carolina of the one part and Walter King of Sullivan County of the State of Tennessee of the other part witnesseth that the said John Waldrupe for and in consideration of the sum of three hundred pounds Virginia money to him in hand paid the receipt of which he doth hereby acknowledge hath and by these presents doth grant bargain sell, alien? _______? And confirm unto the Walter King his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land containing by estimation fifty acres be the same more or less lying and being in the County of Sullivan on Jarrots branch it being part of the grant of the grant obtained by Said Waldrupe for two hundred and forty seven acres and bounded on the East by conditional made between said Waldrupe and son James - black oak and white oak marked on the west by a conditional line made between said Waldrupe and son Isaiah popular hickory and Sowerwood marked and with all and singular the woods ways waters and water courses profits commodities hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever belonging or appertaining to the said tract of land with the remainder and remainders Reversion and Reversions Rights and Issues thereof and all the estate Right title Interest property claim and demand of him the said John Waldrope his heirs Executors of in and to the same and every part and parcel thereof either in Law or Equity to have and to hold the said fifty acres of land and premises with the appurtenances unto the said Walter King his heirs and assigns forever against the Lawfull Claim of any [of any] person or persons whatsoever Shall and warrant and forever defend by these presents in witness where of the said John Waldrope hath hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal the day and year first above written.

[John [Crossed capital I] Waldrupe]

Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presents of:

Thomas Waldrupe Jr., Nicholas Mercer

Sullivan County, August Sessions 1797 the Executon of the within deed was proven in open by the oath of Nicholas Mercer a witness thereto July 24th

day 1798 then Registered. Test: Matthew Rhea CSC.

1797 --- SPARTANBURG COUNTY, SC Deeds 1785-1827, Book G, Page 118-119, 7 Mar 1797 - JOHN WALDROP (SPARTANBURG) to RACHEL DICKSON (same); for 20 lbs sterling sold 120 acres; North part of Tract border DANIEL ROGERS land that is also part of same tract where JOHN WALDRIP lives.



Rec. 13 Nov 1800

1798 --- Spartanburg Co., SC. Note - David P. Smith transcribed this deed dated 28 Jul 1798. HLW transcribed the same deed dated 22 Apr 1799. Names, dates places the same on both transcriptions.

Dated 28 July 1798, Source: South Carolina Archives, Columbia, SC.

Research of David Porter Smith


This Indenture made this twenty eighth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight, and in the twenty second year of our Independence, between John Waldrop of the State of South Carolina and Spartanburg County, of the one part, and John Durham of the same State and County aforesaid of the other part.

Witnessed that the said John Waldrop for and in consideration of the sum of fifty pounds Sterling money to him in hand paid by said John Durham, the receipt whereof is fully acknowledged, that the said John Waldrop hath bargained, sold, and delivered, and by these presents doth bargain, sell and deliver, unto the said John Durham a certain tract of land containing one hundred and eighty three acres, more or less, lying on both sides of Provos Creek, the waters of South Tiger River, beginning at a hickory on said creek on Anderson's line, then a line agreed on with John Waldrop and James Waldrop to a white oak on Provos Creek, then up the creek and crossing the creek to a beech corner, then a line agreed with Benjamin Waldrop to the Still House Branch, then up the said branch

to the head to a Spanish oak, then along the said line to a post oak corner in Phillip Johnson's line then along the said Johnson's line to a branch, then down the said branch to a poplar in the fork of the branch, then along the branch of the fork, then up the North fork of the branch to a gum, then along the said conditional line to a post oak, due North 20 poles to a oak, North 20 West 15, then North 50 East 23 to the hickory at the beginning. Said of one hundred and eighty three acres of land more or less and including the plantation whereon the said Waldrop and Ezekiel Waldrop now lives, and including the houses, gardens, orchards, trees, woods, waters, and water courses, and all in them boundaries for one hundred and eighty three acres of land, as there be more or less and also the revisions and profits of the said land as aforesaid with the premises

and appurtenances belonging to the proper and ____ use, and like of him, the said John Durham, his heirs, Estates, Administrators, and assigns, and the said John Durham, his heirs and assigns shall and may from time to time, and at all times hereafter have, hold use, peacefully possess, and enjoy the said plantation or tract of one hundred and eighty three acres, more or less, without any manner of trouble, hindrance, molestation, interference, or denial of him the said John Waldrop, his heirs, Executors, Administrators, and assigns, or any other person or persons, but shall and will warrant, and forever defend, the said tract of one hundred and eighty three acres of land as aforesaid, if there be more of less. In witness whereof the said John Waldrop have to these presence set my hand and seal the day and date first above written.

Signed, Sealed and Delivered John [I with cross] Waldrop

In presence of us:

Randolph Johnson

Phillip Johnson

George Durham

South Carolina Spartanburg County

Personally came before me Randolph Johnson and made oath that he saw John Waldrop sign, seal, and deliver the within mentioned, and him he saw Philip Johnson and George Durham set their hand as witnesses to the same.

Sworn to before me this twenty eighth day of February, 1799. Isham Foster, J.P.

[HLW - What makes this interesting is that it is SIGNED by John "I" Waldrop with his usual Mark of a capital Roman "I" with the cross bar. But it is also Witnessed by Randolph "I" Johnson ...Randolph Johnson using same mark as John Waldrop "I" with crossbar, Phillip "2" Johnson, and George Durham. Also signed by ISHAM FOSTER, Justice of the Peace.]

1799 --- RUTHERFORD CO., NC. Land Entries 1795 - 1803. # 1540 19 Mar 1799 JOHN WALDROPE enters 50 acres in RUTHERFORD CO. on both sides of Green River; borders SANDERS REESS [OR RASS]; granted. Source - Book #112, p. 37, Date of Survey 27 Jun 1800; Date of Issue 4 Dec 1800: "By virtue of a Warrant #1540, entered 19 Mar 1799, surveyed for John Waldrop, fifty acres of land in Rutherford Co., NC lying on Green River....Chain bearers: ROBERT WALDROP and ISAIAH WALDROP. Francis Alexander, C. surveyor. [HLW-- original plat for 50 acres Grant #1987. In this actual plat, GREEN River is unreadable but appears to be something other than Green. The importance of this record is that it shows a Robert Waldrop chain bearer associated with John m. Ann and Isaiah Waldrop. I have no idea who this Robert Waldrop may be unless he is a son or grandson of John and Ann.].][I think this is a duplicate of the 1794 survey…someone mistook a 4 for a 9.CW]

ACTUAL TEXT - David P. Smith

Research of David Porter Smith

Land Survey for Grant to John Waldrop on Green River in Rutherford Co., NC.

Dated 27 June 1800

Deed Book 112, page 37, Rutherford Co., NC.


"By virtue of a warrant #1540 entered the 19th of March 1799, surveyed for John Waldrop, fifty acres of land in Rutherford County, lying on Green River, beginning on a red oak on the river bank, running thence North, thirty four West, Twenty poles to a black oak, thence South forty four West, forty two poles to a black oak, thence South seven West, one hundred and twenty two poles to a black oak, then South fifty eight East, seventy three poles to a stake, thence North thirty two East, forty poles to a stake on his old line, thence North sixty West, fifty eight poles to a stake his old corner, thence North thirty East, one hundred poles to a stake, thence North sixty West, twenty poles to the beginning.

27 June 1800

Francis Alexander, C.Surveyor

Robert Waldrop - chain bearer

Isaiah Waldrop - chain bearer

[I think this is a duplicate of the 1794 survey…someone mistook a 4 for a 9.CW]

1800 SPARTANBURG CO., SC, Deed Book G, Page 118, JOHN WALDROP to RACHEL DURHAM, 120 acres on Provis Creek. SPARTANBURG COUNTY Deeds 1785-1919 Index.

1801 SPARTANBURG CO., SC, Deed Book G, Page 334, JOHN WALDROP to R. DICKS. SPARTANBURG COUNTY Deeds 1785-1919 Index.

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[Notes from David Smith to Jan Dawson, 5/95. Theory]--Begin notes

"Mrs. Arie Meaders also said that her grandfather's father came to the country from Ireland and that he was named Ned. Obviously, Mrs. Meaders was quoted incorrectly, or she was confused, because she had stated earlier that her grandfather's father was called "Black Bill" Waldroop. However, the father of her "Black Bill" Waldroop was named Edward Wardrop and "Ned" is a diminutive for Edward. Even so, we know that this Edward was born in Wake County, North Carolina, and that he himself did not come over from Ireland. This Edward was a son of James Wardrop who died in 1790, in Wake County, North Carolina. However, we know nothing about this James Wardrop prior to the time he received the Land Grant in Wake County, North Carolina, in 1746. Thus, he could well have come to this country from Ireland. In my research I have come across numerous instances where a person relating a Family Tradition about someone that far back was confused as to "who actually did what". Thus, I certainly tend to accept that the progenitor of this line in America came to this country from Ireland.

"In all of our research there is only one other Family Tradition which states that the progenitor of the line came to this country from Ireland. That is the line of U. V. Waldrop of Germantown, Tennessee, which traces back to James Waldrop who died in 1772, in Pittsylvania County, Virginia. According to this Family Tradition there were three brothers who were banished to this country, from Ireland, when they were quite young. When they got to this country they were sold as Indentures to pay for their passage. As I remember U. V. telling this Family Tradition, nothing was said about the father (or parents) of these young boys. However, since they were quite young I certainly would presume that the entire family was banished, and not just these 3 quite young boys.

"We have theorized that these 3 boys turned out to be the James and John Waldrop of Amelia County, Virginia, Pittsylvania County, Virginia, etc., and David Waldrop of Westmoreland County, Virginia. I might mention that at one time Jim Waldrop of Landrum County, South Carolina, said that he thought that, the above-mentioned James Waldrop, who died in 1772, in Pittsylvania County, Virginia, was the father of the John Waldrop who was associated with him in Amelia County, Virginia, and Pittsylvania County, Virginia. However, I never could understand Jim's reason for thinking this.

"However, in view of Mrs. Meaders statement in the Foxfire book I must admit that it may well be that Jim was correct and that the father of the 3 young boys who was banished to this country from Ireland was the above-mentioned James Waldrop who died in 1772, in Pittsylvania County, Virginia, and that his three sons were: John who was associated with him in Amelia and Pittsylvania Counties, Virginia; David Waldrop of Westmoreland County, Virginia; and the above-mentioned James Wardrop who died in 1790, in Wake County, North Carolina."

--end of notes]

{David obviously hadn't seen the will of James who died in 1772 when he wrote this. CAW}--end of notes]

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John Waldrop, Sr. of Amelia Co., VA - John Sr. and his brother, James, took their families to Pittsylvania Co., VA. James died there.

John then took his family to Washington/Sullivan Co., NC (now TN).

John Sr. and some of his sons moved frequently thereafter:

To Greenville Co., where sons John Jr. and Eli (Ila, Ely) finally settled.

To Spartanburg Co., SC, where James, Benjamin and Ezekiel owned adjoining land.

To Rutherford Co., NC, where John Sr. died.

John appeared about 1754 Amelia Co VA. His parents are not known. He owned 100 acres of land in Amelia. He left Amelia and went to Pittsylvania. He owned land there. He probably went to Sullivan NC/TN. He probably had 5 sons. His wife seems to have been named Ann.

A couple of months ago I found mention of James and John Waldrop of your line receiving land grants in Sullivan Co., TN for their Revolutionary War service. It was in a book with similar title of NC Land Grants in TN. Bettye (Heinrich)

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Howard Waldrop sent his research to the OBCGS in Asheville, NC, they have their own library; the Madison Co., NC Genelogical Society, the papers seem to be in the public library in Mars Hill, NC; and the VA/NC Piedmont Genealogical Society, the papers seem to be in the Danville, VA public library. He says: As for John, Sr: I have no idea about his parents. As far as know, he could be an immigrant ancestor. It is my belief that he and James, d 1772, were brothers. They could be related to Joseph "Worlddrop", d 1775.

As for the relation to "Old Luke" of 1734 Hanover and 1749 Granville, I would have to say, "Not in this country"

Howard also wrote: Insofar as "John, Sr" is concerned, he appeared in 1754 Amelia Co, VA.

There was an older man there - Joseph, d 1775. He appeared in 1737 Amelia VA. He was the progenitor of Waltrip. His relationship to John & James are unknown to me. I am fairly confident that no one has proof that they were 'related in this country'.

I am satified that "John, Sr" and James, d 1772 were brothers. But, they were old enough to buy land - together - in 1754.

I am saying that John could be an immigrant ancestor for one reason: I have no clue as to his parents. I found nothing to indicate a kinship tie to any Waldrop - other than James, d 1772.

That includes the famous Michael.

Howard also wrote: I have confidence of the wherabouts of John, Sr. from 1754 to the Rev War. In 1754, as a 'joint tenant' with James, d 1772, he bought land in Amelia.

"Footprints" in Halifax Co., VA records indicate that he was squatting in Pittsylvania prior to the creation of Pittsylvania. At the outset of war, his putative sons signed a 'loyalty oath' to the revolution. About 1778 [ if memory serves], he acquired land in Sullivan Co NC/TN.

After the war, researchers other I have to speak to his wherabouts.

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Marshall Waldrup says: John Sr.,was in Amelia Co.,Va., in 1754; in Pittsylvania Co. Va., in 1767; in Washington/Sullivan Cos., Tn., c 1780; in Greenville Co.,SC., in 1790; in Spartanburg Co., SC., in 1797; & in Rutherford Co., NC., in 1800 & 1807. Evidently, he was living w/son Ezekiel in 1810.

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Note from Jan Dawson --- Waldrops lived on both sides of the border separating Greenville and Spartanburg Counties in SC. There were other Waldrops who lived further away from this border in Spartanburg Co., but were not necessarily related.

It is said this John's mark was the Roman capital letter I with a horizontal slash across the middle of it. His son James was also known to have used this mark. John Waldrop, Sr. was found in Amelia Co., VA in 1754; in Pittsylvania Co., VA in 1768; in Washington/Sullivan Co.,TN. c1780; in Greenville Co., SC. in 1790; in Spartanburg Co., SC. in 1799; and in Rutherford Co. in 1800 and c1807. Living with son Ezekiel in 1810. (There is no evidence of this in the Rutherford Co., SC census.--jd)Evidence for children; James & Isaiah are named as sons on 1795 Sullivan Co., TN deed: Book 3, page 187-8; John Jr., Benjamin and Ezekiel--circumstantial evidence; Joseph & Eli--slight evidence. Family legend says three brothers, this John of Rutherford Co., James (who died 1772 in Pittsylvania Co., VA), and David Waldrop were from Ireland and came to America as indentured servants. No evidence has been found for this claim.

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_RIN: 282 1

Change Date: 7 AUG 2008 at 00:41:56


Marriage 1 Ann

Married: Abt 1750 in Amelia Co ?? VA


James WALDROP b: Abt 1752/1761 in Amelia Co., VA

John WALDROP b: Abt 1753 in Amelia Co., VA

Joseph WALDROP b: Abt 1760 in Amelia Co., VA

Ila WALDROP b: 1755 in Spartanburg Co., SC

Isaiah WALDROP b: Abt 1757/1767 in Prob Amelia Co., VA

Benjamin WALDROP b: Abt 1763 in Pittsylvania Co., VA

Ezekiel WALDROP b: Abt 1765 in Pittsylvania Co., VA


Title: Oath of Loyalty - John Waldrop of Amelia County

Publication: Index to Revolutionary War accounts (stub indents of payment, volumes 1-12 {NC Archives} and Treasurer & Comptroller Records, Vols. 40-66, NC).

Abbrev: Oath of Loyalty - John Waldrop of Amelia County

Text: Four sons of John Waldrop Sr. signed the 1777 Pittsylvania County, VA Declaration of Independence and Oath of Loyalty to the Patriot Cause, but since their father was granted 250 acres of land in Old Washington County, NC (and in an area later to become a part of Sullivan County, Tennessee) these sons as listed below entered Rev. War service from Sullivan County, NC and continued service (since John Waldrop Sr., later bought 350 acres from Col David Anderson) during Rev. War days in SC. However, John Waldrop's sons were also paid by NC as below:

Joseph Waldrop--Vol XII, page 14, Folio 2, Number 3475--(In a special certificate from the Comptroller's Office as signed by John Rensfrough, Joseph is paid 7 pounds, 7 shillings and 6 pence for Rev. War services dated June 1783 and with interest to 20 May 1784, thus making a total of 8 pounds 6 shillings 3 pence.

James Waldrope--Vol VI, Page 14, Folio 3, Number 854--(James was paid 7 pounds 19 shillings and 6 pence for fighting services against the Chicamauga Indians. He, along with Sevier and others was at the Treaty Grounds, Holston River, on end of fight.)Draper Mss.

John Waldrop--Vol. 1, Page 60, Folio 4, Number 3156--Murphy & Nicholls to Comptrollers Office on 16 Aug 1782 show receipts in the sum of 9 pounds 4 shillings 6 pence paid to John. (Marched with Patriot Army through High Hills of Santee, Camden, & arm broken by musket ball at Battle of Eutaw Springs with Gen. Greene, Commanding.

James Waldrop--Vol I, Page 21, Folio 4, Number 2126--(Comptroller's office, NC, Bledsoe & Williams tender stub indent receipts in sum of 6 pounds 19 shillings paid to James Waldrop for Rev. War fighting services.)

Isaiah Waldrop--Vol 1, Page 21, Folio 4, number 3086--Bledsoe&Williams pay 14 pounds for Rev. War fighting services in behalf Comptroller's office. 16 Aug 1782...

Entered 17 April 2010:

John Waldrop, son of Luke Waldrop, Sr., was born about 1733. He is listed in the records of Granville County, North Carolina, as being on the muster roll of the regiment in Granville County under the command of Col. William Eaton, taken at a general muster of said regiment on October 8, 1754. He was in Capt. John Glover's company. At that time, he was about nineteen years old.

In the same regiment but in another company was Francis Davenport, Corporal, whose daugher, Martha, was eventually to marry John Waldrop's son, Ezekiah.

Several years later, the records show a "List of Granville County, North Carolina, Militia, 1771" that includes a soldier named Jechonias Waldrop, a brother of John Waldrop.

John married Tabitha Parrish, also known as Tabe or Tobe, who was the daughter of David Parrish.

John deeded land in Granville County, North Carolina, in 1770, when his occupation was listed as bricklayer, and he lived in Newberry County, South Carolina, in 1790. In 1791 he bought two hundred acres of land at the fork of the Broad and Saluda Rivers and on a branch of the Little River in Newberry County, South Carolina.

His will was dated June 27, 1794, and it was proven October 20, 1794, in Newberry County, South Carolina.

John and Tabitha had thirteen children: Ezekiel (Ezikeel), David, Ezekiah (Zechiah), Stephen, William, Isaac, John, Robert, Ann Elizabeth, Tobe (Tabe), Judy, Sarah, and Christian.

More Stuff From Howard Hunt Waldrop

ID: I11 Name: John WALDROP Sex: M Birth: Abt 1730 in Hanover Co., VA Death: 20 SEP 1794 in Newberry Co., SC Note: 1754 --- Granville Co., NC - Private in Capt. John Glover's Company, Granville Co Militia on 8 Oct 1754. "North Carolina State Records, Volume 22, pages 370-380.

1755 --- Granville Co., NC. Court of December 2, 1755 is an attachment by JOHN WALDROP against the estate of Benjamin Wheatley. Minutes of the Court, Granville Co., NC 1754-1770, page 29.

1755 --- Tax List, "North Carolina Taxpayers, 1701 to 1786", Clarence Ratcliff, 1984. John, Luke and Joseph Waldrop listed in Granville Co., NC

1760 --- Granville Co., NC. 480 acres on both sides of Raccoon Branch, 29 Apr 1760.

1761 --- Granville Co., NC - Deed Book "F", page 71-72. Land Grant, 400 acres between John Earl and JOHN WALDROP." on 9 Mar 1761.

1761 --- Granville Co., NC. Deed Book "G", page 71. Grant to JOHN WALDROP for 400 acres on both sides of Racoon Branch at Ferguson's line, 9 March 1761.

1764 --- Granville Co., NC. Deed Book "F", page 500. "This Indenture made the 15th day of Feb 1764 between JOHN and MILICENT WALDROP to Samuel Snead, 35 lbs for 480 acres on Rackoon Branch. Milly, wife of John Waldrop, relinquishes her dowry right. "Witness Richard Pryor. Court reps. Daniel Weldon & Samuel Benton. Actual Record [Appears to be research of David Porter Smith] Granville Co., NC. dated 1764 Deed Book -"F" p. 500 Page 3 of 3 This Indenture made this fifteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty four between John Waldrop and Milicent, his wife of Granville County and province of North Carolina of the one part and Samuel Snead of the same county and province of the other part Witnesseth: That for and in consideration of thirty five pro?. Money of North Carolina the receipt whereof they the said John Waldrop and Milicent his wife hath granted bargained sold aliened en_______? And conveyed unto the said Samuel Snead his heirs Executors, administrators and assigns forever one certain tract or parcel of land situate lying in the county of Granville at a red oak running E. two hundred and forty poles to a red oak thence south three hundred and twenty poles to a black oak thence west two hundred and forty poles to a posimon tree then north by Furgison's line to the first station with all appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining unto the said Samuel Snead his heirs and assigns forever to the aforesaid tract of land containing four hundred and eighty acres the courses as aforementioned to him the said Snead and his heirs forever and the said John Waldrop and Milicent his wife doth hereby warrant and forever defend a good and lawful right and title against the lawful claim or claims of any person or persons whatsoever or whomsoever to the said Samuel Snead his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns to his or their proper use and behoof without any hinderence interruption molestation or disturbance furthermore the said John Waldrop and Milicent his wife for themselves their heirs doth hereby confirm a good and lawful right in fee simple to all and every the rights titles claims purquisits and demands to the said Samuel Snead his heirs executors administrators and assigns with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining--- In witness whereof we the said John Waldrop and Milicent his wife hath hereunto set our hand and affixt our seals the day and year first above written [no witnesses] Signed John Waldrop [seal] Milly Waldrop [seal] Granville County February Court 1764 John Waldrop acknowledged this deed to be his act and deed and on motion it was ordered to be registered. Then Milicent his wife she being first privately examined by Phillip Pryor Esq. Applinted for that purpose by the court relinquished her right of dower to the land by this deed conveyed which on motion was ordered to be certified. T. Danl. W[ledon?] C.C. Truly registered Sam: Benton P.R.

1764 --- Granville Co., NC. Married (2) Tabitha Parrish

1769 --- Granville Co., NC. Tax List, (1 White Male) "North Carolina Taxpayers, 1701 to 1786", Clarence Ratcliff, 1984. James and John Waldrop listed in Granville Co., NC.

1770 --- Granville Co., NC. Deed Book "I", page 167-169. "This Indenture made the 24th day of December 1770 between John and Rachel Harris and JOHN WALDROP."

1770 --- Granville Co., NC. Deed Book "I", page 145-146. "This Indenture made the 7th day of October 1770 between JOHN AND TABA WALDROP and John Full love [Fullerton?]."

1771 --- Granville Co., NC. Deed Book "I" page 294-296. "This Indenture made between John and Tabe Waldrop and Christopher Harris the 18th day of November 1771.

1771 --- Tax List, "North Carolina Taxpayers, 1679 to 1790", Clarence Ratcliff, 1987. John and Joseph Waldrop listed in Granville Co., NC.

1771 --- NEWBERRY CO., SC. Deed Book "A", page 528. JOHN WALDROP on 15 Mar 1771, bought from William Gilliland, constable of St. Mark's Parish in the Province of South Carolina, a tract of 200 acres of land in the fork of Broad and Saluda rivers on a branch of Little River called Sandy Run Creek in Newberry County (at the time called Berkley Co.) for 50 pounds sterling money of the Province of South Carolina.

1775 --- Laurens Co., SC. [Not certain that this is a record of this John Waldrop.] "Michael Purkle, millwright of Enoree River, and wife Barbary to JOHN WALDROP of same settlement." Witness: MICHAEL WALDROP, SR. Records of Laurens Co., SC. dates 1775-1792.

1776 -1781 Newberry Co., SC. "Served in the Revolutionary War. His Lieutenant was James Waldrop of Newberry "who --on the field of battle rose from private to Lieutenant to Captain. Their Colonel was James Williams who was killed at King's Mountain." Therefore it is possible that both John and his brother James were at King's Mountain. "Polk Co., TN News, Bicentennial Edition" shows ancestry of Joab A. Waldrop.

1781 --- Served in the SC Light Dragoons under Philemon Waters during 1781.

Muster Roll of Granville Co., NC Militia, under Col. William Eaton.

1784 --- AA 8118 – A. This packet contains a certificate to John Waldrop for militia duty as a private for payment to him in the amount of ninety four pounds; dated October 1784.

1789 --- Granville Co., NC. Wife named in will of her father. The Will of David Parrish mentions his daughter Tabbey Waldrop, dated 20 Aug 1789 in Granville Co., NC (This may not have been the David Parrish who was married to Juda Holland--jd)

1794 --- Will, Book A, page 225-226, Box 22, Packet 19. Original missing. Dated 27 Jun 1794, probated 20 Oct 1794.

  • ************** Estate papers of John Waldrop. (--jd) Box 22, pkg. 46, Estate #492 Office of Probate Judge, Newberry Co.,SC. No date when administration was granted. App. 19 May 1795. 152:14.6 Stephen Waldrop (son), Administrator.

Sale No date. Filed 18 Feb 1800. Stephen Waldrop (land), Wm.Waldrop, Samuel Beeks, Jesse Parmer, Ezekiel Waldrop, Edward Pitts, John Watts, Tabe Pitts, James Pitts, Robert Oliphant, Thomas Pitts, David Pitts, David Waldrop, Levi Pitts, John Starling, Ezekiah Waldrop, Isaac Waldrop, Reuben Golding, Benj. Butler, James Toland, Joseph Gilbert, Benj. Drake, Jacob Crosswhite, David Davenport, Benj. Johnson.

Cit for guardian Bond 11 Oct 1815 --by Stephen Waldrop, guardian of John and Tabe Waldrop, minors, to account for guardianship for 13 years.

Paid by Estate --Martin Armstrong; 17 Apr 1799, debt for 10 lbs. --Jesse Calmes [Palmer--jd]; 3 Jan 1803, demands real and personal, 22:5-3. --Isaac Waldrop; 7 Mar 1805, 48:16-4 in full my claim real and personal of estate of my father John Waldrop, 2 Feb 1803. 24:16-4. --John Waldrop, Jr.; 49:11-4 in full my claim of my father John Waldrop's estate, 13 Mar 1804. --David Pitts of Edgefield Co., SC; 24 Dec 1802, $5.00 all my claim of estate of my father John Waldrop. --Jariot Campbell; 10 mar 1804, 1:16-0, estate of my father John Waldrop, deceased. --David Turner; 13 Feb 1804, 19:15-8, estate of my father John Waldrop.

  • ****************** Receipts in file follow: 24 Dec 1802 -- David Pitts of Edgefield Dist. $5.00 in full from Stephen Waldrop, executor 2 Feb 1803 -- Isaac Waldrop signed receipt to Stephen for his share of father's estate. 13 Feb 1804 -- David Turner signed 10 Mar 1804 -- Hariot [Jariott] Campbell signed 13 Mar 1804 -- John Waldrop Jr. signed for his full share 11 Oct 1813 -- Stephen Waldrop was guardian of minors John and Tobe Waldrop No other papers in file.

18 Feb 1800, Estate sale papers filed. Tabe Pitts was a purchaser. She was the only female purchaser at the sale.--per Jean Palmer (Was this John's widow who had remarried, or the daughter of John's daughter who married a Pitts?)

Researchers: Jim Henderson, dec'd. Noble Acker, dec'd. [HLW -- Mrs. Gilber in her notes to me says that John had themiddle initial "W." ]

  • ****************** Notes for Family of John Waldrop

Date: Sun, 28 Nov 1999 20:39:07 -0600
From: ph r s <> To: Subject: Re: [WALDROP-L] Famil of John and Tabe Waldrop More Newberry records, these list are taken directly from the wills and estates of Newberry County

Stephen Waldrop Estate

  • ***************************** Hiram Waldrop received $198 Aug 1823 Zilpha C. Waldrop $198 Aug 1823 Frances P. Waldrop $198 Aug 1823

Further list of distributees Paul Butler and wife (his mother) Silas Butler and wife Josiah Goggins and wife Hiram G. Waldrop Jossee Smith and wife R.A. Waldrop Robert A. Waldrop

All received $12.89 on the 25th of January 1828

  • **************************** Waldrops Assorted
    • *************************** This sheet list expenses incurred for the care of these children(minors) Catherine P. Waldrop Claiborn P. Waldrop Tabitha Waldrop Henry Waldrop

John Waldrop was their guardian about 1823

Abraham Waldrop 1828

  • ************************** Distributees Milly Waldrop his wife received 1/3 of estate Artemus P. Waldrop received 2/3 of estate

Elisha Waldrop 1821

  • *********************** The estate paid the following 1821 paid for room and board and schooling Elisha Waldrop William A. Waldrop Miradeth Waldrop received payment 1824 A. G. Waldrop 1830 (girl) William D. Waldrop 1829 (male)

Samuel Waldrop 1836

  • ************************* Susan J. Waldrop (widow) $4526.34 Patti W. Waldrop Robert D. Waldrop Mary E, Waldrop Susan G. Waldrop George W. Waldrop Martha G. Waldrop each received $1508.78

Stephen Waldrop 1816

  • ************************** Zilpha C. Waldrop Hiram G. WAldrop Elizabeth P. Waldrop Frances P. Waldrop Rueben M. Waldrop Robert A. Waldrop each received $198.27

William Waldrop 1827

  • ************************ List of Distributees Larkin Waldrop Levi Longshore and wife Young Longshore and wife Milton (?) Waldrop Tabitha Waldrop Martha Waldrop Elizabeth Waldrop Wilson Waldrop William Waldrop

This information was obtained from copies of the original Wills and estates of Newberry County SC. by Ray Settles The Settles 226 Layman Drive Cedar Hill Texas 75104 972-291-8930 ____________________________

  • ********* The name of his wife Millicent is from a Granville Co, NC deed. The names and birth order (Christian, Sarah, Stephen, David) of their children obtained from the order they were mentioned in John’s will.
    • ******** Names and birth order of John's children, and wife Tabitha, obtained from his will dated 27 June 1794, and proved 20 Oct 1794. Will Book A, page 225, Newberry Co., SC.
      • ******* John was a brick layer. Stone Mason. Revolutionary War participant
        • ****** This lineage is still under construction. The Bicentennial Edition of the Polk Co., TN News shows the sons of John Waldrop and Tabitha Parrish as Ezekiel, Hezekiah, Stephen,,David, William, Isaac, John Jr. and Robert [possibly son or grandson]; daughers as Ann, Elizabeth, Tabitha [Tobe], Judy, Christian m. Mr. Pitts and Sarah m. Jariot son of Joseph Campbell.--HLW
          • ***** There is controversy about whether this John Waldrop had a first wife named Millicent. Evidence is that a John Waldrop and wife Millicent sold property in Granville Co., NC in 1764. We know that Luke (John's father) and his sons were in Granville Co. at that time, so it is logical that the John who married Millicent was the son of Luke. There are two John Waldrops on the tax list. It is not known if this is one John (mentioned twice) or two separate Johns.--jd
            • **** _RIN: 73 1 Change Date: 19 APR 2008 at 10:32:35

Father: Luke WALDROP b: Abt 1710 in VA Mother: Christian b: Abt 1714 in VA

Marriage 1 Millicent b: Abt 1730 in VA Married: Abt 1747 in Caroline Co? NC Note: Jan Dawson thought John and Millicent were married about 1730 and Millicent died about 1762

Truefactsearcheradded this on 19 Apr 2009
skeeterwaldriporiginally submitted this to Waldrip Family Tree on 27 Jun 2008 Header
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@R103264186@ South Carolina, Wills and Probate Records, 1670-1980 Operations, Inc. 1,9080::0


Author: Wates, Wylma Anne; Probate Place: Newberry, South Carolina 1,9080::615176


@R103264186@ South Carolina, Wills and Probate Records, 1670-1980 Operations, Inc. 1,9080::0


Author: Wates, Wylma Anne; Probate Place: Newberry, South Carolina 1,9080::615176


@R103264186@ U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Yates Publishing Operations Inc 1,7836::0


Source number: 565.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: SMH 1,7836::1271622


@R103264186@ North Carolina, Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1790-1890 Operations Inc 1,3566::0




@R103264186@ U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Yates Publishing Operations Inc 1,7836::0


Source number: 565.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: SMH 1,7836::1271622


@R103264186@ 1790 United States Federal Census Operations, Inc. 1,5058::0


Year: 1790; Census Place: Newberry, South Carolina; Series: M637; Roll: 11; Page: 75; Image: 62; Family History Library Film: 0568151 1,5058::388475


@R103264186@ South Carolina, Wills and Probate Records, 1670-1980 Operations, Inc. 1,9080::0


Author: Wates, Wylma Anne; Probate Place: Newberry, South Carolina 1,9080::615176


@R103264186@ North Carolina, Compiled Census and Census Substitutes Index, 1790-1890 Operations Inc 1,3566::0




@R103264186@ Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year 1790: South Carolina 1,48301::0

GEDCOM Source 1,48301::283346


@R700345111@ Ancestry Family Trees Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.


Ancestry Family Tree


@R-1681149862@ 1790 United States Federal Census Operations, Inc. 1,5058::0 Year: 1790; Census Place: Newberry, South Carolina; Series: M637; Roll: 11; Page: 75; Image: 62; Family History Library Film: 0568151 1,5058::388475


@R-1681149862@ U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1700s-Current Operations, Inc. 1,60525::0 1,60525::119188784


@R-1681149862@ U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1700s-Current Operations, Inc. 1,60525::0 1,60525::119188784


@R-1681149862@ Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year 1790: South Carolina 1,48301::0 1,48301::283346

view all 33

John Wilkins Waldrop, Sr.'s Timeline

Hanover, Hanover County, Virginia, United States
Granville County, North Carolina, United States
Granville Co., NC
Age 23
Granville County, New Caledonia
Granville, North Carolina, United States
Granville Co., NC
Granville Co., NC
Granville, North Carolina, United States