Matching family tree profiles for Konstantin Mudrovcic
Immediate Family
About Konstantin Mudrovcic
Birth and Baptism
Baptism Registration
Konstantin Mudrovcic
Date of birth: 08-08-1877
Date of Christening:08-08-1877
Entry no: 31
Place of Baptism: Church of St. Philip and St. Jacob (Crkva sv. Filip i Jakov)
Place of Birth: Novi Vinodolski, Općina Novi Vinodolski, Primorsko-goranska županija, Hrvatska (Croatia)
Ref: Roman Catholic (Rimokatolička crkva) > Novi Vinodolski > Births (Rođeni) 1875-1900 > image 51 of 399; Arhiva Hrvatske u Zagrebu (Croatia State Archives), Zagreb.
※ The following records are representative of data found online and at the archives. Details included may be open to conjecture, but are the most accurare account that can be found and referenced.
Departure Records
Name Mr K Mudrovcic
Gender Male
Departure Age 24
Birth Date abt 1872
Departure Date 7 Nov 1896
Departure Port England
Ship Name Doune Castle
Shipping Line Castle Line
Destination Port Cape Town, South Africa
Master R F Harris
Notes: in July of 1904 another K. Mudrovcic arrived in South Africa, but this person may have been Karlo Mudrovcic (no clear connection with family). He settled in Johannesburg, Transvaal.
Addtionally, K. Mudrovcic is listed in the book titled Jewish Migration to South Africa: The Records of the Poor Jews' Temporary Shelter 1885-1914 (see more here) He is listed as recieveing temporary shelter in the U.K, with his country of origin listed as Hungary (details yet to be ascertained as to why age and marital status is incorrectly labeled). The Shelter was run primarily to help Jews but has always assisted small numbers of non-Jews. The name of the Shelter was changed to "Jews' Temporary Shelter" in the early 1900s (see more here).
Re: Jewish Migration to South Africa: The Records of the Poor Jews' Temporary Shelter 1885-1914
These two volumes offer extracts from passenger lists of “aliens”—non-British residents who are mostly (but not exclusively) Jewish. As Issroff explains in an introduction, the present South African Jewish community consists of people with Litvak ancestry who traveled to South Africa between 1881 and 1914. Many of these East Europeans passed through British ports en route to the southern tip of Africa.
For register of inmates in 1896: (see more here)
Date of Creation: 1896 May-1897 Jul
Reference Code: LMA/4184/03/01/001
Microfilm Reference: LMA/MF/X041/076
“The journey to the arrival ports of Hull, Grimsby, or London usually took three to five days depending on where they had embarked,” Issroff writes. “From the point of entry they usually went to the Poor Jews’ Temporary Shelter in the east end of London where they awaited the next steamship to the Cape.”
Issroff is also editor of Jewish Migration to South Africa: The Records of the Poor Jews Temporary Shelter, 1885-1914, which may be used in conjunction with these volumes to help pinpoint ancestors’ journeys and potentially find clues about their birth dates, occupations, and family members.
∴ Based on the aforementioned information, we can only interpret the truth of the matters regarding emigration to South Africa. These details are probably the most accurate and likely accounts that has survived the last 100 years. Other details that are suggestive of the Bremen / Hamburg route to South Africa may prove to hold a more accurate account of events, but these archival materials are no longer in existence.
NARSSA Repository Report: (Pietermaritzburg Archive Repository)
Marriage Registration
Constantine Mudrovcic/Konstantin Mudrovcic x Maria Leoticia Parizot
- Name Constantin Mudrovcic
- Event Type Marriage
- Event Date 27 Feb 1917
- Event Place Durban, Natal, South Africa
- Gender Male
- Age 40
- Birth Year (Estimated) 1913
- Spouse's Name Maria Lesticia Parizot
- Spouse's Gender Female
- Spouse's Age 32
- Spouse's Birth Year (Estimated) 1885
- Citing this Record
- "South Africa, Natal Province, Civil Marriages, 1845-1955," database with images, FamilySearch (
Constantine Mudrovcic/Konstantin Mudrovcic x Maria Leoticia Parizot
Date of marriage: 27-02-1917
Entry no: 30 (possibly 30/1917) or 473/1917
Church registration no: 30/1917
Licence no: 2930
For secretary of interior: 2/3/1917
Additional ref no: R.D.4. 878-11/2/16-6000
Place of marriage: Emmanuel Cathedral, Durban, Natal
Witnesses present at marriage registration: Joseph Parizot (Brother of Leoticia Parizot) & Edmund William Piche (Husband of Rose L Parizot).
Married by: Rev. G. Villiard OMI (Catholic Priest)
Following the updated act regarding the Naturalization of foreign immigrants, Konstantine made his intent known on the 25th of November 1927 in a government gazette no: 1671.
(see 1927 government gazette here, p.10)
By the 27th of July 1928, he had received approval for his application and was naturalized on the 26th of April 1928. Interestingly enough his nationaility was not listed as Croatian, but rather Austrian (this is because previously, the area know today as Croatia was Yugoslavia but before this as the empire of Austria-Hungary at the time of his birth in 1877). His certificate number is 10991.
(see 1928 government gazette here, p.115)
Sailmaker, S.A.R.H
1902 - 1908 • Durban, Natal, South Africa as a sail maker for South African Railways.
1910 - 1932 • Durban, Natal, South Africa as a 1st Class Sailmaker for South African Railways & Harbours
September 1932 • Durban, Natal, South Africa, retirement from S.A.R.H. (see here, lxiii)
Death & Estate:
Death Notice & Estate Papers
Konstantin Mudrovcic & surviving spouse, Maria Leoticia Mudrovcic
IDENTIFIER: ZA NAB MSCE_0_28740/1939_1
DEPOT: NAB (Pietermaritzburg Archive Repository)
REFERENCE: 28740/1939
ENDING: 1948
NARSSA Reference - see here
Konstantin Mudrovcic
Place of Death: Government Hospital, Durban, Natal, South Africa
Death Entry no: 840
Person responisble for burial/undertaker: Harold S. Adlam
Registered; 31-03-1939
Repository: NAB, Pietermaritzburg Archives
Probate: Pietermaritzburg Archive Repository via FamilySearch
Burial date and plot
01 Apr 1939 • Stellawood Cemetery, Durban, Natal, South Africa.
Konstantine Mudrovcic. European Male - F Hold. Died aged 64 yrs. Buried 01 Apr 1939. Grave no 1045 Block R Portion European.
All details have been verified and referenced by family researcher, S. Manson
About Konstantin Mudrovčić Majer (Hrvatski)
Rođenje i krštenje
Prijava krštenja
Konstantin Mudrovčić
Datum rođenja: 08.08.1877
Datum krštenja: 08.08.1877
Broj unosa: 31
Mjesto krštenja: Crkva sv. Filipa i Jakova (Crkva sv. Filipa i Jakova)
Mjesto rođenja: Novi Vinodolski, Općina Novi Vinodolski, Primorsko-goranska županija, Hrvatska (Croatia)
Ref: Roman Catholic (Rimokatolička crkva) > Novi Vinodolski > Rođeni (Rođeni) 1875-1900 > slika 51 od 399; Arhiva Hrvatske u Zagrebu (Hrvatski državni arhiv), Zagreb.
Evidencija odlazaka
Ime Mr K Mudrovčić
Spol Muški
Dob polaska 24
Datum rođenja oko 1872
Datum polaska 7. studenog 1896
Polazak Port England
Ime broda Doune Castle
Brodska linija Castle Line
Odredište Port Cape Town, Južnoafrička Republika
Majstor R F Harris
Bilješke: u srpnju 1904. još jedan K. Mudrovčić stigao je u Južnu Afriku, ali ta je osoba možda bila "Karlo Mudrovčić" (bez jasne veze s obitelji). Nastanio se u Johannesburgu, Transvaal.
Dodatno, K. Mudrovčić je naveden u knjizi pod naslovom Židovska migracija u Južnu Afriku: Zapisi o privremenom skloništu siromašnih Židova 1885.-1914 (see more here) Naveden je kao primatelj privremenog skloništa u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu, a njegova zemlja podrijetla navedena je kao Mađarska (pojedinosti koje tek treba utvrditi o tome zašto je dob pogrešno označena). Sklonište je prvenstveno vođeno za pomoć Židovima, ali je uvijek pomagalo malom broju nežidova. Naziv skloništa promijenjen je u "Privremeno sklonište Židova" početkom 1900-ih (see more here).
Re: Židovska migracija u Južnu Afriku : Zapisnici privremenog skloništa siromašnih Židova 1885-1914
Ova dva sveska nude izvatke iz popisa putnika "izvanzemaljaca"—nebritanskih stanovnika koji su uglavnom (ali ne isključivo) Židovi. Kao što Issroff objašnjava u uvodu, sadašnju južnoafričku židovsku zajednicu čine ljudi podrijetlom Litvak koji su putovali u Južnu Afriku između 1881. i 1914. Mnogi od tih istočnoeuropskih ljudi prošli su kroz britanske luke na putu do južnog vrha Afrike.
"Putovanje do dolaznih luka Hull, Grimsby ili London obično je trajalo tri do pet dana, ovisno o tome gdje su se ukrcali", piše Issroff. "Od ulazne točke obično su odlazili u Privremeno sklonište siromašnih Židova u istočnom dijelu Londona gdje su čekali sljedeći parobrod za Cape."
Issroff je također urednik knjige Jewish Migration to South Africa: The Records of the Poor Jews Temporary Shelter, 1885-1914, koja se može koristiti zajedno s ovim knjigama kako bi se pomoglo u određivanju putovanja predaka i potencijalno pronalaženju tragova o njihovim datumima rođenja, zanimanjima, i članovi obitelji.
Izvješće NARSSA Repozitorija: (Pietermaritzburg Archive Repository)
Prijava braka
Constantine Mudrovcic/Konstantin Mudrovcic x Maria Leoticia Parizot
- Ime Konstantin Mudrovčić
- Vrsta događaja Brak
- Datum događaja 27. veljače 1917
- Mjesto događaja Durban, Natal, Južna Afrika
- Spol Muški
- 40 godina
- Godina rođenja (procijenjena) 1913
- Ime supružnika Maria Lesticia Parizot
- Spol supružnika Ženski
- Dob supružnika 32
- Godina rođenja supružnika (procijenjena) 1885
- Citiranje ovog zapisa
- "Južna Afrika, provincija Natal, građanski brakovi, 1845.-1955.", baza podataka sa slikama, FamilySearch (
Constantine Mudrovcic/Konstantin Mudrovcic x Maria Leoticia Parizot
Datum vjenčanja: 27.02.1917
Zapis br.: 30 (moguće 30/1917.) ili 473/1917.
Broj dozvole: 2930
Za sekretara unutarnjih poslova: 3.2.1917
Dodatni referentni broj: R.D.4. 878-11/2/16-6000
Mjesto vjenčanja: Emmanuel Cathedral, Durban, Natal
Nakon ažuriranog zakona o naturalizaciji stranih imigranata, Konstantin je svoju namjeru objavio 25. studenog 1927. u vladinom glasniku br.: 1671.
(ovdje vidi vladin glasnik iz 1927., str. 10)
Do 27. srpnja 1928. dobio je odobrenje za svoj zahtjev i naturaliziran je 26. travnja 1928. Zanimljivo je da njegova nacionalnost nije bila navedena kao hrvatska, nego austrijska (to je zato što je ranije područje koje danas poznajemo kao Hrvatska bilo Jugoslavija, ali prije toga kao Austro-Ugarsko carstvo u vrijeme njegova rođenja 1877.). Njegov broj certifikata je 10991.
(ovdje vidi vladin glasnik iz 1928., str.115)
Proizvođač jedara, S.A.R.H
1902. - 1908. • Durban, Natal, Južna Afrika kao proizvođač jedara za Južnoafričke željeznice.
1910. - 1932. • Durban, Natal, Južna Afrika kao proizvođač jedara 1. klase za južnoafričke željeznice i luke
Rujan 1932. • Durban, Natal, Južna Afrika, povlačenje iz S.A.R.H. (pogledajte ovdje, lxiii)
Datum ukopa i parcela
1. travnja 1939. • Groblje Stellawood, Durban, Natal, Južna Afrika.
Konstantin Mudrovčić. Europski mužjak - F Zadrži. Umro u dobi od 64 godine. Pokopan 1. 4. 1939. Grob br. 1045 Blok R Dio europski.
automatski hrvatski prijevodi s googlea
Sve pojedinosti je provjerio i referencirao obiteljski istraživač, S. Manson
Konstantin Mudrovcic's Timeline
1877 |
August 8, 1877
Novi Vinodolski, Primorsko-goranska, Croatia
1902 |
- 1908
Age 24
S.A.R, Durban, Natal, South Africa
1904 |
April 2, 1904
Durban, Natal, South Africa
1906 |
March 26, 1906
Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
1907 |
November 2, 1907
Durban, Natal, South Africa
1909 |
November 2, 1909
Durban, Natal, South Africa
1910 |
- September 1939
Age 32
S.A.R.H, Durban, Natal, South Africa
1912 |
April 13, 1912
Durban, Natal, South Africa
1915 |
March 13, 1915
Durban, Natal, South Africa