Rear Admiral Morris Robinson Slidell MacKenzie

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Rear Admiral Morris Robinson Slidell MacKenzie

Дата рождения:
Место рождения: New York, New York County, New York, United States (США)
Смерть: 16 января 1915 (66)
Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, United States (США)
Место погребения: 500 25th Street, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, 11232, United States
Ближайшие родственники:

Сын Alexander Mackenzie и Catherine Slidell
Муж Anna Clarkson MacKenzie
Брат Brevet Maj. General Ranald S. MacKenzie (USA) ("Bad Hand"); Lt. Commander Alexander S. MacKenzie (USN); Mary Slidell и Harriet Duer Slidell

Менеджер: Aaron Furtado Baldwin
Последнее обновление:

About Rear Admiral Morris Robinson Slidell MacKenzie

Admiral Morris Robinson Slidell Mackenzie

Mackenzie was born in New York City, New York, to Commodore Alexander Slidell Mackenzie and Catherine Alexander Robinson. He was the nephew of diplomat and politician John Slidell and the older brother of two United States Navy officers; Brigadier General Ranald Slidell Mackenzie and Lieutenant Commander Alexander Slidell MacKenzie. His grandfather was John Slidell, a bank president and a political power broker in New York City

Name Morris Robinson Slidell MacKenzie
Gender M (Male)
Birth Date 5 May 1848
Birth Place New York, New York, USA
Death Date 19 Jan 1915
Death Place Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, USA
Father Alexander Slidell MacKenzie
Mother Catherine Robinson
Spouse Anna Clarkson Stevens

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Хронология Rear Admiral Morris Robinson Slidell MacKenzie

5 мая 1848
New York, New York County, New York, United States (США)
16 января 1915
Возраст 66
Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, United States (США)
19 января 1915
Возраст 66
Green-Wood Cemetery, 500 25th Street, Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, 11232, United States (США)