Immediate Family
half sister
half brother
half sister
half brother
half sister
half sister
half sister
About Reverend Mr. William Sinclair, Vicar of Latheron
Vicar of Latheron in Caithness; Formerly Chaplain, Rector, or Parson of Olrick in Caithness
Reverend Mr. William Sinclair, here treated, is the bastard son of Henry Sinclair, 3rd Lord Sinclair He had letters of legitimation under the Great Seal of Scotland on 20 February 1539-40. The name of his mother is not known. The Scots Peerage VII: 572
He is noticed as the Rector of Olrick in 1544, Origines Parochiales Scotiae II/2: 787 as the prebendary there on 6 August 1549, NRS: GD96/50 as the Parson of Olrick on 3 April 1566, NRS: GD112/58/1 and as Reader there in 1574. Origines Parochiales: II/2: 763
On 10 September 1560: "at the garden of Master William Sinclair rector of Olrik it was deponed by witnesses, that George earl of Cathnes passed with John Mowat, Gilbert Mowat, Andrew Sutherland, and John Sinclair fear of Cathnes, ' in feir of wyir' to the parson of Olrik's house and manse of the kirkland of Kirklatherin, 'and intromittit thairwith and all insycht gudis and geir thair at his awin hand violentlie without order of law, puttand and removand the said persone thairfra aganis his will, as the said persone allegit.' Thereafter, on 16 September 1560: "James Higgis the procurator of Master WUliam Sinclair, in protesting for redress, declared the damage done to be the seizure of 'ane stak of beir in the uver yaird of Kirklatherin;' the breaking up of 'the lokkis and durris' of the parson's great barn, and taking thence ' the meUl, malt, and other graithe thairin ;' the breaking of the ' sellar dur, lednar dur,' and other doors in his house of Latherin ; the intromitting with his ' cornis in the nedder corne yaird of Kirklatherin,' and with ' the cornis instantlie lyand on the said grownd, scherand the tano rig and levand the tuther rig ;' and meddling also with the parson's sheep.' Between 1561 and 1566 Master William Sinclair continued to be vicar of Ladroun. Origines Parochiales: II/2: 763
Evidence from the National Records of Scotland
6 August 1549: Instrument narrating that Robert, elect confirmed of Caithness, with John Mathesone, chancellor, James Brady, archdeacon, Angus Murray, precentor, William Sinclare (Sinclair), prebendary of Olrik, and Robert Urquhart, prebendary of Kildonane (Kildonan), gave their consent, according to the bishop's mandate of 10 July, to the feuing of lands to George, Earl of Caithness, and Elizabeth, his spouse, Done in the chapter of the cathedral of Caithness. Witnesses: John, Earl of Suthirland (Sutherland), William Sinclare of Dunbeth, Alexander Ross of Balnigowin, Alexander Gordoun (Gordon), brother german of the said Earl of Suthirland, Alexander Ross, brother of the said Alexander Ross, Mr. Walter Innes, Mr. John Jaksoun (Jackson) and John Grote. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Sinclair family of Mey, Caithness, reference GD96/50
3 April 1566: Extract discharge by Mr William Sinclare, parson of Olrig, to George, earl of Caithness, for satisfaction of contract, 1 July 1563, relative to lands of Kirklatroune, of 300 merks scots, and grants said lands to be duly redeemed. Reg B of C and S, 8 August 1566. National Records of Scotland, Papers of the Campbell Family, Earls of Breadalbane , reference GD112/58/1