From Medlands
(-before 1131). Thomas Stapleton, in his "Observations on the Great Rolls of the Exchequer of Normandy" on the roll dated 1198, states that "Humphrey de Bohon" donated part of the fief of Puchay to the monastery of Saint-Leger at Préaux, with the consent of "his sons Robert and Richard", undated, but he does not cite the source reference[356]. His epithet "de Méry" suggests that this was territory inherited from his mother. Thomas Stapleton identifies Méry as "Mareium…the marshy territory along the banks of the river L´Ouve in the vicinity of le Homme, otherwise L´Isle-Marie, adjacent to the communes of Liésville on one side and of Picauville on the other" and lists various donations by individuals named "de Mareio"[357]. The dates of the documents in which Richard is named suggest that he may have been one of his father´s oldest children. "…Unfredi de Bohun et Richardi filii eius necnon Ingulfi eiusdem loci canonici…" are named as witnesses at the court of William I King of England in the charter dated to [1081] which records an agreement between the monks of Marmoutier and "Gaufridus Nervei filius"[358]. A charter dated 1092 records the claim by "Richard de Mereio son of Humfrey de Bohonio" for a field near the monastery of Bohun from the monks of Marmoutier, a settlement being confirmed by the monks receiving "one of his little sons (parvulis) Humfrey…[to] teach him until he reached the age at which he could be a monk if he wished", with the consent of "uxor eius domina Luc[i]a et filii eius Rotbertus, Hainricus, Hunfridus, Havidis filia eorum" and witnessed by "Hunfrido patre eorum, Ricardo filio suo"[359]. A charter dated 1093 records that "Richard de Mereio" confirmed the donation to the monks of St Martin made by "his father Humfrey" for "quendam monachum eiusdem loci fratrem suum…Ingelrannum who urged it on him and for love of a little boy of his whom he had given them to bring up and teach"[360]. Thomas Stapleton, in his "Observations on the Great Rolls of the Exchequer of Normandy" on the roll dated 1198, says that "in 1131 a proffer of sixty marks of silver would be owing from [Humphrey de Bohon the King´s steward] to the crown si poterit dirrationare terram de Meri", citing the 1129/30 Pipe Roll, which suggests that Richard de Méry had died before that date[361]. m (before 1092) LUCIE, daughter of ---. A charter dated 1092 records the claim by "Richard de Mereio son of Humfrey de Bohonio" for a field near the monastery of Bohun from the monks of Marmoutier, a settlement being confirmed by the monks receiving "one of his little sons (parvulis) Humfrey…[to] teach him until he reached the age at which he could be a monk if he wished", with the consent of "uxor eius domina Luc[i]a et filii eius Rotbertus, Hainricus, Hunfridus, Havidis filia eorum" and witnessed by "Hunfrido patre eorum, Ricardo filio suo"[362]. Domesday Descendants records that the mother of Ingelger [I] de Bohun was "Lucy brother of Alexander"[363].
Richard & his wife had seven children
a) ROBERT . A charter dated 1092 records the claim by "Richard de Mereio son of Humfrey de Bohonio" for a field near the monastery of Bohun from the monks of Marmoutier, a settlement being confirmed by the monks receiving "one of his little sons (parvulis) Humfrey…[to] teach him until he reached the age at which he could be a monk if he wished", with the consent of "uxor eius domina Luc[i]a et filii eius Rotbertus, Hainricus, Hunfridus, Havidis filia eorum" and witnessed by "Hunfrido patre eorum, Ricardo filio suo"[374].
b) HENRY . A charter dated 1092 records the claim by "Richard de Mereio son of Humfrey de Bohonio" for a field near the monastery of Bohun from the monks of Marmoutier, a settlement being confirmed by the monks receiving "one of his little sons (parvulis) Humfrey…[to] teach him until he reached the age at which he could be a monk if he wished", with the consent of "uxor eius domina Luc[i]a et filii eius Rotbertus, Hainricus, Hunfridus, Havidis filia eorum" and witnessed by "Hunfrido patre eorum, Ricardo filio suo"[375].
c) HUMPHREY . A charter dated 1092 records the claim by "Richard de Mereio son of Humfrey de Bohonio" for a field near the monastery of Bohun from the monks of Marmoutier, a settlement being confirmed by the monks receiving "one of his little sons (parvulis) Humfrey…[to] teach him until he reached the age at which he could be a monk if he wished", with the consent of "uxor eius domina Luc[i]a et filii eius Rotbertus, Hainricus, Hunfridus, Havidis filia eorum" and witnessed by "Hunfrido patre eorum, Ricardo filio suo"[376].
d) HAVIDE . A charter dated 1092 records the claim by "Richard de Mereio son of Humfrey de Bohonio" for a field near the monastery of Bohun from the monks of Marmoutier, a settlement being confirmed by the monks receiving "one of his little sons (parvulis) Humfrey…[to] teach him until he reached the age at which he could be a monk if he wished", with the consent of "uxor eius domina Luc[i]a et filii eius Rotbertus, Hainricus, Hunfridus, Havidis filia eorum" and witnessed by "Hunfrido patre eorum, Ricardo filio suo"[377].
e) INGELGER [I] de Bohun (-[1172]). "…Engelgerius de Bohun, Alexander de Bohun…" witnessed the charter dated to [end 1150/early Sep 1151] under which "H. dux Normannorum" granted privileges to the citizens of Rouen[378]. His grant to the priory of Saint-Georges de Bohon names his deceased first wife and his second wife[379]. Henry II King of England confirmed the property of the abbey of Blanchelande, including donations by "Engelgerius de Bohon…Ricardus Avenel…Doon Bardouf et Thomas frater eius…", by charter dated 1157[380]. The 1157 Pipe Roll records "Engelgero de Buhun" at "Blochesha", yielding ₤20, in Oxfordshire[381]. "Engelger de Bohon" donated property to St Georges de Bohun "desiring for the weal of his wife Adelisa and his father Richard de Meri" by charter dated to [1155/65][382]. The Red Book of the Exchequer records enfeoffments in the duchy of Normandy in [1172], "Engelger de Boun" with two knights and seven knights "in Costentino" in his own service[383]. m firstly MATHILDE, daughter of ---. Domesday Descendants records that Ingelger donated property to the priory of Saint-Georges de Bohon naming "a deceased wife Mathilde and…his present wife Adelise"[384]. m secondly as her second husband, ADELISE d'Aumâle, widow of ROBERT [II] Bertran Seigneur de Briquebec, daughter of ETIENNE Comte d'Aumâle & his wife Hawise de Mortemer (-before [1168]). Domesday Descendants records that Ingelger donated property to the priory of Saint-Georges de Bohon naming "a deceased wife Mathilde and…his present wife Adelise"[385]. "Adeliza daughter of [Stephen] count Albemaris" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte for the souls of "Engelger her husband and Robert Bertrand her son" by charter dated to [1151/77][386]. [The 1166/67 Pipe Roll records "Aliz de Bohun" accounting for "Aldewurda" in Berkshire[387]. The identity of "Aliz de Bohun" is uncertain, although the second wife of Ingelger [I] de Bohun is the only person with a similar name who has so far been identified around that time period. The previous year´s Pipe Roll includes no Bohun entries for Berkshire.]
f) ALEXANDER de Bohun (-[1153]). Steward of Henri Comte d'Anjou and Duke of Normandy (later Henry II King of England) at Falaise, Argentan and Domfront[388]. "…Alexandro de Bohun…" witnessed the charter dated to [1146/50] under which "G. dux Norm et comes And…" confirmed the rights of the abbey of Saint-Wandrille[389]. "…Engelgerius de Bohun, Alexander de Bohun…" witnessed the charter dated to [end 1150/early Sep 1151] under which "H. dux Normannorum" granted privileges to the citizens of Rouen[390].
g) MURIEL de Bohun . Domesday Descendants states that Savari de Beaumont married "Muriel daughter of Richard de Meri, the Norman heir of Humphrey de Bohun" but does not cite the corresponding primary source[391]. Her family origin is indicated by a charter of King Richard I dated 31 Mar 1190 confirming "Ford, Climpling, Rustinton, Presteton and Lovinto…in the county of Sussex" to "Francus de Bohun", to hold in the same way as "Savaric son of Savaric, heir of Enjulger de Bohon" had held[392]. "Savaric son of Cana and Muriel his wife" donated property to the abbey of Saint-Martin, Sees by charter dated to [1105], witnessed by "…Radulfus et Savarico filii ipsius Savarici"[393]. m SAVARY de Beaumont, son of RAOUL [V] Vicomte de Beaumont-sur-Sarthe, Vicomte du Maine & his second wife Cana --- .
h) [daughter . Thomas Stapleton, in his "Observations on the Great Rolls of the Exchequer of Normandy" on the roll dated 1198, says that "a daughter of Richard de Meri was apparently the wife of one Engelger, a Norman of the Cotentin, who in 1130 was instrumental in making peace between Henry I and his favourite Geoffrey de Clinton", referring as "proof of this conjecture" to "a recital as to tenure of certain land in Oxfordshire, which dates from the time of King John, that Hugh de Plaiz held seven hides in Bereford (Little Barford) which had been given to Richard de Meri…[who] had given them to Enjugier de Bohun in frank-marriage and…the said Enjugier gave them to the ancestor of Hugh de Plaiz", but he does not cite the source reference[394]. m ENGELGER, son of --- (-after 1130).]
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Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England
1158 |
Gloucester, Gloucestershire, England (United Kingdom)
1179 |
June 1, 1179
Age 66
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