According to a review by The Mirror from feb. 2017 as much as 85% of the internet seaches are porn-related. Appalling.
This figure can be close to cat-related searches, we mean real cats which is pretty kinky when you think about it. Cats?
As long as there has been people and rocks to carve or paint in, there has been pornography. This project is dedicated to us who find the subject, interesting, one way or another. However, more than anything, this is our tribute to the adult film (or other) entertainers.
We salute you!
- Afrodite / Venus hardly need introduction.
- Eros / Cupid, no need to elaborate.
- Priapos or Mutunus, the God of Erection.
Prior to the 70s
- Tom of Finland (1920-1991) or Touko Laaksonen, perhaps the most influential gay artist ever.
Peaking in the 70s
- Linda Lovelace and the movie, ";Deep Throat" ; (1972), brought porn movies to main stream society, and made her a star overnight and her stage name a household word.
Peaking in the 80s
- Ron Jeremy (1953-) aka. The Hedgehog. Male performer n:o 1 of all times. Comfort to the insecure men. "If he can score..." (Wikipedia) (Notable Names Database).
- Hyapathia Lee (1960-) being 1/4 Cherokee she reports to be an Indian (Wikipedia) (Notable Names Database).
- Ginger Lynn (1962-) Former spouse to Charlie Sheen and recipient of numerous awards. (Wikipedia) (Notable Names Database).
Peaking in the 90s or later
- Stormy Daniels (1979-) wants to unsettle a case against President Trump, come forward (Wikipedia) (Notable Names Database)
Hall of Fame, Eternal Flame
- Ron Jeremy (1953-)
- Tom of Finland (1920-1991) or Touko Laaksonen, perhaps the most influential gay artist ever. Perhaps the most renowned Finnish graphic artist ever.