- This was a relitavely small camp with only 44 prisoners of whom 10 died in camp.
- It opened on 24/08/1902 and already closed on 29/8/1902/
- Notes:29/8/1902: Tonkins, East London to CSRC: Camp is practically closed. Tomorrow he hands over horses to the Remounts. By Monday he hopes to have all goods cleared. The things he sent to the market are fetching good prices. Will send a detailed account of buildings and fittings in a few days. Is arranging for a caretaker. Will bring all records with him when he returns to Bloemfontein as soon as he has settled things. http://www2.lib.uct.ac.za/mss/bccd/Camp/47/East_London_RC/
The object of reproducing the list here is to see if these people can be located on Geni and perhaps develop trees from them.
- E
- Els, Ockert Johannes Martinus Francois (54) Died of ziekte
- Came from Roodepoort. Krugersdorp
- P
- Maria Elizabeth (Dorothea) Pelser (78) Died from cerebral apoplexy in 1902.
- C
- Celliers, Maria magdalena (24) 9/9/1901-24/2/1902
- From the farm Palmietfontein, Lindley, Kroonstad.
- Notes:Father Tjaart, or Sjaarl, aged about 60, on farm
This is probably the niece of Mrs Wilhelmina C Cilliers
- B
- Sister Isabella Frederica BAIN -Type:Staff
- Nationality:British
- Camp occupation:trained nurse
- Sister Bane, trained nurse, staff.
- Nationality:British
- Sister D G BRYANT, Trained nurse
- C
- Sister Ethel Collins-
- Nationality:British
- Camp occupation:trained nurse
- Notes:27/11/1902: Sr Collins Johannesburg to CSRC: Wants to remain in country; would indulgence passage be granted within a year from now.27/11/1902
- D
- A Dyason - Staff
- Camp occupation:Camp Superintendent
- Arrived 8/2/1902 - 2/11/1902
- Notes:9/1/1902: CSRC to Dyason: Offering him position as SRC of one of RCs to be formed in Cape Colony, at £550 pa, rations and tent accommodation.
14/1/1902: Dyason in reply: Accepting offer.
21/1/1902: CSRC to Dyason: Offered appointment but camps will not be formed for another 2 months; Will probably be sent to East London, but may not be to his advantage to wait.
24/1/1902: ? Johannesburg to Goold Adams: Re Buchan's letter re Dyason. Admits he was not treated as well as he might have been and thinks we owe him some consideration.
18/12/1901: H Cloete, Alphen to Smuts: Asking that something be done for Dyason. Admitted as attorney, 1890, was deputy sheriff and JP in Humansdorp; practised in PE for 2 years, and Bulawayo for 3 years. Served for 5 months with Gorringe's Flying Column as a Lieut.
- Reason departure:dismissed because no longer needed
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