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Anglo Boere Oorlog/Boer War (1899-1902) ORANGE RIVER AND ORANGE RIVER MAIN Camp/Kamp, Farm Doornbult , near Hope Town

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Orange River

People in the Orange River Camp


People who died in the Orange River camp


People in the Orange River Main Camp


No deaths here

Orange River RC

Blue names Geni Profiles

Black names Not on Geni Yet

They survived


  • Nicholaas Frederick Alberts, (35) Unique ID 73757
  • Camp History: 07/06/1901-Date departure:24/09/1901
  • Reason for departure: Send to Orange River RC
  • Farm History: Slangfontein, Boshoff


  • Camp History: Kimberley camp from 20/7/1901-7/7/1902 then transferred to Orange River RC.
  • Farm History:Gamsapan,Luckhoff, Fauresmith
  • is the father of Miss Jacoba Barnard
  • is the father of Joseph Barnard
  • is the father of Miss Mary Barnard
  • is the father of Miss Susan Barnard
  • is the father of Miss Martha Barnard
  • Camp History: 14/11/1901 (Age arrival: 28) - 10/09/1902, Reason departure: gone to farm


  • Tent 1439,3778 With family. Husband of Anna Sophia Rabie
  • Camp History: Kimberley camp from 20/7/1901-7/7/1902 then transferred to Orange River RC.
  • Farm History:Gamsapan,Luckhoff, Fauresmith


They died in the Orange River Refugee Camp




How to Participate

If you have an ancestor who was in the ABW Norvals Pont Concentration Camp:

  1. Get yourself added as a collaborator
  2. Navigate to your ancestor's profile
  3. Under the "More Actions" link choose "Add to Project"
  4. Select the ABO ===Norvals Pont ===" project

How to add a link is explained in the attached document - Adding links to Geni profiles to projects.


  • Include in the "About Me" section of each person a brief biographical sketch of their lives. Also include their Settler party and ship name and arrival date if known
  • Include a photograph/painting of your ancestor if one exists.
  • Your ancestor's profiles should be marked as "public" and not "private".
  • All included profiles should include full identifying information including birth and death dates as well as birth and death locations. It would also be very helpful if the immediate family of your pioneer ancestor, (their parents, siblings and children) profiles were public profiles also.
  • Do not make public any profiles of living people. NOTE: All POW included on this project will have their profiles editable by other collaborators of this project. The object of reproducing the list here is to see if these people can be located on Geni and perhaps develop trees from them. To take part in any project - you do need to first be a collaborator - so join the project. See the discussion Project Help: How to add Text to a Project - Starter Kit to get you going!

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