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Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Arlington, Tarrant County, Texas.

Official Website

European settlement in the Arlington area dates back at least to the 1840s. After the May 24, 1841 battle between Texas General Edward H. Tarrant and Indians of the Village Creek settlement, a trading post was established at Marrow Bone Spring in present-day Arlington. The rich soil of the area attracted farmers, and several agriculture-related businesses were well established by the late nineteenth century.

Arlington was founded in 1876 along the Texas and Pacific Railway. The city was named after General Robert E. Lee's Arlington House in Arlington County, Virginia. Arlington grew as a cotton-ginning and farming center, and incorporated on April 21, 1884.

Large-scale industrialization began in 1954 with the arrival of a General Motors assembly plant.


Cemeteries of Texas



Arlington GM Assembly

The Texas & Pacific Railway

The Fielder House