There are already 236 users and over 8,281 genealogy profiles with the Oakley surname on Geni. Explore Oakley genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
The lineage for Adam is unproven: Wife/Partner: Geava Child: Richard (FitzAdam) de OAKLEY __________ __________ _________ _________ _________ ______ ______ _____ / -- poss. David OAKLEY (his possible ...
From The Monett (Missouri) Times of Friday, Aug. 20, 1909
Mrs. Anna Oakley Rice dead.
Mrs. R. S. Rice died at her home in Rogers, Arkansas, Thursday of last week and the funeral services were held ...
Research on this ancestor appears to solve also the mystery of Margaret Mars' origins.From the Washburn Prairie Cemetery page on Ancestry: , Barbary (OAKLEY) (MEYERS)Oct. 30, 1826Armstrong Co., PAFeb. ...
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