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Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Athens County, Ohio.

Official Website

Formed on February 20, 1805, Athens County was named for Athens, Greece. Athens County was originally part of Washington County. Ohio University, the earliest institution of higher education in Ohio, was established in Athens in 1804. The county also was home to Ohio's first library, the Coonskin Library, established in 1804. It is one of the poorest counties in Ohio, and, since the 1990's, votes overwhelmingly Democrat.

Adjacent Counties

Cities, Villages & Townships

  • Albany
  • Alexander
  • Amesville
  • Athens (County Seat)
  • Bern
  • Buchtel
  • Canaan
  • Carthage
  • Chauncey
  • Coolville
  • Dover
  • Glouster
  • Jacksonville
  • Lee
  • Lodi
  • Nelsonville
  • Rome
  • Trimble
  • Troy
  • Waterloo
  • York


Cemeteries of Ohio

Other Communities

Beaumont | Beebe | Bessemer | Big Run | Burr Oak | Canaanville | Carbondale | Doanville | Frost | Garden | Glen Ebon | Gusyville | Hamley Run | Hartleyville | Hebardville | Hockingport | Ingham | King's Station | Liars Corner | Lottridge | Luhrig | Millfield | Mineral | Modoc | New England | New Floodwood | New Marshfield | Pleasanton } Pratt's Fork | Redtown | Shade | Sharpsburg | Stewart | The Plains | Torch | Utley



Wayne National Forest

National Register of Historic Places

Southeast Ohio History Center

Genealogy Trails

Ohio Gen Web

Athens County Archives