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Bohemian Brethren Cemetery, Milligan, Nebraska

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  • Edwin Matejka (1910 - 1911)
  • Emil Matejka (1877 - 1965)
    EMIL MATEJKA FILLMORE PIONEER CALLED BY DEATH Emil Matejka passed away Friday, December 17, 1965, at his home at Milligan, Neb., after three months of illness. He spent two months at the Fairbury hosp...
  • Anna Matejka (1881 - 1965)
    MRS. ANNA MATEJKA CALLED BY DEATH WHILE RESTING Mrs. Emil (Anna) Matejka passed away very unexpectedly, Thursday afternoon, July 22, 1965, while resting. She was 83 years of age. Anna Honisky, daught...
  • Alzbeta Alice Elizabeth Honicky (1846 - 1931)
    Family history article written by Gloria Marshall Borgrink: Alzbeta (Kral) Honicky was born in August 1850 (per 1900 census) in Lecice, Bohemia. She was the daughter of Vaclav Kral (said to have been ...
  • Frank Honicky (1900 - 1973)

The cemetery is located on Highway 41 and Road 23, Milligan, Fillmore County, Nebraska. It is also known as Cesky Bratri Cemetery.

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