The ship Brightman was 3 masted and weighed 334 Tons. She left London, via Cork and arrived in Holdfast Bay, now Glenelg, on the 13 December 1840
This was the last ship of emigrants to arrive before suspension due to the grave financial crisis of the colony.
If you have information on passengers or need help locating them on the tree, start a [ discussion here..]
Some of the passengers:
- Leane Family
- Smallacombe Family
- Verco
- Hannaford
- Hall
- Torrens
- Morphett
- Cornish
Pioneer Ships; No. 12- The Brightman By Ida M. Forsyth
THE Brightman, a barque of 400 tons, with 105 passengers on board, set sail from Plymouth on August 15, and arrived in South Australia on December 13, 1840. On the passenger list appeared the names of Frederick Hannaford. W. Hynes, W. Lean, Andrew Shillabeer, J. Pederick. Mrs. Gallagher, S. Lean, James C. Verco, Mrs. S. Massey, R. R. Torrens and wife. George Morphett, J. J. Selby, J. C. Steadman. Mrs. J. P. Bray, Mrs. Mark Watson, Philip Santo. William Cornish. G. Hannaford and wife, W. K. Wooldridge, William Dunn, Elizabeth Hooper, sen.
On board was Robert Richard Torrens (afterwards knighted), the originator of the Real Property Act, which has been made a model for legislation all over the world.
Brightman Descendants Miss Patsy Verco Clutterbuck, the representative of the Brightman in the Kuitpo competition, is a great-grand daughter of James C. Verco, who arrived in this ship. The late Sir Joseph Verco, so well-known in Adelaide, was a son of James C. Verco. Mr. Verco was an outstanding figure in the business world of early South Australia, and was for several years a member of Parliament. Descendants in South Australia to day of the pioneers in the Brightman include:-Dr. W. A. Verco, Dr. Stanley Verco, Dr. Clem Verco, Dr. Jack Verco, Dr. Ron Verco, Mrs. Eric McMichael, Miss E. M. Verco, Sister Olive Verco. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Verco, Mr. Phil Verco, Mrs. Stanley Clutterbuck. and Mrs. H. O'Halloran Giles.
- Pioneer Ships; No. 12--The Brightman (1936, August 17). News (Adelaide, SA : 1923 - 1954), p. 6. Retrieved August 17, 2018, from http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article131873369
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