This cemetery is located in Duncansville, Blair County, Pennsylvania. It is also known as Albaugh's Cemetery and Dunkard Cemetery.
The location information for graves is based on a 1983 survey conducted by a group of local 8th grade students. It is not based on any actual burial records, and the cemetery is apparently non-denominational (not associated with the adjacent church). The section KO or KOON is named for the family who donated the original land for the cemetery. It is the oldest section. They counted rows rather haphazardly because the monuments do not neatly follow straight lines. The number of the grave is only for those graves with monuments. Counting from the parking lot, the number represents the monument's position in the row.
The survey was conducted 40 years ago, and stones have continued to deteriorate and may have tipped over. Markers for veterans may also have disappeared.