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  • Prudence Calabrese
    Psychic, Remote Viewer, and Author
  • Lyn Buchanan
    Remote Viewer and Author
  • Courtney Brown
    Courtney Brown (born 1952) is an American political scientist and parapsychologist who is an associate professor in the political science department at Emory University. He is known for promoting the...
  • Captain Skip Atwater
    Remote Viewer and Writer
  • Ingo Swann (1933 - 2013)
    Ingo Douglass Swann (September 14, 1933 – January 31, 2013) was an American psychic, artist, and author, whose claims of clairvoyance were investigated as a part of the Central Intelligence Agency’s ...

According to legend, psychic and clairvoyant powers are often passed down from mother to daughter. Profiles added to this Project might demonstrate this phenomenon.

A clairvoyant is someone with the ability to experience psychic phenomena in a visual way. This differs from the other three methods of communication - clairaudience (hearing), clairscentience (feeling) and clairgustance (smelling).

A psychic is not necessarily a medium, but a medium has psychic gifts. Mediums communicate with spirits such as those who have died, spirit guides, angels, etc.

Mediums rely on the presence of non-physical energy outside of themselves to receive information. For those who practice mediumship, their role is to make connections with and deliver messages from people who are no longer living to those who are alive. A medium acts as the go-between for this side and the other, sometimes using trance channelling to allow themselves to completely go “out” and allow a spirit to take over their body. Some psychics can use automatic writing to channel the spirit.

Clairvoyance is using one’s ability to gain knowledge or information that is beyond normal human perception. It is a form of extra sensory perception, rather than a deliberate seeking out of spirits, angels or souls. A psychic who uses clairvoyance might be able to tell you things about your past, present and future using intuitive gifts. In contrast, a medium is someone might establish contact to a departed loved one.

Spiritualism is a religious movement based on the belief that the spirits of the dead exist and have both the ability and the inclination to communicate with the living. The afterlife, or the "spirit world", is seen by spiritualists, not as a static place, but as one in which spirits continue to evolve. These two beliefs — that contact with spirits is possible, and that spirits are more advanced than humans — lead spiritualists to a third belief, that spirits are capable of providing useful knowledge about moral and ethical issues, as well as about the nature of God. Some spiritualists will speak of a concept which they refer to as "spirit guides"—specific spirits, often contacted, who are relied upon for spiritual guidance.

This Project does not advocate the use of psychics, clairvoyants, spiritualists or mediums. Its' purpose is to list profiles of persons who claimed to have these powers and to see how many maternal lines of inheritance of such powers can be found in family trees.

According to legend, psychic and clairvoyant powers are often passed down from mother to daughter. Profiles added to this Project might demonstrate this phenomenon.

A clairvoyant is someone with the ability to experience psychic phenomena in a visual way. This differs from the other three methods of communication - clairaudience (hearing), clairscentience (feeling) and clairgustance (smelling).

A psychic is not necessarily a medium, but a medium has psychic gifts. Mediums communicate with spirits such as those who have died, spirit guides, angels, etc.

Mediums rely on the presence of non-physical energy outside of themselves to receive information. For those who practice mediumship, their role is to make connections with and deliver messages from people who are no longer living to those who are alive. A medium acts as the go-between for this side and the other, sometimes using trance channelling to allow themselves to completely go “out” and allow a spirit to take over their body. Some psychics can use automatic writing to channel the spirit.

Clairvoyance is using one’s ability to gain knowledge or information that is beyond normal human perception. It is a form of extra sensory perception, rather than a deliberate seeking out of spirits, angels or souls. A psychic who uses clairvoyance might be able to tell you things about your past, present and future using intuitive gifts. In contrast, a medium is someone might establish contact to a departed loved one.

Spiritualism is a religious movement based on the belief that the spirits of the dead exist and have both the ability and the inclination to communicate with the living. The afterlife, or the "spirit world", is seen by spiritualists, not as a static place, but as one in which spirits continue to evolve. These two beliefs — that contact with spirits is possible, and that spirits are more advanced than humans — lead spiritualists to a third belief, that spirits are capable of providing useful knowledge about moral and ethical issues, as well as about the nature of God. Some spiritualists will speak of a concept which they refer to as "spirit guides"—specific spirits, often contacted, who are relied upon for spiritual guidance.

This Project does not recommend the use of psychics, clairvoyants, spiritualists or mediums. It's purpose is to list profiles of persons who claimed to have these powers and to see how many maternal lines of inheritance of such powers can be found in family trees.