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Czech Architects

From wikipedia:

Czech Architects. En, Hu, Sl, Gag

See also: List of architects, List of Czech people

< BACK to Czech portal

"Czech Women in Architecture"

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How can I add a profile to this project. See here how to add a profile to the project. Later when you done, make a link on the name below on the list where is mention name of person.

Please follow this steps:

  1. Please add profiles to this project if they are on this list (they need to be public, not private)
  2. For live people please make a normal link on the name in list below, make a bold for the deceased.
  3. If a some person is not on the list, just free add and update on the list below

Read: Wikipedia’s Women Problem, article by James Gleick, from NYR Daily, The New York Review of Books, date April 29, 2013,


A - M

  • Jakub Auguston
  • František Bílek
  • Heinrich Blum
  • Josef Chochol
  • Kilián Ignác Dientzenhofer
  • Kryštof Dientzenhofer
  • DRNH architects
  • Alois Dryák
  • Otto Eisler
  • Karl Ernstberger
  • Josef Fanta
  • Bedřich Feuerstein
  • Daniela Filipiová
  • Zdeněk Fránek
  • Bohuslav Fuchs
  • František Lydie Gahura
  • Josef Gočár
  • Josef Hlávka
  • Josef Hoffmann
  • Vlastislav Hofman
  • Jan Vladimír Hráský
  • Karel Hubáček
  • Pavel Janák
  • Eva Jiřičná
  • František Maxmilián Kaňka
  • Jan Kaplický
  • Jan Kotěra
  • Jaromír Krejcar
  • Jiří Kroha
  • Kuba & Pilař architects
  • Jan Letzel
  • Evžen Linhart
  • Adolf Loos
  • Vlado Milunić
  • Josef Mocker

N - Z

  • Milada Petříková-Pavlíková
  • Anton Pilgram
  • Osvald Polívka
  • Antonín Raymond
  • Matěj Rejsek
  • Benedikt Rejt
  • Jan Blažej Santini-Aichel
  • Svatopluk Sládeček
  • Markéta Veselá
  • Rudolf Wels
  • Josef Zítek

Čeští architekti

From wikipedia:

Czech Architects. En, Hu, Sl, Gag

See also: List of architects, List of Czech people

< BACK to Czech portal

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Your participation are welcome in this project. For join to this project (select ACTIONS (top right) and click Join Project) if you are or would like to become a part and participation of this project.
For instructions on how to use Geni, refer to the Geni Help Portal
For any question, please using a field for discussion in project, [here].

How can I add a profile to this project. See here how to add a profile to the project. Later when you done, make a link on the name below on the list where is mention name of person.

Please follow this steps:

  1. Please add profiles to this project if they are on this list (they need to be public, not private)
  2. For live people please make a normal link on the name in list below, make a bold for the deceased.
  3. If a some person is not on the list, just free add and update on the list below


A - M

  • Jakub Auguston
  • František Bílek
  • Heinrich Blum
  • Josef Chochol
  • Kilián Ignác Dientzenhofer
  • Kryštof Dientzenhofer
  • DRNH architects
  • Alois Dryák
  • Otto Eisler
  • Karl Ernstberger
  • Josef Fanta
  • Bedřich Feuerstein
  • Daniela Filipiová
  • Zdeněk Fránek
  • Bohuslav Fuchs
  • František Lydie Gahura
  • Josef Gočár
  • Josef Hlávka
  • Josef Hoffmann
  • Vlastislav Hofman
  • Jan Vladimír Hráský
  • Karel Hubáček
  • Pavel Janák
  • Eva Jiřičná
  • František Maxmilián Kaňka
  • Jan Kaplický
  • Jan Kotěra
  • Jaromír Krejcar
  • Jiří Kroha
  • Kuba & Pilař architects
  • Jan Letzel
  • Evžen Linhart
  • Adolf Loos
  • Vlado Milunić
  • Josef Mocker

N - Z

  • Milada Petříková-Pavlíková
  • Anton Pilgram
  • Osvald Polívka
  • Antonín Raymond
  • Matěj Rejsek
  • Benedikt Rejt
  • Jan Blažej Santini-Aichel
  • Svatopluk Sládeček
  • Markéta Veselá
  • Rudolf Wels
  • Josef Zítek