Popis poginulih Splićana u NOB-u za vrijeme 2 svjetskog rata Izvor : Doprinos Hrvata Splićana antifašizmu, Popis poginulih u borbi na Sutjesci, 15. svibnja - 16. lipnja 1943. Kazalo : prezime, u zagradama - ime oca, ime osobe, godina rođenja, nacionalnost, uzrok smrti, godina smrti, mjesto smrti (NN ili Nn) = znači ime oca Nikola
This is intended as a portal for families projects from Croatia. If you have created a project for your family, please link it and add it to this project on the alphabetical list. Both versions are available in Croatian and English, so please update the same link from the Family surname geni project link when you updating on the list below. If yours families surname is from different place...
Czech Composers From wikipedia: Czech Composers, En , De , Sl , alphabet list See also : Czech Music Information Centre List of 20th-century and contemporary composers, compiled and maintained by the Czech Music Information Centre (Prague) < BACK to Czech portal Please join us! Your participation are welcome in this project. For join to this project (select ACTIONS (top right) and c...
Please add profiles to this project if they are on this list (they need to be public, not private) Ako je netko od ovih ličnosti u vašem obiteljskom stablu, dodajte ih u ovaj projekat (trebali bi biti javni, ne privatni) This project includes list of famous croatian lawyers Hvatski pravnici / Croatian lawyers , list Note: Free update and add on the list below Directory of lawyers and l...
Nahodište Split / Foundling Home Split==This is a project for orphaned and abandoned children who were taken care in orphanage in SplitThis project is a part and subproject of Hrvatsko Rodoslovlje, Dalmacija, Split / Croatian Genealogy, Dalmatia, Split * Foundling book (Knjiga nahočadi) 1858-1893 * Roman Catholic (Rimokatolička crkva) Split (Pokrajinska Bolnica) Births (Rođeni) 1878-1894, Death...
Split's Immigrants from other Countries by the Beginning of 19th Century and Their SurnamesAt the beginning of the 19th century, Split has seen a rapid increase in population by influx of people migrating from all over Dalmatia, the Apennine peninsula, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and some Mediterranean and European countries. They were doctors, administrative staff, music teachers, craftsmen, s...
Ovo je glavni projekt stranica o Hrvatskim katoličkim svećenicima / This is an umbrella project page about Croatian Roman Catholic priests Please add profiles to this project if they are on this list (they need to be public, not private) Ako je netko od ovih ličnosti u vašem obiteljskom stablu, dodajte ih u ovaj projekat (trebali bi biti javni, ne privatni) Hrvatski katolički svećenici ...
Akademici HAZU, Hr , Memebrs of the Croatian Academy of Scienes and Arts, En A Josip Adamček Gaja Alaga Nikša Allegretti Kosta Angeli Radovani Ivan Aralica Smiljko Ašperger
Famous people from Prague===From wikipedia: En , See also : Cz , De , Nl , Bs * List of Czech people ===== < BACK to Czech portal ===== Please join us! Your participation are welcome in this project. For join to this project (select ACTIONS (top right) and click Join Project) if you are or would like to become a part and participation of this project.
From 1797 to 1828 they are mentioned in Split from the nearest surrounding the following surname:Sources:* Split's Immigrants by the Beginning of 19th Century and Their Surnames, from Croatia , article online on croatioan (pdf) , Nevenka Bezić-Božanić: Čakavska rič : Polugodišnjak za proučavanje čakavske riječi, Vol.XVI No.1 July 1988. * Split - city of immigrants , web article VRANJIC : - Bari...
Ovaj projekt je dio projekta Hrvatsko Rodoslovlje - Dalmacija, Splitski requiem 1999.-2000. / Croatian Genealogy – Dalmatia, of Split requiem 1999.-2000. Ovaj projekt je podprojekt od / This project is a subproject of: Split i Splićani Please add profiles to this project if they are on this list (they need to be public, not private) Ako je netko od ovih ličnosti u vašem obiteljskom stabl...
Croatians in Madrid and Spain==This project is part of the project Hrvatsko Rodoslovlje / Croatian Genealogy about Croats in Madrid, Spain, a subproject of Hrvatska Dijaspora / Croatian Diaspora , related to Spain Geni Portal and with others.* Hrvati u Španjolskoj / Croats in Spain, Hr , List from Wikipedia * Hrvati u Madridu / Croatians in Madrid , article from Matica hrvatska, Hrvatska revija...
subproject of HNK HAJDUK Profili svih Hajdukovih igrača od 1911. do danas Nogometaši Hajduka / HNK Hajduk Split players Abecedni popis nogometaša Hajduka Dodatak Popis nogometaša Hajduka A Edvard Abazi Temurhuja Abduholikov Zdenko Adamović Said Ahmed Said Goran Alar Hugo Almeida Velimir Aljinović Vojko Andrijašević Srđan Andrić Franko Andrijašević Stjepan...
Ovaj projekt uključuje abecedni popis (po prezimenu) svih hrvatskih nogometaša (muških i ženskih) . This project include an alphabetical list ( by surname) of all Croatian football players (male and female) . Slobodno dodajte profile u ovaj projekt, ili ažurirajte popis ukoliko ime osobe nije navedeno pod abecednim slovom prezimena. Feel free to add profiles to this project, or update the li...
Greatest Czech / Největší Čech=== Největší Čech (The Greatest Czech) is the Czech spin-off of the BBC Greatest Britons show ; a television poll of the populace to name the greatest Czech in history.The series was broadcast by the national public-service broadcaster, Česká televize. The presenter of the programme was Marek Eben , who was also nominated to be in the Top 100; however, since he was...
1. YoungHoon Kim, IQ 276 As of 2024, YoungHoon Kim established the Official World Record® for the title "The World's Highest IQ Person Now" with IQ 276 at the only world record certification body accredited by the Council of the Notariats of the European Union, and his record accreditation as having the world’s highest IQ comes from the World Mind Sports Council, World Memory Championships, W...
Državna nagrada za šport "Franjo Bučar" najviše je priznanje koje Republika Hrvatska dodjeljuje za iznimna postignuća i doprinos od osobitog značenja za razvoj športa u Republici Hrvatskoj. Nagrada od 1991. nosi ime po začetniku hrvatskog sporta dr. Franji Bučaru, a nastala je kao sljednica nagrada SR Hrvatske: Majska nagrada fizičke kulture i Republička nagrada fizičke kulture. Hr | En Nag...
Czech Writers From wikipedia: Czech Writers, En , Cz , De , Fr , Hu , Sl , alphabet list See also : Czech literatura.cz , Czech Literature , Czech spisovatelů < BACK to Czech portal
Czech Actresses From wikipedia: Czech Actresses. En , alphabet list See also : Czech actresses , Czech people , List of Czech woman , Czech people by occupation < BACK to Czech portal Please join us! Your participation are welcome in this project. For join to this project (select ACTIONS (top right) and click Join Project) if you are or would like to become a part and participation ...
This is a project of city administrators and city administration holders in Split in history. This project is part of the Croatian Genealogy of - Dalmatia, Split and subproject of: Split i Splićani City administrators, holders in Split, Dalmatia in history List of city administrators, holders, captains of Split , from Wikipedia Mletačka Republika, Hr | Doges of Venice , useful lists fr...
University of Zagreb , Hr The University of Zagreb (Croatian: Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Latin: Universitas Studiorum Zagrabiensis) is a public research university in Zagreb, Croatia. It is the largest Croatian university and one of the oldest continuously operating universities in Europe.[4] The University of Zagreb and the University North are the only public universities operating in Northern ...
Ancient historians Ancient historians project is a sub-project and part of: Ancient Greece , Historians , Prominent Historians and Philosophers and other related Geni projects around in whole World. Please join us! Your participation are welcome in this project. For join to this project (select ACTIONS (top right) and click Join Project) if you are or would like to become a part and particip...
Hrvatski povjesničari / Croatian historians Hvatski povjesničari, Hr Croatian historians, En , list from wikipedia A Kajo Adžić Mladen Ančić Nikola Andrić Stanko Andrić Mirko Androić Pavao Anđelić Vinko Antić Stjepan Antoljak Franjo Marija Appendini Mato Artuković B Ambroz Bačić Slaven Bačić Andrija Balović Marko Matikola Balović Tripo Balović Vicko Bal...
The Greatest Croatian (Croatian: Najveći Hrvat) was a poll conducted over five weeks in 2003 by the Croatian weekly Nacional . The public was invited to vote via the magazine's website, text messages and postcards to determine the "Greatest Croatian" in history. Almost 8,000 votes were received during the course of the poll (6,507 via Internet, 520 text messages and 752 postcards), and the fin...