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Darlington County, South Carolina

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  • Dr. Horace Williamson (1827 - 1895)
  • Drury Reaves (c.1744 - c.1792)
    More research is needed for this profile. It is unclear who Drury Reaves, Sr. married. The info below is on Drury Reaves, Jr. Not sure who added it, but thanks. SF. Copying for profile of Drury Jr. ...
  • Col. David Robert Wingate, (CSA) (1819 - 1899)
    David Robert Wingate, early Texas planter and industrialist, son of Robert Potter and Pherobee (Kelly) Wingate, was born in Darlington County, South Carolina, on February 20, 1819. At an early age he m...
  • William Alva Small (1846 - 1921)
  • James Clyde Halford (1886 - 1967)

Please add profiles of those who were born, lived or died in Darlington County, South Carolina.

Darlington County was named by an act in March 1785.

Official Website

Adjacent Counties

Cities, Towns & Communities

  • Clyde
  • Darlington (County Seat)
  • Hartsville
  • Lamar
  • Lydia
  • North Hartsville
  • Society Hill


Cemeteries of South Carolina


National Register of Historic Places

Darlington County Plantations

Genealogy Trails

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Darlington County, SC African American Genealogy

Roots & Recall


US Gen Web

South Carolina Pioneers