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Eagle Point National Cemetery

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  • Mary Lou Hulbert (1925 - 2017)
    Residence : 1930 - Precinct 20, Yamhill, Oregon, United States* Residence : 1940 - McMinnville, Yamhill, Oregon, United States** Reference: FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy : May 31 2023, 16:57:04 UTC
  • John Read Hulbert, Jr (1922 - 2004)
    Military service : Sep 17 1942 - Portland, Oregon, United States* Residence : 1930 - Multnomah, Oregon* Residence : 1935 - Same House, ,* Residence : 1940 - Portland City Election Precinct 59, Portland...
  • Oral Edward Laurence (1929 - 2009)
    Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy : Jun 11 2021, 23:29:16 UTC
  • Sgt. Geno Carl Simpson (1896 - 1976)
  • Beatrice Alma Olberding (1922 - 2018)


Eagle Point National Cemetery is a United States National Cemetery located 14 miles northeast of Eagle Point, Jackson County of the U.S. state of Oregon.

2763 Riley Road, Eagle Point, Oregon 97524, USA

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