On March 30, 1901, Christ and Kristine Molde sold 2.5 acres to The Trustees of The Scandinavian Congregational Church in SW1/4NE1/4 Section 28 Township 128 North Range 31 West. On January 8, 1903, Christ Molde, Haaken Molde and Jens Nelson as Trustees of the Scandinavian Congregational Church sold the 2.5 acres to The Scandinavian Congregational Church.
At one time the cemetery became known as the Swedish Mission Cemetery as shown in the Morrison County Historical Society's list of cemeteries. When the church was torn down, the cemetery name was changed to East Swanville Cemetery and as the plaque shows, the church became the East Swanville Congregational Church.
75th Street (County Road 226)
Swanville, Morrison County, Minnesota