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"Elizabeth" 1818 (Convict Ship) Ireland to NSW, Australia

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"Elizabeth" was a convict ship built in 1809 that made multiple journeys to Australia

  1. (Convict Ship) departed England on 4/6/1816 and arrived in Sydney, NSW, Australia on 5/10/1816 (153 male convicts)
  2. (Convict Ship) departed Cork, Ireland on 26/7/1818 and arrived in Sydney, NSW, Australia on 19/11/1818 (101 female convicts)
  3. (Convict Ship) departed The Downs, England on 18/8/1820 and arrived in Sydney, NSW, Australia on 31/12/1820 (171 male convicts)

A different ship called "Eliza" also made multiple journeys to Australia

  • Eliza (Convict Ship) departed Cork, Ireland 19/7/1827 and arrived NSW, Australia on 8/11/1827 (192 male convicts)
  • Eliza (Convict Ship) departed Cork Ireland on 2/3/1829 and arrived NSW, Australia on 20/6/1829 (171 male convicts)
  • Eliza (Convict Ship) departed Portsmouth, England 6/2/1831 and arrived Tasmania, Australia on 29/5/1831 (224 male convicts)

A different ship called "Elizabeth" built in 1805 also made a journey to Australia

  • Elizabeth (Convict Ship) departed England on 26/6/1836 and arrived NSW, Australia on 12/10/1836

This project is for the second journey which departed Cork, Ireland on 26/7/1818 and arrived in Sydney, NSW, Australia on 19/11/1818 (101 female convicts)