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Emigracija į JAV iš Daugėliškio valsčiaus

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  • Motiejus Ragaišis (1895 - 1929)
    Name Cecelia Ragaiszis Cecelia Ragaiszis's Spouses and Children Mike Ragaiszis Husband M 32 years Degoleshis, Lithuania Name Mike Ragaiszis Sex Male Birth Date 23 February 1896 Birth Year (Estimated)...
  • Veronika Šalnienė (c.1893 - d.)
  • Liudvikas Lastakauskas (1893 - 1976)
    At a age of 18 years old Liudvik'as (year 1911) went on a life time adventure with a big dream. The dream of a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity f...
  • Alexandra Rastenis (1895 - 1918)
    See TIMELINE TAB for links to Records
  • Anupras Ragaišis (1891 - 1929)
    TIMELINE TAB for links to records